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Everything posted by Spoonie

  1. i was never a great fan at the start, then i warmed to then when i got hold of some recorded stuff i quite liked it. would be keen to hear how they sound these days. spoons /x
  2. that's not how it would have happened. i'd have driven you directly to your door and ensured your safe passage! and then, in the next scene, you'd have voted me for VP Education on Wednesday as a thank-you and as recognition that i would make excellent use of the position to the benefit of the students of the University of Glasgow. and the soundtrack would have been provided by HG#1, thus making this post relevant to the thread! spoons /x
  3. aye, it used to be among my roundup of message boards but i've not been for a while. i'm on the mailing list and i do like to check out the news section when their mailouts come through to keep up with what the kids are up to! /x
  4. jockrock news reckons they have an album ready to go later this month via snowstorm records. anybody know anything else about this? good effort guys! spoons /x
  5. surely this is investingating. finding out all the options before maving forward. i believe they call it 'making an informed decision' or is this website just for threads about 'who's the biggest dick on the internet ever' and 'here's some reasons why i like to argue with everything you type' spoons /x
  6. right to repent? i thought so to! go team god! spoons /x
  7. the scottish premier of the film is on friday in the UGC in glasgow. 6 days before general release. as a member of staff i might just pop along spoons /x
  8. he could get his friend old samuel on the case!! /x
  9. on my last saturday night at home before moving to glasgow for uni, me and 5 friends got shitfaced and then roped in 2 sober others (one of whom was black atom bassist 'hardcore' erskine) to drive us round laurencekirk and steal milk bottles from peoples doorsteps. it was a competition, car vs car. the following day, the police were on the phone to one of the drivers after there had been a call from a pissed off milkman. cue interviews during which the police called us 'the fromage four' (even though there were eight of us) and made remarks like "we'd have offered you some coffee but some pricks stole all the milk." 25 fine from the procurator fiscal plus the cost of the milk. incidentally, we won with somewhere in the region of forty bottles. spoons /x
  10. on of my mates is still scared of the poddington peas. he's 22. spoons /x
  11. i remember getting interest from hackpen who came all the way up from somewhere in the deep and dirty south (possibly cornwall) to see us play the lemon tree and then signed small enclosed area. that was a great night!! spoons /x
  12. just been along to vote in the 'glasgow north' constituency. i appeared on my card as Watthew Davies! they didn't ask any questions tho, just laughed and on it went. getting extra votes through the system would be a very easy thing to do, but it'd take a massive amount of effort before it made any impact and with that kind of organised effort, your chance of getting caught increase hugely. spoons /x
  13. it certainly is. nice the way the artwork from the CD kinda comes to life online. sexy!
  14. skinnyman - council estate of mind saul williams - saul williams will smith - lost and found 3 hiphop classics!! spoons /x
  15. what are you talking about, it's ALWAYS cool to be rollin' wit da bizkit! spoons /x
  16. for me it's either SAHB, frankie miller or wet wet wet all fucking ace! spoons /x
  17. my favourite penny arcade comics: http://www.penny-arcade.com/view.php3?date=2000-06-26&res=l http://www.penny-arcade.com/view.php3?date=2002-08-28&res=l love it! /x
  18. i think your computer is one of those old ones that doesn't accept pictures spoons /x
  19. will also have to dig that album out. it's been ages since i listened to it. koala tea spoons /x
  20. but damn scary!!! spoons /x
  21. that's fucking outstanding!!!! spoons /x
  22. the original appetite for destruction cover was a classic. spoons /x
  23. i need to get back up to the 'deen and get beastin into some of these ales. me like ales much! spoons /x
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