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Everything posted by Jenni.

  1. Any idea where to get tickets for the Edinburgh show? [edit] - not on sale yet.
  2. I got all five cans "I'm kissing the phone for you my darling!" "crispy chips mother of pringles!" Oh Sanjeev.
  3. That verbalicious girl. The fact she's also a complete moron makes the hate grow stronger.
  4. So... Today I heard that neighbours is ending. Word is they're going to re-introduce all the old characters for a mass reunion. The End.
  5. Oh my. Glasgow first, Edinburgh last. Which to go to?
  6. Jenni, obviously has been a sticker. There was a time when Jiney was popular amongst the masses, and/or vagina on occasion.
  7. Jenni.

    new single

    Nifty. ...I should really get round to getting your album one of these days.
  8. It copies itself and sends it to everyone in your contact list. My little brother got it. Fools.
  9. I'll second the bride vs. the crazy 88. Best moment in the whole film when she's in the room upstairs and all the lights go out leaving silhouettes against the blue light. It's too good.
  10. local artist Sandra Johnston and as mentioned in the last thread, Chuck Close.
  11. I quite wanted to go see her. I couldn't persuade anyone to come though. WooWooo-oo
  12. Woke up at 7.15... looked out my window...looked at my phone "hockey's cancelled. x" DECENT Got up at 1.
  13. My little brother has made more from selling a few rubber bands than he gets from 2 months pocket money. What an entrepeuner, we're all so proud. To be fair he's selling the onelife ones, which, were free, and which, were intended to raise "awareness" not charity so if suckers want to pay 13 a time to look like they are aware then that's up to them. The yellow livestrong bands you can still buy from the official site for a dollar each, so people buying them on ebay are just downright stupid. There's another load of pink breast cancer ones coming, I know somebody that works in the store, they all sold out really quickly. There are white poverty bands in oxfam right now for 1. As for the black and white racism ones I've only heard of them being sold in nike stores or given out to national squads like hockey and fitba players.
  14. I'm so sure I got around 15400 last night. I'll have to give it another shot for some proof... that's my Friday night sorted. .....Right, edited, having realised that was a complete lie. I can get past 12000 a nice attempt.
  15. I like how you can tell he's just listing all the stuff that's sitting in front of him. It would be pretty good if he was your brother, then you could make him sing on demand, like a court jester. On the down side he'd eat all your cake.
  16. yeah, he probably had to borrow the phone of the hagen daas man who came over to ask if he was alright as he wept in a corner. I love the pictures, I'd have gone. Poor Camie.
  17. I use the mercora network for my radio. Each user streams their own tunes from their own music files. It's pretty good for listening to stuff from people with really similar music tastes.
  18. I think Gemma the rich one was funniest. "I'm not spoiled because...... let me think....."
  19. ...is back on channel 4. I freakin' love this show.
  20. Woop.. I'd vote for Holly. A girl in my class is going to the x-factor auditions.
  21. I don't know.. and if you are still awake.. why didn't I see you out and about eh?
  22. Yes. I am now a big person. So nobody is allowed to pat me on the head in that patronising fashion anymore. I got a chocolate penis and a flump for my birthday. What more could a gal ask for.
  23. was going to begin a similar thread... It's hard to actually listen and take in the "education" part when you're watching them peeling a man's skin off.
  24. Chuck Close for his style and new ideas... Wassily Kandinsky for his colour... I also agree with a lot of the names already mentioned.
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