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Everything posted by Jenni.

  1. Amy, Amy, Milner already posted that one.
  2. I smell a cheat. Bet you got Mum to do it.
  3. Haha, ace, my Mum always does that. I shall swiftly inform the authorities.
  4. Wow, O.C was worth staying in for, dramatic climax ahoy. Why did someone keep shouting "Seth Cohen is a tool" at the prom, eh? Bizarre.
  5. I met her, she was terribly gurmpy and her skin looked like leather. Not hot. Hah, my friend did go up to her and accidentally ask if she was Ulrika Johnson. Less than impressed.
  6. I freakin' love rounders, best team sport ever. But y'know, O.C's on...
  7. Well, incidentally, I'd say they were. They were so lovely, I haven't heard a violin played well in a long, long time. Damn the school orchestra. They made me feel happy inside.
  8. beer, icky, ooch, dirt, besh (one to five in Turkish) (phonetically of course)
  9. Ooh la la! Il y a une mouche dans ma potage!
  10. Haven't heard anything about it, but my guess would be city moves. I went to a hip hop workshop there, it was awesome!
  11. Farts. I can't get the link to work at all.
  12. You can just git out. I did it again, you must have put me off. I wrote down how you do it as well because I am a nerd.
  13. Don't be silly, only later on. I think there was just a bit of confusion when we went.
  14. Desperation... Any offers over a penny? I will even consider trading for livestock.
  15. Done it. I love stuff like that. Proof available upon request
  16. Standing tickets, I can't go anymore. Offers over face price of 41.20. I'm no swindler.
  17. I spied that too. It was steamy. I know of him' date=' didn't he move to Australia? He had the hots for my friend for a bit. you went to Albyn? I don't want to meet any of you, I'm content as a stalker.
  18. I believe in consequence, not karma.
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