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Jim Stax

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Everything posted by Jim Stax

  1. Top stuff chaps. Very nice to hear a relevant popularist (one of those words that shouts spell check but was invented by the art establishment to cater for a need and is generally a good thing) young band in Aberdeen. Before anyone shouts at me I don't see or hear many bands these days, currently through choice... But this does jump out at me more than most lately!:up: Great recording too even though it was listened to on Myspace. Plaudits again for Mark
  2. I heard the Saints fans kicked it off by jumping a wall and getting tore in. That said the very presence of gers fans means they started it no matter where they are!
  3. Some crazy prices mentioned on here about Kaka. Lets set it straight its nowhere near 100million. 91million is closer to the correct figure.o_O Stupid fucking money!!!!
  4. Announcement PUBLIC ANNOUNCEMENT! We would like to state for the record and in this worldly sensitive time that the 'hell bound' section of the TTA blurb is purely a throwback, retro, rock n roll special effect and we do not actually claim to be league with Beelzebub. Many thanks from the lovely men at TTA central:up:
  5. he was in for a third but for a cracking save... Caldo mentioned in the post match interview how he didn't realise 'Miller had asked for the last two games off but was glad he made it along tonight' Fricken 4th now. For a whilee:up:
  6. That should please everyone in the league below for next season
  7. Ah, remember the good old days... I think we can claim this as Tupelo Town Assembly's 'arriving on the scene' gig being we are predominantly a vocal band now and not the instrumental band we started out as in the fifities.:up:
  8. No room for a girl because of drums may be one of the definitions
  9. I haven't seen anything in here to suggest that musicians creating their own music consider themselves more adept musicians than their compadres playing covers. I consider myself a well rounded but not that technically proficient a drummer with some drummers in covers bands able to rip strips off me. But ask me to lay down a beat that is a little off the standard trail and I have no problem creating something where as four on the floor standard response will be expected from my covers expert. No hierarchy what so ever and simply horses for courses but personally my drive comes from creativity both playing and listening. My father pounded the boards across social clubs etc in a covers bands for many years and to this day he cant string three chords together unless its from an existing song. I do go to the Globe now and again for a laugh. The seriousness of some musicians and what I see as belief that they think they are in some way contributing to music industry growth makes me giggle... This latter statement is a softening of attitude as I used to get annoyed about covers bands. Currently making some fine noises with my band and we far too easily slip into some classic tunes and then laugh/cringe at how close we are to being a cover band.o_O:laughing:
  10. Dancer!!!!!! Just speaking about them the other day and when they would be playing the 'deen next:up:
  11. 'Death to the corporate chains and all hail the rise of the independent and local businesses' Well, sort of. Don't want to see anyone out of a job and unemployment going up. Interestingly, at the Cultural Enterprise Office we have seen a rise in the amount of people looking to step out on their own (seek advice) and work for themselves due to all this instability. 'Nothing to lose by trying' mentality is having positive effects on the cultural sector. Weird huh:up: J
  12. How stoopid of me. Yeah I do mean Harley Quinn... I was getting my fiction and my uber fiction mixed up:up: She's a sexy wee minx eh
  13. He may think twice about scoring if he has to end up at the bottom of a pilee on like that one today:up::up::up: Dons are starting to look like a class act!
  14. Best left to the imagination... Cant beat fantasizing over a cartoon character. I have always had the hots for Holly the Joker from Batman the animated series' sidekick. Have I said too much?o_O
  15. *heads straight to website to order beer based on this piece alone* Power to the small guy that knows what he is doing!
  16. I too say 'This Will Destroy You'. Some additional electronica mixed in for good measure. Labradford one of my fave bands and helped me write my dissertations:up:
  17. He doesn't speak because he has a knackered voice box...
  18. Did you sign a coaster for them? Was looking at the dons annual today and my loon was laughing at the 'skills With Foster' page. He suggested the the 'Stray Pass' isn't that good a skill to learn. Rather witty for 11 and we chuckled our way out of the dons shop.
  19. The passing has been not too bad of late, well, improving. Short snappy passes seem to be working for them instead of the long ball shite that has been passed off as our passing for most of last season and the start of this one..
  20. Well said that man... You tell em Rob:up: The, smallish and tricky, text I have on my fore arm from one of the RR guys is perfect and better than I can write with a pen. Clearly not a professional?o_O
  21. 10pm (correct me if I'm wrong anyone) certainly waaaaaay past shop closing time so you wont have any worries of a wasted journey.
  22. How late is later Kilau is open late normally
  23. Well The pen at the weekend was a foul against Macdonald. Id say Miller is less prone to being knocked over these days. He does get some clatterings from the opposition though many of which should be fouls and are never given so the law of averages balances things out I would say. So you just leave our big Lee alone! We will get the last laugh as he repeatedly skins your lumbering defenders and peppers your goaly with shots!
  24. Fuck Christmas, let's shop! A working title for 09 comp?
  25. Do I have to bum everyone that says nice things? I mean, Im happy too and all that but will need to check with the missus first:up: Oh Alan, I had Chevy on the phone asking about his royaltieso_O Jumped up Hollywood types eh I will say that quality of all the recordings is top notch and shows how easy it is to be DIY these days!
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