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Jim Stax

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Everything posted by Jim Stax

  1. A nice simple way to see how 'expensive everything' is getting these days. Accumulative costs of every part of touring results in these ticket prices. The small amount of profit, from ticket sales, at the end of a tour may surprise us. Now spare a though for local promoters and the fees they are asked to supply bands!
  2. This is a crap thread! Waste of time! Pointless nonsense! Darn it, I missed having the first reply... ;)
  3. Yes but you have to have the other two twats too. See how much you like that!
  4. Being that I have been unable to attend many of your recent. and circumstance changing events, I shall do my darndoodle best:up: to get along on Sunday!!!!!
  5. You tried the internet? I tried wireless headphones a little while back and didn't like them too much. Constant hiss in the background. Not sure about Bluetooth though and I would imagine that would cancel out hissing..
  6. Hear that. Maybe you could try the Globe. It's free and you get a laugh:up:
  7. I'm sure something will come up. Probably be crap but at least you will be able to go to the LT.
  8. MySpace.com - Tupelo Town Assembly - Aberdeen, UK - Blues / Alternative / Surf - www.myspace.com/tupelotownassembly Just for the hell of it and posting something
  9. Seems that this is a nicer place to be these days and that simply isn't good enough
  10. They surely do and I have, due to playing the gig, been listening to the last Warlocks Album and it is a darn fine piece work! Spacemen Three jumped straight out at me to name but a few (one)
  11. Who gives a fuck. Besides a few of them are darn hot totty! And I can see that clearly through the haze of ill advised party gesturing! No big deal, move on! Lets, instead, have a look at the Chinese record on human rights, and stuff...
  12. Its all part of the big plan to make us grateful for the wonderful service they provide when things go wrong, just before they put the prices up so we happily accept increased costs...o_O
  13. That looks rather inviting I have to say... I would go see but spent my 'spare' cash on visiting Tom Waits.
  14. It's all witchcraft I tell thee
  15. No commercial reason for the track is there? If not it shouldn't cause to many questions, if any...
  16. He has his uses. They aren't scoring goals though...o_O He did (tried) more yesterday in the time he was in than Most did the whole game.
  17. That boo's would probably have been a lot louder if not for the fact that we were all heading for the exit! Pleased for Brewster though... One more thing, having Maguire in your back pocket really isn't that impressive... The wee squirt would fall over in a light breeze after having been spun around several times and lost all sense of direction. Why he gets a game I don't know. About the only Dons player I can't find myself having a soft spot for and that includes Foster...
  18. 10mins There were 10 mins at the start where I though' whoop, looking ace', the it all fell to bits, badly. The first 45 mins flew past in no time and the second 45 took forever. Can't remeber seeing such a quick mass exodus pre and of game when ICT scored 2nd goal. Fair play to ICT for taking their chances but they weren't great though, we were just much worse...
  19. 'if you build it they will come' Get it right and who knows...
  20. Don't bother unless you just skip to the bits with Kurt Russel in them!
  21. That may not have been that big a challenge some nights..
  22. A chirpy cheer and a laugh, with a faint chant of 'lets all laugh at rangers', went around Harlaw Park last night... My gers pal was telling me that his mate has been watching the pre season matches and the football they are playing now is worse than last year. 'the only time the ball doesn't go sideways is when it goes backwards'... I have to try and not laugh to much when chatting to him. Rangers fans are going apeshit apparently... :laughing:
  23. I hear a Starbucks is going in there...
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