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Jim Stax

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Everything posted by Jim Stax

  1. Anybody been in yet? Ain't managed to swing past myself yet.
  2. wouidna have known him from Adam anyways...
  3. Classified. But you are sane so no worries there... (also, aplogies for how late we went on last night, if in fact there were any waiting to here us, there were a few... Affa late but hey ho...)
  4. Aaaaaaah... Make It Rain with the shower of gold glitter!!
  5. And for the record we have never had a copy of GTA (any) in this house and nor will we and it's xbox all the way.
  6. My son is 11 and has a better understanding of irony than you. I will leave it at that! *goes of to search for snuff movie he left in son's DVD player by mistake!*
  7. So you know all about me do you? You have an inside knowledge of the video games and consoles on which I allow my son to play games? You know all about the times I say no and also the things on which I deliberate deeply over knowing that his peers are playing or watching, yet I say no, and he respects me for it (eventually)? You have no idea about me ,or I assume, being a parent, judging and gauging a child's intellectual growth and understanding of the world around them, the daily and tricky moral dilemma's of being the parent! Do not make judgements on my, and others parenting, based on your skewed version of society you hypocrite. You have spouted numerous times in this forum about ,presumed, ill judged assumptions we (other than you) can be prone too yet you have succumbed to that which you say you detest. I know for a fact that my son probably would want to stick a fucking pencil in your eye you 'jumped better than everyone else twat'. But that is not the kind of behaviour or language we allow, or condone, in this house.
  8. My son is 11 and I will be the judge of what I think he can watch and understand as pure fantasy and mere entertainment. An understanding he clearly has in spades more than you! I am in no way ashamed and will not have a pretentious nonce like you tell me otherwise. No reply needed! I was driven to this response as the jumped up Daily Mail nature of his posts lately are tiresome and intellectually beneath anything we should rise to. When is he moving?
  9. Seen it twice now and enjoyed more the second time. Clearly I'm double the fuckwit for going to see the movie to be entertained! Oh, and my son was way more on the ball than I gave him credit for...
  10. This Thursday at the belmont. John Nicol of the Needles and the Hidden Masters takes his artwork north. All welcome to the opening night. Good chance that Dave Dixon will be playing some tunes. Be heading up to Snafu afterwards for some tunes and beers:up:
  11. When we bring out our own brand of canned goods that''s what it will say on the labels.
  12. The remnants of staccato Set (we are much better), as we are now since Bob Bouma left and Phil Johnstone took over guitar duties, have pulled together some recordings that were done on a minidisk with a wee mic at a rehearsal available for ear holes on the myspace. Not up there for critiquing purposes, we aren't awfully bothered what folk think, purely for taster purposes and we will be recording properly soonish for releasing. MySpace.com - Tupelo Town Assembly - Aberdeen, UK - Blues / Alternative / Surf - www.myspace.com/tupelotownassembly :up:
  13. Wow Outstanding!!!!!!! Not much more to add at this point in time as I am still digesting just how good he is, the band were and the show was! Captivated for the entire 2hrs plus! :up:
  14. Some hours after having seen it, and after written my previous post, I can't wait to see it again. It clearly hit the right spot!
  15. I'm kinda in a wee way in agreement with you. Really enjoyed it, and the Joker, has to be one of the best written, and acted, bad guys ever on screen. For all those that have read the numerous graphic novels that show the dark edge to the Joker then this was bang on the money. I couldn't help thinking from the mind set of my 11yr old lad, who I will no doubt take to see it this week, and how he is likely to get a little bored and confused and he's a bright lad! great movie though and I'm not really complaining and I feel will enjoy it more the 2nd time.
  16. o_O:laughing::laughing::laughing:o_O
  17. Too don't give a fuck and too looking forwarding to going to the cinema with my wife tomorrow (today) to watch a movie
  18. Now, finally, I can attempt to impress my son!
  19. Excuse us for being, and happily choosing to be, entertained! *annoyed at self for even remotely biting to this members vapid nonsense* Maybe we could all start wagers on which thread will most entice said member to spout poop that we then, repeatedly, all find highly amusing.
  20. Nope...Probably a drunken slurr from Tibetan Dave
  21. Whooop! Been reading that the late Heath Ledgers performance is immense and sadly the crowning glory of his life/career. Chris Nolan just keeps getting better... Can't wait!
  22. My apologies Mr R. I have clearly lost track of those heady days due to the fumes from the formented piss filled coke bottles at the rehearsal space! There is another fine example of a band I killed through joining them. Christ I was getting through the genres in the 90's I came across the original Big Bang at Bonker news paper by the way. Fine pic of Living With Alice in all your big haired and sparyed on jeans glory! I will attempt to scan it and post it up here. May take me a month or I'll ask Jnr to do it for me in a few minutes. And for the record I'm actually of the Deconstructionist persuasion. Preferring to remove all aquired knowledge and history for the sake of reinvention. Bit like Maddona.
  23. Aaah, My classic adrenalin fueled too fast version of Big City that slowed drastically over the first minute that was there for all 80 Northsound listeners to hear. It's a horrible listen and banned from my house.
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