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Everything posted by *Amy*

  1. Your mate's on. Kinda.... http://www.myspace.com/theleifericsson
  2. I've somehow developed an allergy to kiwi fruit. How shit is that? They're affa yummy.
  3. 05-01-87 UK = Reet Petite - Jackie Wilson US = Walk Like An Egyptian - The Bangles Dunno how many times I've done that. Not very exciting results.
  4. Science is the only one in there still providing entertainment, well, except from Antony singing "shut up you mutherfucking asshole". That was funny. So yeah, getting Orlaith crying, that was simply great. I love how he just sits there and speaks to himself half the time. Science to win, by a mile.
  5. Hahahahahaha. Nice one. So do you have a brother? L oh L!
  6. This ban cannot come quick enough. The arguments will go on until we're all blue in the face, but all I can say is 'mon next March.
  7. *Amy*


    Yes indeed, and the main offenders are good friends with workers of these said establishments. Very naughty. I'd love to bust underagers asses.
  8. *Amy*


    Yeah, imagine that. I'd go
  9. Samwise cut his hand on the track. He survived though. I only caught the last 2 party games & the OT but had fun all the same. Roll on year 7!
  10. Those pics are off one girl's friend list. All the males in her list look like brothers. I think I'll humour you some more. I'm the first to admit a bit of eyeliner on a man is hot, but this is just too funny. PHWOARRR!!
  11. ARGH MY EYES!!! Vat de shit is that? Sometimes I think I'm a saddo. Then I have a look on MySpace.
  12. Except from the heat - I don't actually think I've ever been so hot in my whole life, not even in the Med at the end of July! - last night was indeed pretty good. Hines had the joy of meeting me, hurrah for him. I doubt Zippy's 20th is going to be that memorable to him. Bless. Still smiling though, haha.
  13. http://www.mancpunkscene.co.uk/forum/ http://www.punktastic.com/ for contacts is good. Punk/ emo/ rock/ ska/ hardcore etc etc.
  14. Oh my, if The 44s did play too, that'd rock a lot! The Matches are going to be fantastic, looking forward to them. I just want to hear 'Everything Sucks' live again P.S. I was 14.50 & booking fee to see them at the Barrowland, so don't complain!
  15. Psydoll never seems to be in a mood. Quite the happy chap. Yourself Hog.... always full of internet life. Logan, HarleyQuinn, 'cocoass, Gumpy and myself, I'd say, are all happy characters here too. *Edit... ZIPPY! He doesn't post much but anyone else who knows him will agree. Happiest person ever. Miserable? Dave M_LL
  16. Haha, nice plug. Firstborn also played Drakes at least once.
  17. Yeah, what a nice thing for you to say! Imagine it was your brother. Ace if he died like.
  18. FAILSAFE! Woo, excited moment Pt II. Here What date Kirk, ol' buddy ol' pal?
  19. I worked today, don't even know if it was time and a half or whatever. I do however make 11.38 an hour most Sunday afternoons
  20. Well he didn't do a very good job of cleaning it up! You can make out his actual toe prints. Nice.
  21. Haha, I'm afraid I only have pictures of Matt without the Tauntra t-shirt on. What a shame I already sent Steve from Tauntra the 3 Laura from The Moorings took over the HA forums. He's a bit excited about them pimping his band.
  22. I've seen Firstborn a couple of times up here. Nice stuff indeed. I have a couple of their CDs too which have had a fair share of spins on the machine. I'd be there but my duty lies in the Tunnels this Friday I'm afraid.
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