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Everything posted by *Amy*

  1. I'm going to see Joseph and his fancy coat at HMT then somewhere, either Union I guess, for a few. Last year's fresher's week was spoiled by my bright red "NOT 18 UNTIL 05-01-05" on my student ID, boooo. I'm leaving the harder partying for later in the week, I've been on the go since 4.30 this morning
  2. Amazing gig overall. The Matches were just awesome. Great set choices, got the evening off to a fine start. Full of energy and passion. Beastin' Wasn't too keen on Skindred. Played well but not really my thing. I've seen a lot worse though. RBF; nae bad, pretty crowd-pleasing set, but again, they just put on such a half-assed performance. Not cool. Not being a huge fan, the lesser known songs weren't too enjoyable but Everything Sucks, Beer and Take On Me had the dancing shoes gan their dinger. Fairly enjoyed myself though, thanks to you all. Also, how sweet was it seeing the whole place filled with sweaty dancing bodies? Just great
  3. I was hearing the word ALBUM. Way!
  4. 2nd year Politics and International Relations at Aberdeen Uni. I'm not really looking forward to essays and tutorials again but the summer has pretty much finished.
  5. Where's the Freshers Fayre being held at Aberdeen Uni this year? I don't think the ref's going to be open just yet. I really haven't heard much about the week this year. My brother's a volunteer so I'll see if there's anything spectacular going down. I really just plan on drinking a lot this year.
  6. Shit, this so better not happen to mine. I'm already on #2, having to put 1000+ songs back on :'( Technology, booooo.
  7. Spookie, while I was reading this thread, I hear Paul(scocoass) let out a "urgh". The boy doesn't like spiders. We live in an old house, spiders are a regular sight. I don't mind them, unless they're in my room. I'll just chuck them outside. Or kill them. Sexy, in a wide pint glass.
  8. Aye, I saw this when I was down in July. Quite enjoyed myself there but it does feel out of place around its surroundings. Before the gig we were in a well rough pub, being chatted up by an old man who wasn't too pleased by the noise Studio 24's visitors make. We left the pub pretty quick.
  9. http://www.aberdeen-music.com/forums/showthread.php?t=1956&page=1&pp=30 What's up with the band these days? I wouldn't mind heading along to see if they float my boat yet.
  10. MK is a strange little place. I know it was, but it just looks it was plonked in the middle of nowhere. It has a horrible feeling to it, like you're in some far away place. Everything's new and has a somewhat false feeling going down. Urgh. Still, I got to see Green Day during my stay...
  11. I had a magic time in Moshulu last night. I only remember hearing & dancing to Capdown, so I'm not going to comment to the music. He's done well before if that counts
  12. I can't believe you two whining (Steven and Danny, I think). I obviously know you from school (liked and respected you) and like I said previously, you shouldn't have to put up with it. But when you draw attention to yourself, it's what's expected. And your Tilly/ Bedford comments... what a load of nonsense. I am so glad that I went to a school like St Machar. I've learnt to appreciate people from all cultures and backgrounds. A lot of these "minks" often just needed a friendly face and some happiness in their life. For a lot of them, coming to school was probably the only time they didn't get grief. Yes their background's going to rub off on them, but it's hardly their fault that they're brought up in these areas. There's good and bad absolutely everywhere and unfortunately it's only the bad ones you hear about. I think a lot of people would be hurt if they saw what you're coming out with. As for not learning shit, I got the grades I needed to get into Aberdeen Uni. If you're willing to learn, you'll achieve what you wish, with the determination and motivation. No matter where you learn. S5 & 6 filtered out those who weren't interested and I found those the best 2 years at St Machar. I had the most annoying distractive people in a lot of my classes yet I still managed to get out of there with a smile on my face.
  13. Nah, the best advert is when he walks toward the sea and soaks it up with his super-absorbent nappy.
  14. My great aunt's nephew is the synth guy from the Human League. *tumbleweed*
  15. you total rebel. My work experience was awful. I thought I wanted to be a nursery nurse until I went to my placement at Cloud 9. The other women hardly ever spoke to me, way to go. I was in the yearbook Committee in S6. It was quite fun. Study periods were used to take photos, it was 3 young English teachers who overlooked everything so we all had a good laugh. In the end there was only me and one other 6th year girl making any pupil contribution, pffft.
  16. Our 2nd or 3rd year German class got the supply teacher crying like a baby. It wasn't that cool. The married music teacher's house got egged by some raging young girls. Urrr, I'm sure there's other winding up stories from my years... In the last yearbook I got 'Happiest Person', awww. The rest of the committee decided on that one.
  17. Last Time Perfect... How about BETTY THE DINNERLADY?!?! She was spotted out ripping up the streets of Aberdeen last weekend. Sam (Fenix) and friends used to chat her up to get more food, totally always worked. Dr Shaheen was a nightmare, as was Miss Moffat. John Paul & Stuart Kerr in my SG Chemistry class. They wound her up to the max, I remember being in fits of laughter many a time. Ah, the memories.
  18. Damn right, I totally agree. I know anyone should be able to dress how they wish and all that, but I'm sure "goths" at any school get a bit of hassle. I was rarely bothered at all at school, the odd "slut" (WTF?) shout from 2nd/3rd/4th years who didn't like my pretty popular friends. Disaster. They were easily ignored. Mr Lyall, I never had him as a teacher but he didn't let me do Credit SG Maths, boohoo. I was passing with 1's with the help of my tutor, but no no no. Good job I was better at English. I had Dereck (not Bertie) Berstan for registration when Miss Chamberlain was having her bambinos. He was the biggest pushover ever. I think he'd toughened up quite a bit by the time I left. Mr Jack and Mr Malcolm were the only good things to come of the Linksfield merger Being quite young, they didn't treat us 5th & 6th year pupils like kids. Made learning fun and I got A grades from their teaching. Mr J, Mr McClymont, Mr MacGregor & Miss Cochrain were also pretty cool. Makes the world of a difference.
  19. I went there, finished S6 last June. Good school, a bunch of cool teachers, got me into uni.
  20. Who's that email from? Apparently the split rumour came from a (not sure if it's their) booking agent. Matt of the band said they weren't splitting up. But yes, like so many others, they're not going to be able to compete with what's 'in' at this time no matter how much they tour or promote themselves. They have come out with 3 absolutely magic albums that show progression at its finest. Their live performances are superb and are the nicest bunch of guys you could meet. Perhaps the fact that they have other projects going on (Skylar & Matt's solo stuff) shows the want of a change in direction. If this is true, it sucks. I'll be down to see them off for sure. There should be a Edinburgh/Glasgow date at least... EDIT-- Hidden Talent sent that email, oopsy.
  21. How's about at the end of this you all post your sexy tracklists so the rest of the 'site can have a nosy?
  22. I went to a gig myself. I was extremely tired due to lack of sleep after going to Glasgow. But it was for Sonic Boom Six. I didn't mind. They spoke to me I'd probably do it again, I do love my own company.
  23. Woah, what a party boy! Enjoy it. Probably catch you tomorrow and Friday
  24. Damn right. Alongside Quik, The Upstarts are the only Aberdeen band I try and catch whenever they play.
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