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Everything posted by *Amy*

  1. This is horrible. I was in London just a couple of weeks ago on trains, buses and the Underground. And I was sitting thinking how scary it was with so many folks and how bad it'd be if it was hit... Scary stuff.
  2. Hahaha, what a strange site. http://www.ratemyteachers.co.uk 2 of my old teachers are up. I gave one a good rating.
  3. *Amy*


    I'd like to add this from Barney of Sonic Boom Six's tour diary; Saturday 2nd July - Aberdeen Moorings Bar. After the teriffic start of being bumped off the Thirsk gig the night before (due to some bizarre entertainment liscencing error related to an ancient Hull ruling, something about Katy and Jamie Bosseye being only allowed to watch one band in an evening or they and their pub will be struck by lightning) the tour proper was underway via the unfeisibly arduous trek to Aberdeen. This was especially arduous for the Southern mankeys Howards Alias (hereon referred to as HA your honour) but such is the way of the Hidden Talent slow world-takeover scheme. Upon arrival at the venue, a place hitherto unplayed by us, we were greeted into the Moorings Bar by 'Flash', the owner of the rock-themed drinking-hole who proceeded, with much glee, to show us the new equipment installed in there. Newly installed backline, moniters, racks and a computerized mixer that Flash, with his Jagermeister-bandana and general look of a Deep Purple roadie was evidently very pleased with. Don't get me wrong, this was a very very good thing. Over the usual grunting, job-hating Lurch's that let you into a venue, the sight of the unbridled enthusiasm of a man proceeding to demonstrate to anyone that will listen how he can point his mic's straight at the moniters without causing feedback can only be saluted. What a don. And he had a Ghosts and Goblins machine and played Refused and Iron Maiden. Flash! Ah-Ahhhhh. Saviour of the universe! Grown At Home (or GAH as they are know on places such as the internet where such a cofounding acronym doesn't have to be pronounced) and HA arrived and we shared the usual hugs and dined on a nicely veggie-friendly savoury buffet together ably provided by the promoter, the venerable 'Captain' Kirk whilst Flash offered us half-priced drinks and stood there with his hands on his hips smiling at the microphones. HA proceeded to embaress our as-yet emptyish merch desk with a number of albums, solo spin-offs, comps, t-shirts bearing the image of John Cusack and a Tony Hart-tastic limited edition of 'Answer is Never', re-christened by Steve 'The Black Album'. Onstage first were Onion Terror, a charming 3-piece Aberdeen rock combo with sings about penis's, Wookies, sex, Riveta-eatting and syphillis. Which was nice. And I can certainly relate. Grown At Home came on next and proceeded to open the tour with a great set of ska-core with a Lightyear and Big D influenced poppy edge that kind of sets them apart from a lot of the Leftover Crack/Capdown influenced bands you see about. I think a lot of being in a band is realising your sound and GAH are definitely getting there, much more relaxed and focussed than the other times I have seen them. Hopefully this tour will help them get beyond the 'local band' thing, they are certainly great with a crowd. We played a bit edgy first-night set but had loads of good vibes in the room so it was proper fun. Hightlight was definitely the onstage appearance of Uber-Scot Amy for a singalong of 'Safe European Home' and the accent-related hilarity that ensued from trying to ascertain her name (Imee? EEmi? Emu? Rod Hull?). It also saw the debut of new tune 'Do it Today' which went well, but I kind of thought it would, its the others I'm scared about! HA went on to a crowd hanging off Matt's every word and played an ace balance of old, Answer is Never and stuff off the new album. There is a tune with a French title that Matt explained is a French term for when you have an argument with someone then its only when its over you realise what you should have said. Like that time I asked that girl out and she said she had plans, it was six hours later that 'but what if your brother has plans?' popped in my razor-sharp mind. It sounds something like 'scally' the title, I thought they were dissing us for a minute. It is fucking ace. 'Song for a friend' was dedicated to us and GAH which was nice and was thoroughly enjoyed. After the set, long after everything was packed away and were saying our goodbyes, Flash was still stood on stage, smiling, saying 1-2 into the mics, very much the boy with the new train set. Long may it continue. I think if you show bands respect and love like that, they are going to be a lot more likely to respect you, your venue and your gear. As HA and GAH went back with Kirk, we took the extravagant and squanderous step of sleeping in a TravelLodge we had hastily booked in digs-doubt the night before. It was very nice and we watched Shakira doing her sexy if somewhat bizarre hit 'Wherever, Whenever' on the Live8 TV coverage which sent us nicely to sleep, safe in the knowlege we were well punk by contravening their 2adult per room policy by housing no less than five!!! Its anarky baby!!!
  4. That Indafusion gig was a cracker! It's lovely to read stuff like that.
  5. Haha, nice one. What a tune to finish with. They weren't going to play W.O.R.L.D last night but they had extra time and my voice is loud. I also got The End out them. Not even played in 4 months. Go me. It was beautiful.
  6. Oh fuck I've gone and got the 24th off work. Haha!
  7. Aye, Sonic Boom Six are just supoib. They were mighty impressive at Kef, so I got the mini album/ EP whatever. I must admit it was a grower, but I listen to it almost every day now. Awesome stuff. And the new stuff is so lively and in your face. Absolutely love it all. We could've been done with some of you in Edinburgh last night though. That crowd was again pretty shit. But myself and the Misled Youth guys, along with some Edinburgers rocked the floor. Best weekend ever. -Emu (how the hell she got that, I don't know. Said it was our accents...)
  8. So, how was it for you? What a gig! All bands put on such entertaining sets. I can't remember an evening I have enjoyed that much. Onion Terror - just Onion Terror. What can you say? Crowd pleasing as usual, nice pick of tunes. Now Or Never cover never goes a miss. Shame the usual 'Terrorising crowd weren't out in force Grown At Home - after just hearing a few mp3s, I was looking forward to them. And rightly so. Perhaps a bit too much brass for me at some points but they were so tight and confident. The frontman had the whole frontman thing going down. Very enjoyable to watch & dance to. Sonic Boom Six - just WOW. They have the live performance nailed. Compared to last time I saw them at Kef, they shagged that pirate bar from its front to back. Absolutely amazing. Very nice of them having me on stage too.. I think I killed 'Safe European Home'. I made a new friend in frontwoman Laila too. Howards Alias - omgwtf. What a band. From the explosive 'Rabbit In Headlights' to open to the epic 'Song For A Friend' to close, I was in awe for what seemed like only 10/15 mins. How time flies. And the new album 'Beat Hear, Beat' is beautiful. Thank you so very much to Good For Nothing? and The Moorings for putting it on. You've made this young lady very happy! Oh and just to rub it in, Howards Alias were 10 times better in Edinburgh last night! They love me, they do.
  9. Last night - Moorings, an 18th birthday party ---> Moshulu. Was an ace night, met quite a few people. Today - Seaton Park in a while for le football/ frizbe (Claire and I don't excert ourselves in this heat). The Moorings tonight to see Howards Alias!!!!! And Sonic Boom Six, Grown At Home and Onion Terror. 6, 8pm-12 :D:D Probably advance to Exodus. Tomorrow - Edinburgh arrival at 2pm me hopes. Find Studio 24 and go see Howards Alias!!!! And Sonic Boom Six, Grown At Home and Misled Youth :D:D Then go and get pished with the bands at Opium. I rock. Hope you all have as good a weekend as me!
  10. Science, what a legend. He is by far the most entertaining one left. Such a fanny, but so funny The devide is really sad. Totally agree with that person who posted earlier about Saskia's BNP-like views. She is an embarassment. And for her to say she should stay in and have Vanessa/ Science etc out... aye OK. I must admit, this year's IS painfully entertaining.
  11. As long as there's no great traffic jams going into Edinburgh on Sunday, I'll be happy! I have a very important gig to get to.
  12. Sundays too, oh my! I'll be there Saturday for sure.
  13. Yass min I found my 3 Jacknife to a Swan album. I loved that Fopp sale. It's nae that good though, but other stuff makes up for it. Would be an ace night out.
  14. Blair still has to send me a photo of my friend Claire and I from the start of February Nice snaps though.
  15. I thought the advertising was pretty good. Plenty on this website, some posters knocking about in Moshulu and I saw plenty flyers. I didn't think too much of Tuantra. They didn't seem to be enjoying themselves very much. Yeah, nobody was down the front for them but still, they didn't exactly excert themselves. The 44s and Adequate Seven were both on top form. So much energy and tight as. Cheers to Kirk and Ross
  16. Well, not very much I'm afraid. I had my summer holiday over the weekend down in London & Milton Keynes to see Green Day. It was affa hot, so it felt like I was abroad. I work every weekday for a few hours so I'll have some pennies to spend when I got to Glasgow and Edinburgh early July. Urm... dunno what else. Perhaps a week or two abroad before uni starts again.
  17. I would. I've got a whole bunch of downloaded tracks kicking about. Always meant to go pick up and album or 3 or 4. Ace party music and the like. I would definitely go see them here. I know there are a few fans on these forums.
  18. Now THAT'S what it's about.
  19. Happy Birthday Holly I wish you all the best down South. Stay safe and enjoy!
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