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Everything posted by nullmouse

  1. Mum are fantastic, but bugger all like GSY!BE. They have two albums out, the first is light but eery, the second considerably darker. Yeah, more like Sigur Ros, but less cloying.
  2. "lift your skinny fists like antennas to heaven" has Storm on it, and is my favourite album. The way I understand it is GSY!BE are on hiatus while some of the members concentrate on the Silver Mount Zion project. Their albums are well worth checking out, too.
  3. Gah Ross, your cryptic clue was misleading, but still pleasing.
  4. Sikth, Saturday the 5th of June 2005?
  5. I am Bender please insert girder.
  6. Hi, A friend from work needs a Dove ticket for the Music Hall on Wednesday night, if anyone's got one going. Reply here, or PM me. Ta! Alun.
  7. Due to Le Reno Amps being unable to support Piney Gir at SNAFU on Wednesday the 2nd of March, we can announce a second chance to see both MOTORMARK and PINEY GIR together on the same bill. We're aware that some people couldn't get in to Dr Drakes to see their sold-out show together, so here's a second chance to see them both in action. Doors are at 8pm prompt, Motormark on first followed by Piney Gir for the total bargain price of 3. SNAFU is at 5 Union St, where Po Na Na's used to be. It's on the small island of buildings between the Tilted Wig and the Court House. Our best wishes to Scott from Le Reno Amps for a quick recovery. PINEY GIR + Motormark Wed 2nd March SNAFU 8pm / 3
  8. Due to Scott's unfortunate accident Le Reno Amps can no longer play this gig. Our best wishes to Scott for a speedy and full recovery. Support for Piney Gir will now be from Motormark. A bit of a change, but we've had so many people say they missed the Piney and Motormark gig at Dr Drakes we thought they deserved a second chance to see this fantastic line-up. Props to Motormark for agreeing at such short notice, and once again we wish Scott all the best of health.
  9. Due to Scott's unfortunate accident Le Reno Amps can no longer play this gig. Our best wishes to Scott for a speedy and full recovery. Support for Piney Gir will now be from Motormark. A bit of a change, but we've had so many people say they missed the Piney and Motormark gig at Dr Drakes we thought they deserved a second chance to see this fantastic line-up. Props to Motormark for agreeing at such short notice, and once again we wish Scott all the best of health.
  10. I play 'em in the Chill Out room at Moshulu, great band.
  11. I hope Scott has a speedy recovery, pass on my best to him Al, thanks.
  12. I do too. But do enough other people in Aberdeen miss it enough to make it worthwhile exhuming it?
  13. Why not, you've got all other genres why not some... (waitforrit) drum'n'brass?
  14. Yay! Surf rock overseen by a brain in a tank! I've wanted to see these guys live for ages!
  15. I tried so hard to claw back some dignity... I really did.
  16. The answer was no, because the increase in polyamines within the cell was due to increased synthesis within the cell, not due to uptake from outwith the cell. It took me a few minutes of finding my jaw from under the lectern to answer, however. I should have followed it up with some research, I can just see the Nature Medicine headline, "Prolific Anal Banging Does Not Increase Your Chance Of Colon Cancer Despite The Minging Carcinogens Expelled In Spud Paste".
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