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Michael MacLennan

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Everything posted by Michael MacLennan

  1. Uh, any chance you can get them up to Inverness? Dear God please. I see Winnebago Deal are playing too. Bugger.
  2. I am so desperate to get this, but have barred myself from doing so until I play more of Doom 3, as I have yet to get beyond half-an-hour of playing that being of my low attention span. That, and the fact I'm a scared little pansy. Strangely though, it was the same with Vice City, and Republic, and all the other games I buy nowadays. I play it for a while, and then just never touch the game, feeling to do so would waste precious time I could spend browsing through Sky channels. I guess it's all about the anticipation for me, getting all hyped up and excited, like before Christmas. Except without Santa, and his bastard elves.
  3. Yeah, one of my main reasons for going to Glasgow was to see this movie... amazing stuff, but messed with my head for a couple of days afterwards, strange going from the last bullshit Yank film I watched to something that unashamedly challenges your sensibilities... As the Munch said, I don't see how an American remake could possibly do it any justice, and that's as someone who liked the remake of The Ring, and The Grudge... I just think the storyline's way too intense for them not to dilute heavily. However, the idea of Gary Oldman as the title character is genius, maybe the Reverend should consider becoming a producer, or casting director... though hopefully not in the same style as Audition...
  4. Taking just a couple of those albums... the Never Mind the Bollocks has more than a couple of terrible, dud songs on it, and Master of Puppets is the same, a couple of tracks that - even if you like them - don't measure up to the quality of the other tracks. Neither are 'perfect'. I'd hazard a guess - actually I'd state - that none of those albums are 'perfect', and that they have between them a multitude of weak moments. While there's an argument to be made for such artists being stronger, this article is a terribly written piece of claptrap. If there's any point to be made, he's completely missed it due to compulsive loathing over the fact he's not in his teens any more.
  5. That's freaking ace. Makes me feel completely inadequate for being in so much pain after running just 5k tonight. But, um, I'm sure by next year my intensive training schedule will make me as supple and athletic as that...
  6. Yeah, nice looking site, who did the artwork?
  7. Hasn't this album taken longer to come to fruition than 'Smile' by Brian Wilson? I'd go if I was still in Aberdeen, but in the subsequent time I've started my own plantation in America, and helped end slavery and the second world war, so perhaps another time.
  8. My Ipod had problems, I filled out a form, they repaired it. No probs. I still love it, probably more than I've ever loved a proper person, and would recommend it to anyone.
  9. I didn't think the interview was that great, but I've seen bands I like do far worse interviews, in fact I'm sure bands I've actually been in have done far worse. It just looks like a bit of good publicity for an Aberdeen band, which is good, and doesn't adversely affect anyone. I'm sure if MMW become a bigger band Ben et all will have the opportunity to get tips on dealing with the 'media', most celebs do nowadays, so I don't think his prediliction for blabbering on a bit is going to damage them in any way, bar another meaningless 'debate' breaking out on this forum.
  10. Well, here's hoping it goes to a deserving fan... obviously the money doesn't matter to me, I'm all about human happiness.
  11. Since I know some of you dig them: http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=4045350054http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=4045350054
  12. It's a bit like someone wearing their mother's dress to go into a residential home and play rummy though, isn't it? Just a bit... wrong. And sad. And I'm sure other people would become unhappy if those who had offended them in the past, and been banned, just hijacked other users' accounts to spew forth their views into the vomit-bucket that is the aberdeen music forum.
  13. That looks very nice indeed. Though I wouldn't get a band tattoo, unless it was my own band, and it had a decent logo... are there no websites on this goddam electronic highway of emotion? That people know of?
  14. I already have one of those, now I want a tattoo. And I also have enough chest hair to challenge Tom Selleck to a showdown, this is about respect, goddamit. And tattoos. Monk Rocker, I banned you, your intellectual machinations and deceptions carry no weight with a born-and-bred country bumpkin like myself, who prides himself on his honesty and transparency. Shooo, I say, shooo.
  15. Aren't you supposed to be banned or something?
  16. Anyone know of a site where you can look at cool tattoos? And not ones in the frigging genital area or something. I'm slowly being seduced by the idea of getting some ink, but have no great ideas for what I want to get, other than maybe having something on one of the upper sides of my chest. Ideas?
  17. I dig that t-shirt. Maybe post something on the Lemon Jelly forum? Let me know if you're successful please, I want to see some more of that guy's work now. EDIT: Just realised Starclusk printed a link. And it's out of stock. Bugger.
  18. And that's what they call justice in this county? This evens nothing 'Monk'.
  19. That's why you should be banned too. It'll even the score.
  20. Aren't threats a banning offence?
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