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Michael MacLennan

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Everything posted by Michael MacLennan

  1. Great to see a comeback in the offing, but is mentioning that really any way to attract members? Now, if you were to mention Spinal Pap, you'd get some offers pretty damned quick... Seriously though, if you need someone to play drums who has no sense of rhythm, is becoming increasingly bitter at being isolated in the Highlands, would only be able to make a practice every few months, and used to be able to play guitar badly, I'm your man. You'll have to buy me a drumkit though, and a vat of whisky.
  2. Incidentally, it isn't. But your comment is so moronic I can't even summon up the energy to explain. Which I guess is some sort of achievement on your part. PS But wait, you're right, next time I want to stir up some racial incitement at my local pub those penpushers might stop me! Do we have any freedom left at all?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!? Oh boy!
  3. http://media.guardian.co.uk/broadcast/story/0,7493,1369292,00.html Should be ace, looking forward to seeing the 3D monstrosity of Nathan Barley...
  4. Hot dang, sounds like it'll be fantastic, especially with Big Fat Pig, both installments of Big News, Impetus, A Shotgun Named Marcus... they'd better be coming back here soon, against all expectations I have to say 'Blast Tyrant' is my favourite album yet, can't wait to hear some of that material live...
  5. Haven't you choked on your stultifying sense of showbiz yet? Luckily I'll be here minding the dogs, and have no time to look down my nose at your crapulence. Bah!
  6. Depends how 'stupid/unwise/not a good idea' their actions consitute. Friendship shouldn't be about sticking up for someone whose idiotic actions have endangered others. Ie If I found out my friend had attacked someone without justification, then I'd rat them out like a little mafia squealer.
  7. Time? But I'm an artist! Time means nothing to me! Would you do this to Van Gogh??? Would you?!?!?
  8. Hmm, my year so far: * Saw some great gigs in Glasgow (inc. Isis, Dillinger, A Perfect Circle) * Drank a lot, had lots of great nights out with friends, though not enough times in Aberdeen unfortunately * Wrote short story for competition, got nowhere with it, but got some ideas going * Got a post-graduate qualification in Journalism * Got job back in the Highlands as a journalist, so moved back somewhat reluctantly, but now doing job I actually enjoy, and trying to find a way back to a decent city * Worked very hard during the summer to produce a 15,000 dissertation on press ethics (as interesting as it sounds) in order to up my qualification to a MLitt (still waiting to hear the results) * Resurrected Popcorn Fiend for a couple of gigs, including the superfun Gavfest, though stagnated a bit since then * Worked even harder to get fit, have lost over a couple of stone (and looking a lot better for it), and ran Loch Ness 10,000m. Now preparing to do marathon next year, and ran half-marathon distance a couple of weeks ago. WILL NOT STOP UNTIL SIX-PACK! Which means I'm stuck doing exercise five times a week for the next few years, until I collapse dead. * Family moved to a nice new house, and slowly starting to pay off the sizable debts I accumulated in Glasgow * Got to review Ross County every week and get paid for it, as well as being on a first name basis with Alex Smith, and having him phone me A fair bit I would have liked to do, but lots of ideas for the future, and think I've achieved quite a lot compared to previous years. Also a lot happier than I had been, and more positive in many ways, if there's something I don't like I try and do something about it rather than sulk. The downsides are pretty much the same as Chris, been single for whole of the year, and musically done nothing like as much as I would have liked to, especially with regards to being in a proper band. Also sucks living in the Highlands, where all my friends have gone to bigger and better places, leaving myself a bit isolated (I rectify that by talking to myself a lot more). But trying to get in shape to look half-decent again, and will rectify music situation once I'm in a place where I can get into a good band. Bring on 2005!
  9. I'd rather see the band and not write the review, but that's not going to happen, so I have to lower myself to the level of music journalist once again... living in the Highlands sucks...
  10. Uh, you guys want a review of the Dillinger gig on Sat? I'd pretend I was being altruistic, but the bloody thing's sold out, and I need to find some way of blagging in entry. Bollocks. It'd be a great piece thought! Full of thrills, spills, and other kooky action!
  11. What are you talking about, the Microsoft upgrade? It stops you from using Bit torrent apparently. How is it you fix that again? Christ I'm a desperate drunken fool.
  12. I'd give you hassle any day 'Monk Rocker'. But then I'm gothic skatepunk postalternative to the max! Take that! Kapow!
  13. I thought it was incredibly cute (in a completely innocent way), the little kiddies getting into goth, how sweet! Latching onto the latest trends, and trying to find themselves, sounds like pretty much every person's formative school experiences... unless, of course, everyone on this message board was born in a Shellac t-shirt, you condesending twats.
  14. What happened to the other acts? I was due to play with Popcorn Fiend, very sorry to have to drop out a few weeks ago, but had other important matters to attend to. Glad at least I gave decent notice! Though hoping to play Drakes again soon, I miss Aberdeen so...
  15. Huzzah! Have 'Crimes' and the previous album, both fantastic. Camp hardcore, nothing like it! Though I do wish to get the Maple album, however much like the pixies/libertines/mcfly it sounds, but I shall wait until next time I'm in Aberdeen at One-Up, oh, the nostalgia...
  16. Good god, I went to the Shack once last year, can't remember why, had something to do with a birthday, jesus it was horrible. The thought of it brings me out in a rash. Can't say it being razed to the ground brings out feelings of any adverse nature. The Garage, though, is also a place I'd rather forget...
  17. What a shock, some small Scottish bands get recognition in a national magazine in what seems a positive move, and then everyone starts bitching. It seems quite obvious that the 'new' bands are those which most people without an avid interest in local music scenes would likely never have heard of, what else are you going to do, have a journalist do an undercover investigation into every band to determine their age? Personally, I don't like some of the bands on there, but I can still see why they've merited a place. Well done to Hookers Green, who I love for reasons well known to those who know and despise me (and uninteresting for those who don't), and other local(ish) bands on the list. It's never going to be a springboard to fame, but if it gets a couple more people interested in their bands, jolly-ho. And I'm sure some A&R men will pour over the details looking for the 'latest thing', so who knows where it could lead.
  18. Baaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!! Grrrrrrrrrrrraaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrrrgggggggghhhhhhhhh!!!!!!
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