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2011/2012 Season Thread


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must get myself motivated for tomorrow's FA Trophy 1st Round tie at the Abbey tomorrow against AFC Telford, it'd be nice to have a no pressure day out at Wembley come the end of the season but at this stage of the competition, no-one seems overly bothered. Where I usually stand is closed for the match and be lucky if there's much over a thousand in attendance, doubt Telford will bring anything near to the 172 who witnessed the league game back in August! Should it be a draw we'll have to play them midweek and again in the league next Saturday!

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The chronicles of Mario Ballotelli.

• Survived a usually fatal disease at birth

• £10,000 in parking fines.

• Car has been impounded 27 times.

• £300,000 fine for throwing darts at the youth team.

• Won £25,000 in a casino, gave £1,000 to a tramp outside the casino.

• Threw tomatoes at a Serie A manager.

• Threw Water Balloons at a Serie A disciplinary hearing.

• Started a fight with 4 bouncers after breaking the "no touching" rule at a strip club.

• The "bib" saga.

• Had a £120,000 Audi imported, wrote it off within a week.

• Had his friend approach girls in a nightclub and say "Balotelli will see you now"

• Sent to the shops by his mother to buy essentials for the house, came back with a giant trampoline and a Vespa and a Scalectrix.

• Has started fights at training with Kompany, Boateng, Tevez and Richards.

• Was frequently seen at the AC Milan superstore while playing for Inter Milan.

• Went on TV wearing an AC Milan shirt with his name on the back while playing for Inter.

• Whilst playing for Italy under 21's, he is fouled, he sits on the pitch for 3-4 minutes ignoring the opposition, his team mates and the referee.

• He is then offended when he gets sent off and protests about it.

• Winks at Ferdinand after FA cup semi final and celebrates in front of the United fans.

• After the cup final on live TV, he says " I have been sh*t this season, am I allowed say sh*t on TV?

• Was stopped by police going around his hometown of Hulme with £ 25,000 cash in the passenger seat. When asked why he replied " because I'm rich"

• Had to be physically hauled away by Zanetti for refusing to let Samuel Eto'o take a penalty that he had earned.

• Once broke up with a girlfriend via text whilst she was presenting a live show.

• Slept with an Italian model while his girlfriend was downstairs.

• Drove his car into a women's prison because he wanted to "look around"

• Has connections with the Italian mafia, he has testified in court at a Mafia trial.

• Brought his Ipad on to the bench for Italy's international against the Faroe Islands because he wanted to play games on it.

• Was seen in a Manchester shopping centre "hi-fiving" city fans the day after City had beaten United 6-1.

• Became the face of a firework safety campaign a few days after setting his house on fire from letting off fireworks indoors.

• Hands £50 notes to strangers when out shopping in Manchester.

• Chanted "Rooney, Rooney" at the prostitute who claimed to have slept with Wayne Rooney.

• Italy had just brought out a brand new home kit, at the start of the second half for their first match wearing the new kit, Balotelli came out in the old kit, claiming he didn't like the new one. Nobody else had changed.

• Turned the landscaped back garden of his house into a Quad bike track

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That list doesn't even cover everything. There's the one where he booked loads of rooms in the Hilton on New Years Eve and got homeless people to stay there while paying for room service and all that. Another one earlier this week he was filling his car up at the petrol station and he told everyone to fill their tanks up because he was going to pay for everyone.

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That list doesn't even cover everything. There's the one where he booked loads of rooms in the Hilton on New Years Eve and got homeless people to stay there while paying for room service and all that. Another one earlier this week he was filling his car up at the petrol station and he told everyone to fill their tanks up because he was going to pay for everyone.

Is Mario just Jesus come down from heaven?

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Newcastle were bidding half a million. Pfft. Rav is going to be a unstoppable footballing trojan. They should be bidding Cabaye, Tiote, Krul +£5million for Rav. And even that would get rejected until they chunk in Ba.

I'm sure I read today SAF said they had offered him a new contract but his wage demands were unrealistic. Which does make you wonder if City will sign him on a megabucks contract in the summer just to piss of Utd fans. Isn't Pogba out of contract soon too? Sure I heard a rumour about PSG being interested in him. Would not be ideal if they lose 2 of their biggest prospects.

Fucking scouse minks, probably people whose birthday cake was a stolen tyre, who sleep on a mattress of their kids hair, think they're fucking funny but they ain't.*Nasri wins the argument, drives off in his awesome car. They've just put evidence of harassment by them online, the stupid scumbag fucks. I hate Liverpool and I have Liverpudlians. All scum. No exceptions

*to paraphrase Brendan Burns.

My dad lived in Liverpool for ages so my half brother is a scouser and has lived there all his life. However he is a complete dickhead and I don't even really think of him as family let alone talk to him so your point is upheld ;)

I did spend a couple of weeks in Liverpool in my younger years though...... have no plans on going back.

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I believe Pogba has an option on his contract to extend for another year after this Summer. Ravel would be in the first team if he'd have kept his head down, but he keeps picking fights with team mates and not turning up for training. It's ridiculous he's throwing away a career as a footballer, considering just how good he is. Apparently he's demanding £35k a week, which is mental for an unproven 18 year old. There's only one team stupid enough to pay that much for a kid, and they are 3 or 4 miles down the road.

Pogba probably needs a loan and to bulk up. He's lanky, but built like a pole. I believe he'll stay though. He's got his head screwed on, and recent interviews with him seem to suggest he wants to stay at United. The gossip surrounding him just seems to be red top garbage. He's going to be the bomb when he's ready. Ravel could realistically leave though. His agent is a tosser and is pushing for megamoney and he'll apparently get a bigger sign on fee if he moves clubs. Ravel is a United lad and comes from a United family, so it would be stupid if he left. I don't think he's going to get £35k at United on the back of 3 Carling Cup appearances. If he broke into the first team and fulfilled his potential, he'd probably be on silly money before he's even 22.

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I'd love us to sign Ravel Morrison. Young, talented, probably better than that sack of shit Obertan already. Sounds like a bit of a nutter but he's still young and Silver Fox Pardew will just boff his lass if he gets out of line anyway. Get him telt.

I doubt it'll happen if he's after £35k though. Ashley is very, very austere in the transfer market (something I'm pleased about): that's dead close to Ba's basic wage, in fact. Still, we have a nice crop of young players at the moment (Santon, Vuckic, Abeid, Sammy Ame-O.B.E, Gosling) and RavMo would be a decent addition. Noocassul is all about da YOOT', innit.

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bloody hell it's the 2nd round of the FA Trophy tomorrow, what an oversight! Was forgetting the sneaky 1-0 win away at that football giant Borehamwood in the 1st Round, I was there, it was bloody cold and there was no atmosphere. I do remember a billboard stating Arsenal woman play their home games at their run down 'stadium'!

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Swansea played some good stuff yesterday and deserve to be where they are in the league, good on them, nice to see the promoted teams doing well for a change save QPR who will prob be ok with Hughes at the helm and money to spend in the window. As is typical once an unfancied side (e.g. Spurs) are talked about as title contenders they go and fuck it at home against relegation fodder but all the sides up the top have been dropping points.

A pleasing if not flattering 4-1 win against AFC Telford in the trophy on Saturday and for once at a trophy game a bit of atmosphere! Third round draw today, really fancy a no pressure day out at Wembley in May so hoping we can get a lower league team such as Dartford or Carshalton at home but knowing our like will prob end up with a tough away draw at Luton or York.

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I'm with you there, would love to see Spurs win the title, they play fantastic football and always admired dodgy 'Arry although would never buy a second hand car off him! They're looking good for the champions league so should be able to keep the squad intact for next season as well.

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