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2011/2012 Season Thread


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Wildly varying opinions about Russell Anderson's deal. Some sources saying he's definitely agreed and all that's left to do is write his name down, others, like STV's Christopher Harvey, not sure.

Russell Anderson NOT re-signing today, nothing imminent re-Grimmer either. #Aberdeen

Guess it's going to have to be a wait. Personally I don't give a shit if he signs or not.

I'm glad to hear that Mr Harvey isn't going to re-Grimmer, we all know what happened last time.

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Wildly varying opinions about Russell Anderson's deal. Some sources saying he's definitely agreed and all that's left to do is write his name down, others, like STV's Christopher Harvey, not sure.

Guess it's going to have to be a wait. Personally I don't give a shit if he signs or not..

Whaaat?! How can you not?! You have to feel something about an ex-player/icon returning to his club whether it's good or bad. I'm all for it personally, although anything other than a pay as you play would be foolish.

Fucking scouse minks, probably people whose birthday cake was a stolen tyre, who sleep on a mattress of their kids hair, think they're fucking funny but they ain't.*Nasri wins the argument, drives off in his awesome car. They've just put evidence of harassment by them online, the stupid scumbag fucks. I hate Liverpool and I have Liverpudlians. All scum. No exceptions.

*to paraphrase Brendan Burns.

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Whaaat?! How can you not?! You have to feel something about an ex-player/icon returning to his club whether it's good or bad. I'm all for it personally, although anything other than a pay as you play would be foolish.

Well, if he signs, that's great, obviously. If he doesn't, it's really not a massive loss since he's likely to spend longer on the injury table than on the field. That and he's a bit old now. But a pay-as-you-play, sure. We always like these but I don't remember anyone ever signing one...

Also in terms of icons coming back to the club, I really want to see Jamie Smith back! Injuries aside he's been a beast for Rapids.

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Was Jamie Smith ever an Aberdeen FC icon?

Perhaps an icon of grave inconsistency, I suppose.

Well he was in the famous "we drew with Bayern" season squad...

Jamie Smith and Russell Anderson? We might as well get Darren Anderton in and call the club a hospital.

Haha, clever. But he's used in every MLS trailer I've ever seen, guy is ruling Colorado's midfield.

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Smith was always a great player, just suffered big time with injuries, he is prob better off over there, they will look after him much better than we ever could in terms of his fitness and he got to meet Barrack, what more could he want in life!!

If we're bringing back Smith we may as well bring back Booth, afterall we wouldnt want Smith getting lonely in the treatment room every day.

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Yeah, I read that. Morrison's denying it, saying people are making up lies about him. He's on good wedge for a youth player. Buy your own bloody watch.

It had been a while since he'd been up to no good. I knew it wouldn't last. He was due a bout of crazy. All whilst speculation surrounds him that he's off too. odd timing. The kid is a fucking nutter.

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The intimidation charge was a while ago. He's strangely kept his nose metaphorically clean for a reasnoable period of time. He'd even made the bench for a few games, edging closer to the first team. Now he's back to cleaning the bogs for a while, I imagine.

Newcastle were bidding half a million. Pfft. Rav is going to be a unstoppable footballing trojan. They should be bidding Cabaye, Tiote, Krul +£5million for Rav. And even that would get rejected until they chunk in Ba.

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Mario could teach him a thing or two about how to be a nutter with style. No one likes a thief. We like people who can't put a bib on and let off fireworks in their house.

Yeah. he's not a pleasant wacko like Mario. He's a thug, and a criminal. Found in possession of a gun, smacking his girlfriend about, and her mum. Now he's allegedly robbing from his team mates. He's marvelous at football though. His tekkers are ridiculous. Stepovers and backheels all over the place. He'll be a big hit for the prison team he eventually plays for long term.

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