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Gus Chamber

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Everything posted by Gus Chamber

  1. I've yet to hear a Raoul Moat joke, someone help me out here...
  2. They won't notice either way if you start talking about nonsense like feelings and stuff. They love that shit.
  3. When she turns out to be an idiot after pretending not to be for a while.
  4. It's just not cricket, what? Shed no tears...
  5. Kinda annoys me as well, but it's them that's missing out by not broadening their horizons so fuck them for the snivelling sods they are. Alternatively, starve them for a day or two and that should sort them out. Let's see you turn your nose up at it now, you spoilt cunt.
  6. Pointless, boring stalk like every single other one on this revolting thread.
  7. Spot on, can't hack his voice at all. Nails on a blackboard has nothing on that shrieky warbling git. Was listening to all the Di'anno output yesterday, still fucking love it too. "This song is called...Driftaahh".
  8. And why would a "family club" like Rangers not take immediate steps to distance themselves from him? Then again, they were quite happy to take a million off a pondlife ned cunt like "lotto lout" Mikey Carroll so don't expect any standards from a Rangers bastard. Come to think of it, I'm hard put to think of anything more stomach-churning than a "Rangers family". What a nauseating mental image. This just reinforces my belief, like it needed any reinforcing, that they're the most disgusting team in the entire world, even more so than Falkirk and that's saying something. They are lower than whale shit, they could crawl under a snake wearing a tophat, they are fucking vile and the sooner the sectarian bastards are wiped off the face of the fucking earth to the point of complete extinction the better. Words just cannot adequately convey the revulsion I feel for them, the fucking Rangers bastards. I really get a perverse relish out of despising them.
  9. Ah well, shows how much I was paying attention. Bloody smartarse...
  10. Sure is, Dunfermline being relegated has spoiled everything...
  11. I remember watching the first bit as it was Adam Ant who opened the whole thing. Once he finished I fucked off to my bedroom to listen to Motorhead.
  12. You could always, y'know, read? That's something you do with a book, in case you were wondering.
  13. Have faith, Jamie had his guitar nicked after he left it in Drummond's (i.e. got pissed as a rat and forgot it) after the Wormrot gig but the pikey shitcunt handed it back in a few weeks ago as word had, for some unknown reason, got out that there was an entire band ready to commit violence upon the miscreant. No idea how that came about... So if word gets out that there's a bunch of big chief hair farmers on the warpath well, it may help the cause.
  14. This is the best bit. Hopefully done with a nonchalant "ah fuck him, I don't give a shit, it's his own fault" air.
  15. I hear you, although it isn't really the police who you should be annoyed at but the infantile dribbly who can't look after himself.
  16. Think it's Steven Milne who deals with the gigs at Weep, NotBald. So ask away. And watch Bonesaw get the slot.
  17. On the "Scum" version of "You Suffer", it sounds like the vocalist is shouting "Uruguay". I don't care if nobody knows what I'm talking about either, it's reason enough for me to want them to win everything.
  18. "I'll put it anoth...no actually, I'll just repeat the question..."
  19. I will, then. Who is she anyway? She looks like she'd actually cry if you pushed a finger or two up her arse mid-romp. Gently of course,
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