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Everything posted by Tooms

  1. oh, woops. ha, i obviously need more practice with my reading. I'd say that rent was somewhere in the middle then, depends on the property itself.
  2. ok... and would you need 5 (FIVE???) floppy disk drive readers? and I presume these are the standard 3.5 inch ones, none of the DD or HD ones which went up to about 200MB i think? Sorry, I just can't see anyone in this day and age having "a lot of floppy disks".
  3. agreed. aberdeen is WAAAY expensive. outside of the London and the South East it has some of the most expensive living in the UK. And yeah that rent looks about right. ESPECIALLY as it includes council tax and bills i'd say it was borderline cheap.
  4. personally i take as much food "from home" as possible (also read as buy bread/sandwich filling etc from local asda's) so I am not spending money in service stations. However, at some point (particularly late night driving) you are just going to have to stop at one. can't really avoid it. But I plan round it as best I can. I look like a total nonce with my packed lunches lol but I don't care!! :-D yeah, 40 for one show, is fine, totally do-able. what about couple of hundred for 5 shows? becomes a slightly different issue. that's all i was saying. I am sure (well, not sure), but I doubt we will be getting any money for our upcoming Glasgow gig but we;re fucking stoked to go down and play with those bands!! so will therefore gladly pay the cost of getting down. And it's also possible that we will get a few unpaid tour dates of a band we really love soon...again we'll do that by saving over the next few months. But in general, I don't think it's too much to ask to get 20-40 for petrol monies and a bit of food!! also yes we save for our MOT! and one person in our band pays for all the insurance etc. we have been fortunate in that it hasnt blown up on the road yet. although the other week we did run out of petrol AND the door fell off...it was quite funny.
  5. floppy disk drives? really? mmm...1.3 MB...so much memory....
  6. yeah totally. but as I think dan pointed out the kicker is that IF you don't get paid, it is usually cos it hasn't been promoted and so therefore there is no one to sell anything to, thus you can't sell merch anyway. but IF it is a "brilliant gig" (implies people are there!) then the promoter has obviously made some money from putting on your band, so isnt it only fair that you get a small cut of that too? i.e. your guarantee? i think 'good gig/getting paid' and 'bad gig/don't get paid' both go hand in hand with each other. it should never be a case of either or. we're always happy to get petrol money though because if we don't we often literally can't get to the next show. simple as.
  7. what grade can you teach to (/are you)? or is this really a "i'l get you playing a 3 way independant, 4/4 beat" kinda thing?
  8. oh sorry!! either: a) start archiving old threads as soon as they become irrelevant / you see them as being old, 2) make the last post date more obvious (big red font after it's a month old or something), or d) stop fucking moaning everytime someone replies to an old thread. gad.
  9. A View To A Kill all the way!! Such a good tune, although that wasn't the title song it was the credits song. Does anyone know of any other artists/bands signed on to write/record songs for this new film?
  10. if i had to lose every single channel but one, I would choose to keep Dave. fact. also, i have sky and a 37" tv and although i recognise the picture quality isn't GREAT, i'd say it was far from poor and definitely not unwatchable by any means! but granted when i stick a Blu-Ray in the PS3 you say to your self "is THIS what it's supposed to look like...aaaaahhhhh!!!!"
  11. i was just curious really. looking to potentially sell and buy a van. as ours is falling apart. but this isn't what I am after!! lol couldn't sleep 6 in here with gear an all! (unfortunately we have done this in the past with ours!!)
  12. Ok, LITERALLY just bought this game so is in MINT condition. I could probably get away with selling this on eBay "new" if I am honest!!! Need to sell due to, how shall I put it, a misunderstanding with my soon to be coming out of my bank phone bill!!! Basically, anyone who will want this will know how much it costs, so make me an offer! I live in aberdeen city centre and can drop off in an evening after work. Cheers
  13. in fairness i'd probably tend to agree but like i said before not really sure what application you're going for here. maybe an AKG C 1000 S as a fairly cheap condensor mic good for many things? more around the 100 mark though.
  14. i've been toying with the idea of building a cab too. but A LOT of thought needs to go into it really. and i hear what you're saying about being new and having no experience, i have none either. but for the minimal price difference at the component stage i'd personally opt for getting decent speakers. I mean come on, 40 for a V30 is nothing really, how much would a cheap speaker cost? couldn't be much less I wouldn't have thought?
  15. to further my point, there's a thread around here somewhere about home recording solutions I am sure. What kind of recording are you trying to accomplish? what software/hardware do you have or think you want to get this?
  16. agreed. but surely you'd need some kind of sound interface anyway. however, in terms of a good all round microphone, that is reliable, robust, industry standard, cheap and good at recording guitars and vocals, i'd say go and get yourself an SM 57.
  17. sound as a pound. 35 pounds to be precise.
  18. Tooms

    4U rackcase

    For this purpose i'd say the one I linked to would be fine.
  19. Tooms

    4U rackcase

    oh and bringing it back to the original post, I'd say it really depends on what you are going to be using your amp for / how much. Arguably I'd say you could easily be spending more than 60 on a good hardcase/flightcase!! And that 60 is a pretty good deal.
  20. Tooms

    4U rackcase

    yeah I think ABS and SKB are now the same (or at least same product) and Gator are VERY similar. Fair enough, I know that you know what you're talking about, I've just never seen it. And for all the touring bands I've seen/played with etc i'd say that 95% of the bassists in those bands were using these kinds of cases.That doesn't make them right/best of course, just saying that they are common and I have never perosnally seen any of them fall apart. Granted they're only designed to house and protect an amp, doesn't mean you can throw it down some stairs or stand on it!
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