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Everything posted by Tooms

  1. Yeah that's a more reasonable price! drum kits are almost as bad as cars!! Depreciate like crazy. I remember when I bought my Mapex Pro M kit for about 1000 (and at the time it was on sale, RRP was up at like 1299.99 or something!) and now I don't think they fetch much more...500? Something like that? super gay.
  2. Tooms

    4U rackcase

    you mean 2 per side I assume? example of 4U rack case on eBay personally I don't think you can go wrong with that. I guess it depends how much you intend to tour with it. But presumably it'll be sat on a cab most of the time anyway so I don't see how it will distort. edit: p.s. I meant ABS before not AKG!! They make some of my microphones! lol. Gator ones are usually a tad more expensive I think.
  3. interested in the cymbal stand. someone rinsed one of mine from the Moshulu show I played the other Sunday...annoying!
  4. Tooms

    4U rackcase

    really? I've never seen this? Alex has gigged/toured his amp a lot (it's a 6U case which holds his Ampeg SVT4 Pro and then some other stuff like a 1U tech21 sansamp and 1U Korg (?) tuner) Case is very strong plastic, with metal on either edge, and metal clasps (4 fairly heavy duty ones) and it does the job very well as far as I can see.
  5. why would you want to buy cheap speakers? also you can get a Celestion V30 for like 40 a pop!!! (awesome drivers you get in cabs like Orange and Mesa/Boogie)
  6. Tooms

    4U rackcase

    Best place to get one of these is off eBay i've found. they're all good quality of the types I have seen, AKG, Gator etc...
  7. Furthermore, whilst you can still treat a drum kit with care, you still have to hit it! the more people that "you" let play on it, the quicker you have to reskin it. Especially if you use your kit to both tour and record, like I do. I haven't quite got enough to have two kits. I will do soon. And then I will be less fussy with my touring kit (especially as by then I'll be triggering my toms anyway! :-))
  8. well yes, in an ideal world you're right. but bands/people just don't do that. not the majority anyway. on several occaisons i have indeed said to other band members no you can't use our gear. Though in fairness this has usually been cheeky fucks trying to borrow amps not cabs. any joker going to PLAY a gig, and goes to said gig without the equipment to play the gig, deserves a punch in the neck and a kick in the groin in my opinion.
  9. AH! that's it!!! i knew there was a connection. cheers fuck face!
  10. Yes, but what i was getting at is that we rarely "choose" to provide the backline for other people. it just happens that way cos the other bands either don't have backline and/or the sound guy doesnt want to do changes. the latter is understandable if there is a strict curfew etc. but for the former. if a band member has an amp say, but no cab, i think they should EXPECT to pay for the privelage of borrowing a cab. I think most people would be very pleased if a (let's say) young chap came up and said, "i don't have my own cab, but wondered if I gave you a few pounds I could borrow yours"!
  11. for the people saying: "who the ...???" that's: underoath vs 36 crazy fists, every time I die vs Lamb of God and madball vs thursday Wasn't Freddie Cricien also in Agnostic Front or have i just made that up?
  12. fair enough, but I find that even when we play local shows (ok we're don't look for 50!) but something would help because we still need to use a van to get to the gig. and we often supply a lot of the backline, and I am of the opinion that anyone providing backline should be helped out a little! on one occaison (and I stress once, as I never did it again!) we were getting sick of people using and - whilst not necessarily abusing - not looking after our gear (backline). So i went up to the 3 other bands and asked if they could fork out 5 total per band (as in 1 per band member) for essentially the "hire" of 3 cabs and a drum kit. The sheer look of disgust and contempt I was greeted with was actually staggering. Personally I thought that was a fucking bargain!! You try hiring a good drum kit or a 4x12 speaker cabinet for 1!! You'd be laughed out of the place. But like i said was greeted with such anger after this request that I never bothered again. So a little bit of money wouldn't go a miss, when providing backline, IMO. I don't think some people understand how much it costs to reskin a drum kit...for example.
  13. couldn't disagree more with that. when you're on the road, that 30 is a lifeline!! it means you can get to the next show!! Vans that are weighed down by gear and people (and being cheap and old i.e. inefficient) fucking DRINK diesel like it's going out of fashion!!
  14. i agree with Scott's point from earlier. basically if you're a promoter, putting on say...2 out of town bands and 2 locals (to try and pull in the people) and say you want to pay the locals 30 each (a reasonable amount I feel) and then maybe the 2 travelling bands 150 between them. then in my opinion the promoter should go to that gig with 210 in his hands. so he can pay the bands right away. then any money off the door is his. and if he has done his job he will get more than 42 people through the door (5 to get in) and he will break even. However, I think most "local" bands will except that sometimes if it is a bad turnout then they won't get paid. this keeps the promoter in business and hopefully that band will get put on a show next time and WILL get paid. but in this instance the bands with a guarantee (i.e. any band who is travelling) should still def. get paid. So he should go to the venue with 150.
  15. yeah totally, not even close. i don't think i've ever been on a tour that wasn't run on a loss. (for me anyway, i did see Enter Shikari make about infinity billion pounds a night selling tee shirts! lol) and as for deenfest, no i can say that no one got payed 600. The most any single band got paid was 400, and after that there were a few around the 200 mark then less. But I won't name names. the 4 "local" bands, beit on scottish tours or not had 60 to split between the 4 of them. (ie no profit for deenfest) deenfest arranged/agreed to give that to fears and weapon. and will be putting on a show for ASD soon as we all know they can pull a good crowd and they'll get reimbursed then I am sure. and the same i am sure is true for to catch a predator who we really enjoyed both nights we saw them play, and good lads too so i'm sure they'll be back up on a show soon and getting paid!
  16. also if the venue has a set price for hiring out then i don't see how it's relevant, if it makes any money on the bar after that then it's a bonus! and also as i was trying to emphasise before this topic isnt about making money, as money is almost never made. furthermore any money made on the bar wouldn't go to the bands anyway!
  17. ok, trying to get to the point here but no one seems to be getting it. is the criticism that a promotions company is trying to put on popular bands? if so that's moderately retarded. that's like saying "topshop only sells popular clothes!" - duh. it's a supply and demand argument really. however having said that it makes them (deenfest) sound like they're after money which i know isn't the case, they just put on bands they like. sometimes make a small profit, sometimes make a loss. other styles of bands will get put on by different promoters. as those promoters will know how to PROMOTE to the people who will like the band. but i'd still like to come back to the "unreal guarantees" point...
  18. no i agree, wasn't trying to imply they put on bands like converge and the corrs. just saying they aren't all the same, but yes they can all fall under the title "popular/new/modern alternative music". but...is that really a point worthy of criticism?
  19. i think if you took a wee teeny girl who loves you me at six to go see shaped by fate they would disagree with you. or maybe by deenfest-style bands he meant bands that are currently popular and currently classed as "alternative"/"scene"? (i.e. for "scene" read "currently popular")
  20. well, from bands like dividing the line or you me at six to eternal lord and shaped by fate, i'd actually say that was quite a broad spectrum bands playing modern popular music. but whatever.
  21. Yeah i'd be interested to hear too, just cos i could say right away whether it was true or not. - knowing what everyone's guarantee was that day and what they got paid. also, Deenfest style band?
  22. aberdeen used to be what you described, however now I find it ever more cliquey and bitchy. Personally I try and stay as far away from the snide as possible. But being in a band that "the cool people" hate it's difficult. We compensate by only playing aberdeen a few times a year!! as for Deenfest promo (not the individual "deenfest" show) i can't think of a better group in aberdeen who get people through the door. which, surely, is all you want/expect from a "promotions" company. Whether you like the bands they put on or not is moot. If people are going to the gig, then obviously there is a demand for it, ergo they were correct in the first place to book them. And before anyone mentions it it's not like they make a lot (if any!!) money from it. I do know this for a FACT. (last few shows all made a loss / only broke even by not paying the local bands) As for Deenfest show itself, I quite enjoyed it. And get on well with the bands that played and all in all had a good day. wasn't as busy as they had liked (hence making a loss) but still was a good day!
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