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Everything posted by Tooms

  1. my time > rubbish internet arguments > your time ...apparently.
  2. thats not really advice is it? it's really just an opinion.
  3. I've heard good and bad sound there. but i'd say every gig i've been to was good. (i.e not overly affected by bad sound) really? Almost every time I have been to Tuts the sound has been great. But yes, Cathouse can be hit or miss (see above).
  4. yep, as does Steve. Melissa Cross is definitely the way to go. People I "know" who use them are Spencer Chamberlain (Underoath) and Brock Lindow (36 Crazy Fists). And that is just naming a couple. Not only great for learning how to scream properly but also great vocal warm ups included.
  5. i think it'd be very unlikely to cause any troubles dude. honestly. and if you put "cover of .." or "not original material..>" or something like that on it (which will be obvious anyway) then i'd say that the worst that could happen IF (and a big if) they found it and didn't like it would be to ask you to take it down. especially as you're not making any money off it?
  6. yeah it's not the best. but the PA is good, you get a good sound of it. apart from the pillar the stage is good. both deep and wide. and the local staff help with load on and off. but yeah I'd rather play tuts.
  7. really? that seems a bit weird? did he tell Eric (or whoever was on that night) that he was leaving something and wanted to come to pick it up later?
  8. you stick gum in your ear when chatting up ladies? does that help?
  9. i find ANY ear plug is better than nothing. i have a shed load of the level 2 ones you get on building sites/offshore etc. and yeah they do alter the EQ a bit. but not to an extent where you can't understand whats going on. and after about a minute you're used to it again and compensate. i didn't use ear plugs on monday for the first time in over a year. OW. big mistake. It's what I get for leaving my gig bag behind. I have often toyed with the idea of getting those custom made ones? they take a mold of your ear etc so they are built to spec. but never bothered. does anyone have any of these?
  10. cool cheers, i'm gonna go check them out again.
  11. I am trying to remember a band that I saw play live last year. I THINK that it was at the Fudge Awards...cos for some reason i seem to remember wearing my tux. lol Anyway, it would have been 2007 at the Lemon Tree. there was a drummer, guitarist and bassist, a female backing singer and the "frontman" was another girl who was the lead singer and also played keys. She also had this very cool pedal activated loop thing which meant she was able to harmonise with her self. - it was very cool. Does anyone know or remember who I am talking about? i know they weren't from aberdeen.
  12. very true. but doesn't make it inherently bad. The Cathouse has a pillar RIGHT in the way, but i like it as a music venue. Sure it's a pain. But it's advantages outweigh the dis-advantages. And that is very much the case with the Lemon Tree IMHO.
  13. haha, yeah it's actually phosgene in the "dry ice" machine. Like being in Bhopal! lol anyway, there's not THAT many stairs at the front you pussy! :-p just get a bud to carry it down with you. :-)
  14. yeah, nightmare! especially when practising we normally spend a good few hours* and often do basic recordings etc as a song writng tool. GOTTA get your own place. *now we do...only just got a full line up again! grr.
  15. no dude! that's my bad. hasn't been a gig at tunnels that i wanted to go to (and knew about AT ALL) for ages. Load in at the front! ;-) then park the van round the back. FUCK loading in at the back! Having said that on monday i loaded out the backway. but that's besides the point.
  16. Having your own place to practice is a God send. I cant imagine how much money would have been spent by now on rehearsal space if I didn't have my studio!
  17. fair enough. maybe that figure included the bar and other (door) staff as well. or maybe i just plucked it out of the ether. I definitely remember that that was a quote given to us though one time when we were looking to put a gig on there. Anyway, I'll concede that point as i have no real info to back it up. but best venue in aberdeen? I don't think so. The best venue in terms of PA, treatment of bands, etc is Lemon Tree. LOVE playing there. After that moshulu is a good VENUE...if you can get the people through the door. and i also think Drummonds is a good venue. The sound at Tunnels is usually butters UNLESS that sound girl is doing the sound. (I apologise I'm afraid I don't know her name) but she has the accoustics in that place nailed and gets a good sound. Any touring sound guys have a fucking nightmare getting a good sound in there. Its funny.
  18. we always make sure (at least ask) that the dry ice machine stays off for the whole show. It is awful on stage as well.
  19. precisely, and there could be a deal set up to take a % of door profit, as opposed to a flat out fee. maybe it's changed. but i had a feeling tunnels wasn't that cheap at all to hire out. Somewhere in the region of 500? something like that? but i could be well wrong with that.
  20. the best thing about drummonds is not having to pay to hire out the venue to put on shows. which is not the case with the tunnels is it? I hope that doesn't change. Otherwise local shows WILL take a hit. No doubt about it.
  21. what the fuck is this, i don't have access to the forum for a few days and i come back and all the new posts in this thread are Stripey orientated. yawn. that's 10 minutes of my life i'll never get back. lets get back on topic of sharing pics of gear eh?
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