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Everything posted by Ross.

  1. His name is Chris Cummings. No sordid tales there sadly.
  2. I'd hazard a guess it's possibly because of Balmorhea in Tunnels 2- from what I've read on here the plan is to try and stagger the bands stage times throughout the night so this gig doesn't destroy the somewhat less heavy one next door.
  4. Same. That's the one tune I'd love to hear live as well.
  5. eBay would presumably be your best bet with a guitar as highly valued as this. But I'm sure you realise that already. Sounds an amazing guitar though.
  6. What the fucking shit just happened? I'm terrified.
  7. Ross.

    Pet Hates!

    Pronounced like testes?
  8. It seems my Ampeg is criticised fairly often online for being a 'quiet' amp, so I'm guessing it's nothing to do with the actual wattage. All I know is that when practising with a band it needs to be cranked way up to be of any use and with the limiter utilised you can forget being heard at all.
  9. I have a feeling I won't like this show. One fucking bit.
  10. You have beautiful eyes.
  11. Not a clue. I just saw that the original post was 3 years ago and that the user had deleted their account.
  12. The person selling the guitar isn't even a member of the site anymore...
  13. Ross.

    Graphic Design

    Ha, it was meant to be a compliment. They're really good.
  14. Ross.

    Graphic Design

    Your posters are so decent. That is all.
  15. "Hell, this is a dinosaur!"
  16. Within the last 3-4 days I've probably watched that video about 20 times. That guy has some ridiculous skills. Amazing.
  17. http://www.aberdeen-music.com/forums/equipment/54913-marshall-2x12.html Pretty good deal right there.
  18. I would love a Thunderverb. Is 200 watts enough power for a bass head though? Presumably it'll be 'louder' since it's a valve amp, but my Ampeg is 350 watts and doesn't really give me much headroom.
  19. YouTube - Kunt and the Gang - Documentary part 1 of 3
  20. Ross.

    Pet Hates!

    Come on, 'BJ for Money!' BJ! Money! Cos...cos his initials are B and J...oral sex...NOPE SORRY STILL NOT FUNNY. I was surprised I didn't get harassed walking around campus this afternoon. I did however get followed along the road by 2 Mormons in a car asking if they can take me home then come in with me for a chat.
  21. GTFO n00b. Or something.
  22. Who. Gives. A. Fuck. Totally pointless story. Man gets suspended from work at the same time he's away on holiday. I hate Northsound, and I hate the Evening Express. 'Allegedly' they're both absolutely dreadful.
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