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Le Stu

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Everything posted by Le Stu

  1. Yeah, these islands are not our sovereign territory so unless you're up for direct action there's little point appealing to British citizens. If this were happening in our waters there would be outrage. (hoping we are actually still supporting the moratorium lol)
  2. Le Stu

    Pet Hates!

    It's all about the inflated self of self-importance. Pre-requisite to being a star, isn't it?
  3. You're probably right, I don't think genuine holograms could update that fast. one day though And it's computer generated vocals and imagery so I'd guess it's either prerecorded or synched if its realtime. Maybe there's someone in a capture suit backstage, I don't know.
  4. That was aimed at narwhal in particular but fair enough I don't want to seem like I'm blubbering about it.
  5. OK, this is really getting irritating now. We need to put a stop to this, a complete cetacean of punning.
  6. Le Stu

    Pet Hates!

    Yes, the cheapskates! Also, CiF suffer heavily from Daily Mail syndrome so if you read that too much you'll start believeing insnae things.
  7. Le Stu

    Pet Hates!

    Absolutely, they've been ribbed about not standing up for themselves like the French in the Guardian for months now, even though tbh the French will probably look at this like we're fucking nutters.
  8. Le Stu

    Pet Hates!

    It'll probably help that you're going through US passport control with a US passport. They have different lines for that. Maybe if you take proof of your naturalised citizenship as well you'll be okay They were giving me shit 'cos I wore the front off my British one from taking it round so many bars in my trouser pocket.
  9. Le Stu

    Pet Hates!

    So wait... you're applying for an American passport from an American embassy? I didn't have any problems with them getting my visa for my green card, except for the metropolitan police freely admitting there was no chance of them getting a full disclosure of my criminal record to me within the legal time limit what with the football being on and everything Oh and I lost my inoculation certificate so I had to get the MMR jab twice in two months.
  10. Le Stu

    Pet Hates!

    I second this request as I may entering higher education next year and want to know what new advanced note-taking may be advantageous to my learning.
  11. Yeah, camping is completely legit on defense games. It does my head in when everybody runs toward the same location and nobody thinks of defense. I'm looking forward to playing the new FFA type games, especially the Gun and Sharpshooter games.
  12. It might not be as bad on Black Ops 'cos the Tactical Nuke is gone so there's less incentive to behave that way. I've seen that video where Sandy Ravage has two in the pocket on a domination game. TWO nukes
  13. The Sandy Ravage had a feed going yesterday: Justin.tv - 'Sandy Ravage' - Trying out Black Ops
  14. Where's the cheapest? I know Game are running a 25 offer if you buy another title but I don't fancy anything. Sort of want. Maybe I'll wait for Christmas.
  15. AWOOOGA ALERT = nob You wouldn't want to punch Danny John-Jules though: Danny John-Jules - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
  16. Le Stu

    TV Series!!

    Watched the first part of The Trip last night. This was released as a film first or something. Really funny anyway.
  17. Le Stu


    How did the tiger send his files? He RAR'd them.
  18. I ordered some Polish stuff called Absinthion off the internet last year, it's supposed to be legit. 3 glasses of it and I was buggered. I had some home brewed stuff once as well and didn't go blind. The madness is debatable.
  19. Splintered which was so awful I mention it only as a warning to others. No idea how this got in my queue.. Shadowmakers AKA Fat Man and Little Boy Spent much of the movie trying to figure out that Robert Oppenheimer is Howling Mad Murdoch from the A-Team. It's a very Hollywood take on the subject of the Manhattan Project with hand-wringing intellectuals versus paranoid generals, still quite interesting.
  20. My fave was a mauvish pink tee with "Ravers Suck" on it, which I did admittedly wear at some large-scale dance music events. The irony is kind of picarded when the pills kick in, of course...
  21. lol a return of Fat Alan or at least some flashbacks would be welcome.
  22. YouTube - Mid Morning Matters with Alan Partridge - Trailer Should have gone with Ginsters for the sponsorship though, surely?
  23. that was udderly awful. You're just milkiing this thread!
  24. Still, very honest about their traffic shaping. Mediocre but inexpensive.
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