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Le Stu

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Everything posted by Le Stu

  1. Yeah, I can't be arsed with anyone's opinion unless it's the same as mine, which I already know so it's links or GTFO basically.
  2. Halo series must be the Marmite of videogames. I never liked it either.
  3. Xbox. I'm currently on my 4th prestige, and only one fucking nuke. And I got that by accident! I want to stop playing this but I must have all the shiny shiny things.
  4. Yeah, that's it. There are a few points in levels on MW2 where you can setup a defensible position and just pop people as they spawn or run out of the spawn. I pretty much exclusively play FFA. I just don't like the team games, especially domination, not because they're no good but becausew people play them like they're FFA which is infuriating.
  5. I always get fucked up going through there. My fave is the spawnkill spot near the minigun by the stairs on the other side of the courtyard. If you doubleup claymores on the set of stairs at the back and wedge yourself in the corner at the top of the outside stairs it's good for about 7 kills on the spawn if you're lucky.
  6. Yeah that levels really good and tight. I'll usually prowl that hectic corridor with my SPAS-12 looking for campers to shoot in the face or just camp the whole corridor from the end with the steps. Those rooms off it are good for sneaky camping as it's hard to tell from the kill-cam which corner you're in.
  7. I usually run and gun but if I get bored I spawn camp on Trailer Park, Skidrow or Favela. It's just my theory that if you're going to play like a dick then go big. Don't be that sad a-hole hiding in corners hoping for a kill. Get your claymores down, One-Man-army up and your spawnkills on. Also, choose these killstreaks: Harrier Strike - Pavelow - AC130 Absolute pwnage and you'll almost certainly get some abuse if peeps are playing with their mics on.
  8. yeah, I find even getting to 6 in a non-dickhead playing fashion is rare. Fuck the RC car, they should package the prestige set with a tent.
  9. Le Stu

    Pet Hates!

    That's true though I have had friends cajolling me to watch this Richard Dawkins video even though I assure them that his critique of faith is purile. That's when they usually get upset and start going on at me about evolution, whereby I proceed to wind them up by feigning a display of ignorance on the subject. It's more like that. Christians I just hiss at when they bother me. I grew bored of trolling them a long time ago.
  10. I think the final streak is 11 kills so not so bad. Everyone will still camp for them though, of course. Not that I don't. An important observation of the COD mentality is that it's everyone else who are camping.
  11. Le Stu

    Pet Hates!

    Yeah. I have a friend in the states who comes from a born-again family so, obviously, she's a militant atheist. Christian upbringing is probably the leading cause of it. The trick I find is to challenge them to start reciting the Lord's Prayer along with you and see who gets furthest. Most of the time it's them and I get to be a smug little agnostic lol.
  12. Call of Duty: Black Ops - The Call of Duty Wiki - Call of Duty: Black Ops, Modern Warfare 2, Call of Duty 4, characters and more Tactical Insertion confirmed. Treyarch claim they're going to police the game diligently to prevent hacking and boosting. We shall see. Also, the killstreaks can't be chained. ie. kills from killstreaks don't count towards further killstreak rewards. Last week I managed a tactical knife triple-kill on a boosting party in MW2 which was a pure delight. Perhaps I'd miss this. sometimes.
  13. No, is it something to do with Kylie Minogue or massively multiplayer online roleplaying games?
  14. I do find the form of Stephen's face quite enticing as a punchable prospect but, bar occasional pompousity, I find no reason other than self-satisfying violence to do it.
  15. RE: Martyrs. I felt messed up for a good half an hour after watching that. For a good wheeze, recommend as a date movie. I watched The Other Guys last night which has some very funny bits but they're sparcely scattered throughout.
  16. Since the former actually punched the latter in the face, he's alright with me. Alan Carr Justion Lee Collins
  17. The point of Tapas is to have some nibbles while you get smashed on Sangria.
  18. Le Stu


    I'm downloading the Qu'ran from an ebook site. I've got a slow connection but it should be done by Saturday the 11th. I'm putting it on disk, if anyone wants one I can burn a few copies.
  19. MacGruber which is hilarious if you're baked enough to appreciate its complete lack of subtlety, I'm told.
  20. Princess Mononoke which is a PG anime Avatar, basically. Still, quite a few decapitations for a PG anime... 4 Lions which had enough to keep me laughing when I was wondering if I should be.
  21. Le Stu

    Pet Hates!

    'mellow dramatic' sounds like a font.
  22. My brother bought me this for my birthday so he could uplioad it to his iPod. Should I not like it on principal? I like that one about betting young ladies look good on the dancefloor and there's another cracker but I tend to get a bit bored of this type of thing. Maybe they should put a donk on it?
  23. Le Stu

    Pet Hates!

    There must be a way to wipe the internal memory. Have you tried downloading BITpim or whatever the fuck it is known as? Plan B, holiday in Iran, conveniently coinciding with a surprise underground EMP.
  24. I tried this but it didn't work 'cos I just don;'t like sport and then my weekend nights were so empty. Then I realised how much whisky I could drink for the price of a night out and I stopped caring what the man was saying about where the ball was going and whose fault it was. Er, yeah but Priory... shithole.
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