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Everything posted by ca_gere

  1. Great spot. I've watched all five seasons twice now and still would happily sit through them again. Once you know all the references (re-up, 5-oh, the different police depts, etc) you pick up a lot of the dialogue you missed the first time. Homicide is a complete change of pace but the writers/producers hallmarks are all there and it is still streaks ahead of other shows in it's genre. Detective Munch turns up in Wire season 5 playing the same character as in Homicide, it's a nice touch.
  2. That phrase has put an image in my head of a bunch of 'suits you sir' slaters assistants writhing around in a mess of tape measures, putting shoe horns in places not meant for haberdashery.
  3. I want one of these bad boys... would make delicious, strong coffee and look nice on the counter.
  4. That's outta wack You've got every right to post angrily if some bellend makes slanderous, hairist comments.
  5. He still managed to be pretentious... about a hot drink of all things. My advice bout coffee is try as many different types as u can and ull soon find the one u like. The cheapo supermarket ones are just as good as some of the gourmet ones, its all a question of personal taste.
  6. http://www.aberdeen-music.com/forums/general-discussion/50192-perfect-cup-coffee.html
  7. You could just do the Seinfeld theme tune for an hour. Who doesn't like that?!
  8. Getting a film/series off the ground is extremely hard when there is little or no budget involved. God knows I've tried countless times to start little projects amongst friends. I decided that documentary/non fiction was the way forward after experiencing all the hassle involved in fiction. When you factor in script, actors, equipment, locations, sets, time, post production.... the list can be endless depending on the scope of your film... there are a lot of variables that need extensive organisation and require a lot of time which, if you and the people involved work/study, is not allways feasible. I''ve always had a fascination with film making and have always filmed the odd bits and bobs here and there, mostly with a good friend of mine who is as passionate as I am (gigs, events, little montages for friends which would interest noone except those in the vid, etc). Very early (i.e. not great quality) stuff can be seen , here and The money I got from the first one went towards decent editing/encoding software and I built up good contacts for getting a hold of better equipment on the cheap. We also got asked to shoot a couple of promos for different companies. Work commitments and the classic 'moving to Glasgow' syndrome has thrown our plans of production company stardom just as we were increasing in professionalism but the experience we got was valuable and when I eventually move back to the vicinity, I'll be getting back into it for sure. (I promise I'll finish that project RockAustin!) My advice would be this... 1) Read up as much as you can. There are tonnes of good DIY filmmaking books out there with great advice. Building a dolly/steadicam, info on the bureaucratic side of things, tips on techniques, etc 2) Get celtx... It's awesome, everything you need for organising a project from start to finish. Storyboarding, budgetting, location scouting... it has everything. 3) Invest in or make your own clapper board and use it for every scene... Something so trivial is vital for editing in post prod when you've got a mountain of footage to get through. 4) Networking - Like in music, the more people you know the better. You'd be surprised how many aspiring actors there are out there looking for a CV credit, however small the part, or how many people have a disused barn ideal for shooting beside their house. Give someone a hand on their film and they'll return the favour. That kind of thing. A lot of people have ideas for films but keep them to themselves... you gotta talk about it and get folk interested. ... Good luck. I'd be up for giving you a hand if i was in abdn!!
  9. Can't check it now but sounds right up my street. will get back to you. Ta-zies
  10. This is the forum thread that all others will be judged against in my mind. What a beaut. And, I'm only at page 31. I want to be mates with Dave.
  11. Can't stand that Diaz bint, never have. Her face is more chewed-up-toffee like than ever in this film That said, it is pretty good for a formulaic rom com.
  12. I had a tonne of youtube links for you then my browser crashed. Fucking internet! I'm considering going back to teletext! Been getting an itch for a bit of Bamboozle anyway. I had a brief J-Pop period. It's not big and it's certainly not clever but it is damn catchy and a lot better constructed than western pop. Don't have audio at work so these might not be the best quality vids but notable mentions go to... Halcali Rip Slyme and the sublime, not-strictly-pop Polysics who are in another league
  13. I know you specifically mentioned 'in aberdeen' but this web site has some great designs and are very punctual with delivery. Not too pricey too.
  14. still, nice to see someone has the right idea about selling tickets, even knocking money off the price.
  15. I'll buy it for 350 as a present for my uncle in Nigeria. Send me the tickets along with your bank details and i'll transfer the money right away.
  16. I'd also recommend the ricky gervais xfm shows. Can't provide a link because its probably a legal grey area. People seem to have a lot of hate for him and he is an idiot but those early shows are radio gold. Karl Pilkington is an endless source of amusement.
  17. on a similar theme to the post above
  18. thats some quality stephanage!
  19. I know this is sooo a few days ago but, I just watched the Lafferty/Mulgrew video. What on earth was he thinking? No good could ever come from diving like that. It's not as if he was ever gonna get away with it and not cause an uproar. Footballers really are stupid. I'm glad the Scottish and English leagues clamp down on that sort of bullshit, unlike a lot of other leagues where it happens more frequently.
  20. It sounds as if it's gettin a bit out of hand, I can well imagine folk taking it too far and disrupting gigs. Still, a well timed 'Stephen' would make me chuckle.
  21. has anyone heard a 'Stephen!?' at a gig yet?
  22. let me refer you to exhibit A: http://www.aberdeen-music.com/forums/general-discussion/51242-did-anyone-see-me-yesterday.html classic thread
  23. yes!! I saw him a couple of times there when the first cut and paste mix tapes had come out. Amazing, some of the best nights ever. However, the last time I saw Dj Yoda at Kef it was really disapointing, what a lazy set . Hope he's back on form nowadays. On the strength of those early shows alone I would definitely recommend this.
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