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Everything posted by ca_gere

  1. You should have thought of that at 2pm. It's like that Mitch Hedberg bit when he says he just chucks a potato in the oven just in case he wants a baked potato at some point in the future coz they take that bloody long.
  2. congratulations. If you were morbidly obese then I would be surprised if that was still the case.
  3. That's not the point I was trying to make at all. A racist is a racist whether he posts on the internet or not. I was more referring to the fact that an internet thread is a text (and occasionally image) based form of communicating. Senses of irony, sarcasm, social context and other nuances present in real life spoken language are frequently lost and what is a joke to one peron may appear to be an insult to another. I agree though, this isn't a great thread. But, people taking the moral high ground is just as annoying as an out and out insult. I'm not having a go at you. For the record, I enjoy your posts and find your discussion to be largely relevant and interesting
  4. Am I alone in thinking that you can't compare sexuality and ethnicity with weight? Where are the bbc three programs dedicated to advising you on how to be not gay or how to lose your immigrant heritage? You are right, there are a number of reasons as to why people are overweight. But, I'd argue the main one is... um... a lack of exercise and a bad diet perhaps. Prejudice against an unhealthy culture in which kids are given turkey twizzlers and chips and plumped in front of a playstation is actually beneficial to society. It should be viewed as wrong to be unhealthy in my opinion.
  5. Although I hate the term PC, I agree with you completely. Internet discussion isn't real life. I'm sure the person who said fat people should be put down doesn't actually wish death upon someone for being overweight. If that was the case, the pet hates thread would cause a speight of murders for loud chewing or bad parking. I don't think people are making these japes and jibes towards fatties in order to be controversial, it's more an exaggerated, humourous representation of what they actually feel. I admit that I have personally felt disgusted on more than one occasion by an extremely overweight person. I'm not proud of that but it was my natural reaction at the time. Sitting next to a sweaty, smelly fat person eating crisps on a hot summers day on the bus is not a pleasurable experience. I would never personally insult this person or want to cause them any embarrasment but i reserve the right to poke fun at the society/culture that allows a person to get to such a size. Weren't no fatties in the 18th century, ain't no fatties in, i dunno... Costa Rica or anywhere where they don't have two aisles of ready meals at the entrance of every supermarket.
  6. you beat me to it. Obviously you can't tar everyone with the same brush, and there are a very small proportion of people who are genuinely fat due to medical reasons, but when you see the likes of Michelle Mcmanus telling that poo gazer she eats 10 packets of crisps a day it's hard not to. Obesity is a major problem and a lot of it is due to bad education on healthy lifestyles but a lot of it is down to pure greed and laziness. Nothing wrong with having a bit of a full figure, I think people on here aren't having a go at that. It's more the morbidly obese behemoths that are sucking money out of the public kitty with their various problems.
  7. I thought the gooch was the area of skin between the bawsack and the poophole. I'd need to check with a doctor though. I hate seeing fat people wave. Every square inch of skin on their arm seems to move independently and it makes me sick.
  8. I believe you are referring to what is known as the Gunt. i.e. not quite your gut, not quite your cunt.
  9. Amen Jesus. There are some right nasty old people nocking about. The other day me other half was in a shop with her philipino auntie, the auntie was returning a faulty item and complaining about it to the shop assistant. Some old biddy took it upon herself to tell my gf (Coz she's white and didn't appear to be 'with' her) that "they should send them all back" She was so shocked she couldn't spit out a reply and before she launched into a rant the auntie dragged her out the shop and explained that her experience has taught her just to ignore this kind of thing as she'd go mad if she didn't. I can understand and accept the old colonial stereotypes and views still lingering in old people, like the army major in Fawlty Towers, but when it comes out as pure hate or spite it's a different thing entirely. Unfortunately Aberdeen is particularly bad for this. That said, I find people in Aberdeen generally pretty nice and friendly. People in cities in the rest of Europe are a lot worse. Manners virtually don't exist on the continent. Nobody queues, its a free for all. And, the notion of holding doors open and other general pleasantries don't seem to be instilled in people.
  10. There should be the same kind of system in places selling food that there is in bars. In a pub, If you appear to be drunk, you don't get served. In Mcdonalds they should say to the proper flesh blimps ...'sorry I can't serve you, I think you've had enough.' And for people teetering on the edge of fattydom they should allow them a half salad but confiscate their keys so they have to walk home.
  11. Time to show off my language skills, here goes... a' thi best loon, hope yi git ahin yi wiz sickin and yi hae a richt guid nicht the nicht.
  12. I love this post. I dunno why but it made me laugh a lot. Im'na rep a brutha up.
  13. I'm fairly certain there will be zero requests for that song now so you could probably safely go back to radio DJing and banish her from your thoughts forever. The people who bought and liked the record have moved on to whatever radio 1 is currently telling people to buy and her true fans can't call in a request because they exist only in her imagination and therefore cannot use a telephone. I am still subjected to her infuriating anachronistic couplet almost every day on my walk to work as the shopping centre next to my house seems to have not changed its 10 song playlist for a few years.
  14. I don't think she'l even make it onto one of these god awful programmes. That JCB song probably beats her in the notable one hit wonder/novelty folk record of the mid 2000s stakes ..
  15. The hate felt towards this woman is incredible. Did anyone know her personally in her pleb days? My girlfriend went to school with her and says she was a "nippy cow". I'm not even allowed to mention her name in the house.
  16. Just a thought... Didn't MJ say at some point he wanted to get cryogenically frozen when he died? EDIT: A quick search came up with this : Michael jackson set to be plastinated surely not true, that would be pretty fucked up. Also, I like the way they describe how it's too late for him to be frozen because it must be done immediately after death, as if it's a tried and tested scientific process.
  17. This film is tremendous. It's like a moving, talking painting.
  18. San Dimas high school football rules!
  19. some guy's customized iphone icons, very inventive
  20. I'm all about River Cottage at the moment. Fearnley-Whitingstal is a grubby rustic legend.
  21. ha ha... I'm glad I'm not the only one who finds Loose Women strangely erotic.
  22. Not what you'd call a slow news day.
  23. anyone read popbitch yet? There are some jacko memorial jokes that are absolute corkers. I would post them but (unbelievably) people seem a bit touchy. The man did a lot for music and I utterly respect him but he's so far removed from my personal experience I feel no shame in indulging in crass jokes about him.
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