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Everything posted by jf9tp2wd40

  1. Ross's morning update: Uri geller is a fucking tool. His origgional phonecalls with the bbc were ALMOST aceptable, i mean he is a fame whore, but still as a friend of mj bbc really were scraping the bottom of the barrel for someone close to him to question... but the stuff he said later on/ this morning was ridonkulous. and now for hate: Weather experts give severe gale warnings as millions of children breathe a sigh of relief Michael Jackson has asked for his ashes to be scattered in a sand pit so children can play with him forever. michael jackson, may you rest in pea... ...dophilia Apparently on hearing the news of Michael Jackson's death Bubbles has gone ape and Uri has gone on another bender! It doesn't matter if your black or white, because in two weeks you'll be decomposing
  2. just for that, have one more... Is it true he had a heart attack when he found out the 5 year old he was fucking was really a 31 year old midget?
  3. someone should have told the paramedic to grab him by the heart and just "beat it" **going to bed now**
  4. i am so...so sorry, but i cant resist posting one more... Apparently paramedics found Class As in Michael Jackson's toilet, Class Bs in his bathroom, and all of Class 4d in his bedroom!
  5. how the fuck did i get upto 2 rep points and not know about it, i was into the minus 30's last time i looked... when did people stop pro-activley hating me?
  6. heading over to the save the children website to see when the party is... due to the fact micheal jackson is made almost entirely of plastic, instead of being cremated, he is to be melted down and made into lego bricks, so the younger generation can play with him for a change
  7. The government has released a statement saying MJ can't be cremated cause of pollution. Since he's 80% plastic he'll have to be recycled ( was only a matter of time before the jokes started)
  8. Odly flicking through news channels just about to switch the tv off and goto bed...
  9. The meadia coverage of this has been a bit mad, it is intereasting to see the news channels reporting that other news channels and websites have confirmed it... but very few scources actually confirming his death... It is such a shame though, i was really looking forward to seing him
  10. Michael Jackson is dead [updated] | L.A. Now | Los Angeles Times LA Times reporting him dead too... RIP you crazy talented fucker
  11. I was just flicking through the news channels on tv before retiring to my bed and saw the headlines flash up on bbc and sky, acording to bbc it is confirmed he was taken to hospital, but unconfirmed he was dead, sky are saying he is 100% dead. If it is true, it really is a shame, all oddities asite, jacko is one of the few artists i have enjoyed all my life, the man was a truely brilliant songwriter.
  12. To Lyndsey from the guy who made your bum hole bleedl"
  13. Tuesday 17th April 2007 Misery Signals + Textures + Eternal Lord + My Mind's Weapon 8.00 Moshulu ... Still got the poster on my bedroom wall, what an amazing show that really was
  14. I can aree with meze house or whatever it is called, and jimmy chungs is amazing if there are a few of you! You can't really go wrong with italien or indian either, both always have plenty of veggie dishes and alternatives. It is really hard to find a decent selection of veggie food in an aberdeen restaraunt, stereo and stage 13 in glasgow are brilliant, and there is a few really nice veggie restaraunts in edinburgh too. If time isn't an issue, Cafe Drummonds are aparantly re-opening the kitchen, and if the menu is anything like it was when they had the restaraunt at the tunnels that shouold be a winner for veggie and vegan food.
  15. I aprove of this band, they are the best thing EVAR! like omgzzz how fucking awesome is their hair
  16. hannah montanna, high school musical, anything with lindsay lohan in it, celine dion, brokencyde...
  17. no, because i am the clumsiest bastard on the planet, if there is a sharp impliment within ten feet of me i WILL impail myself on it somehow.
  18. aye, 1.50 - 2.50 in supermarkets just now for a punnet, though they are ALWAYS listed as more but constantly "on offer" I am in complete agreement with milner and chris... there is no substitute for a nice sharp knife, but getting used to using a steel resulted in cutting myself a few times
  19. i voted you guys really deserve it, the album is amazing.
  20. gratitude - drive away mugshot - heart vs mind the academy is - about a girl i have a habbit of listening to theese songs on repeat for hours on end... thouggh i normally cant tolerate listening to the same thing over and over
  21. It is pretty good, got a decent sized dance floor in one arch, a shitload of sofa's and a shot bar in annother, and in the third bit is the bar... which seems to take forever to get served at when busy overall though, im really impressed, 2 a corona on fridays, and 1.70 jagerbombs
  22. Everyone has the ability to swallow swords (as far as i am aware) it is more a case of training your body first not to gag and then to learn how to relax your body and muscles well enough to acept the sword... then it becomes the challenge of getting used to the really peculiar feeling, and the dangers of not lining up your body PERFECTLY so you dont pierce your organs. Cue the "oh you so crazy" jokes:up:
  23. I am the only person who uses my laptop so i just leave myself always logged into aberdeen music, but on the offchance i need to log in, ive had the jf9tp2 bit long enough to remember it, and wd40 aint too hard to add on)
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