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Everything posted by Huw

  1. aye, i ordered mine a while back too and it only came today. i emailed them yesterday asking where it was, maybe if you do that it'll come...?
  2. listening to the maths 'side' of the split. great so far. production is great too, especially compared with their old stuff. only problem is the kick is mixed insanely high, but saying that, it sounds lush. this gig is going to be great, easily two of the best 'screamo' bands in the uk plus two great techy metal bands. yes. i am now on the last song on the maths side... it didnt last long!
  3. glad somebody took this on. neuk would be good, Black Channels weren't half as good at The Tunnels as they were at Balcony. Mesa have been around for years havn't they? why have they never made the journey up here?
  4. this is turning out to be quite a hit! don't think you could beat a jam packed Tom's gig on a saturday. i don't care what Cloud says, i wanked myself into many a coma over this gig. i ordered the maths/throats split off holy roar, but its still up as a preorder, although i'm sure it was released already... anybody shed some light?
  5. oh no no. dont get me wrong, i LOVE the album, but i don't know the whole 2nd guitar just for 'extra noise' kinda puts me off. i'm sure it'll be fine. i'm just being a pessimistic prick.
  6. i'm going to go. just a bit reluctant as i'm relatively sure the twilight sad aren't going to be great (based on what i've heard in the past), but i need to see hidden leaves and i do enjoy Katerwaul.
  7. excellent news. aberdeen metal/HC bands are starting to give a hoot about their sound. yeah.
  8. mapmaker has its moments... i like "Caligula", except possibly the quiet bit, its boring and unnecessary. the kick throughout the whole album is gross though, especially on track 8. in fact, everything about that first 20 or so seconds is pretty gash.
  9. why is that... just out of curiosity?
  10. are folks going out after for extended post exam celebrations? havn't been to a gig in ages and well looking forward to hearing katerwaul's new songs too.
  11. its an an SVT 3 pro. its a great amp, have never quite got quite the sound i want, but to be honest it probably needs a good service. Yep, anytime man, you have my number.
  12. excellent. the ashdown sounds great for the money, can understand why you'd want to upgrade though. will be seeing you wednesday my man. by the way, if your after an ampeg and want to try one out i'd be more than happy to give you a shot of mine.
  13. ghost reveries is really good and ghost of perdition is an almost catchy track, but i found even though its only 6 or 7 songs long i can't listen to the whole thing. maybe if your really into that kind of thing you can... i'll have to give it another shot. on a completely unrelated note (apart from possibly the general genre of 'metal) i'm listening to Flatlands... truly tremendous.
  14. the dillinger one? thats a great riff... no? i thought so. probably not the best math metal riff ever though. the song itself is pretty average though. need to listen to curl up and die, heard nothing but good things.
  15. i listened to their live tracks on their myspace off the new thing- something about a kaleidoscope. it sounds to me like Spencer just isn't up to it live. the boy behind the kit is good though, hits all his singing parts too.
  16. finally got my copy of The Ocean Fracture Double A-side. its great, just want some more! artwork is fantastic.
  17. this is a fucking bargain. you can just get a brand new SVT3 for that price, This is effectively the same amp, but bigger and better. c'mon people.
  18. some bill. this is how gigs should go down. 4 excellent bands. i love the summa-summa-summa-time.
  19. aye, what i've heard of textures is good. definitely not generic. the vocals at the start of the song off there myspace (regenesis?) are awesome. just suit the backing whereas misery signals vocal rhythms are pretty clumsy. don't weapon take a lot of MS 'malice...' influence? theres one!
  20. crocus - the worst kind of joy is hope. screamo, not much else to say really. would probably be great live. some great parts, some pretty poor parts. too much open D pedalling for my liking.
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