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Everything posted by WoodyRATM

  1. would it need to be? i mean if they dont check it, you'd be ok?
  2. i like o2. 300 free texts, up to 300 offpeak/weekend mins and 25% of other calls. also that thing for talkin for 3 mins is cool. calls after that become dirt cheap
  3. hahaa tis cool, i knew ya were like no seriousity on a forum that often.
  4. hehe not really just made me laugh slightly. always good (for a laugh) to type somethin then forget the meaning
  5. was that at me? or austin? ?( sorry confused i wonder if i could persuade my band to do it
  6. hehehe tis ok, happens to the best of us keep it secret (the song i mean) i and spring it on tuesday surprise the whole crowd.
  7. bloody 15 and sodding amazing. yo austin you guys gonna do that jimi cover again? that was immese
  8. there was something at the very end? shite what was it?
  9. austin you gotta come i think i'll be going, pretty cool lineup
  10. well if ya go we (me band etc) will see ya there. we're goin to support black matter me thinks. get tons of folk to go. get a full house hehehe
  11. well theres a gig at the tunnels, with black matter etc. theyre metal (albiet grungey) that would be fun to go to
  12. i seen it last night, was ok, disapointing tho. beast was immense. but the bridge scene.. it did go dark to quick. pheonix's power was pretty cool, like evaporating in her path.
  13. i was considering goin to see the omen. its appartly international slayer day or something.
  14. i play a warwick corvette std 5. to me its the best bass ever but i played a peavey dynabass 5 before that and that was good. id recommend peavey or warwick defo. tho ibanez's are good to from what i played
  15. hehe hes not the only one who thought you guys were beastin
  16. ack i missed it i was (and still am) fucking skint. i really wanted to hit this show. totally gutted.
  17. whys the acousty stuff mid day? wouldnt it make more sense if they were on 1st? and the wildcards (not wildcats) cant play. ive said this already. instead of looking for a "headliner" why not push the bands up 1 hour? eg instead of our time of 8, why not put us on at 9, then have the raffle, then come back with ascention. Also id suggest black matter after acoustic stuff since their heavier.
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