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Everything posted by WoodyRATM

  1. i looove me standerd 5. BEADG
  2. oh yeah, it says theyre a new member. haha gutted
  3. this is shocking. . . . o_O http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/1-X-T-In-The-Park-Weekend-Camping-Tickets-for-2007_W0QQitemZ190007591218QQihZ009QQcategoryZ58738QQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem
  4. TUH could probs do it PM sent.
  5. hey, anyone manage to get a ticket for next year yet? we tried from 9 sold out. oh wait. . .there on ebay already! o_O http://search.ebay.co.uk/search/search.dll?cgiurl=http%3A%2F%2Fcgi.ebay.co.uk%2Fws%2F&fkr=1&from=R8&satitle=t+in+the+park&category0= so much for real fans
  6. i got atatcked by one a few weeks ago outside the post office in upper kirk gate. big fucker concussed me im lookin for the seagul with a long black scar down its eye. hehe. REVENGE WILL BE MINE i was gonna use the baking powder too.
  7. what everyone think of this show? i was most impressed with hot mangu brilliant show. contra were pretty good. i liked the ska sorta song. and skindred. . they played well, interacted well with the crowd etc. was good in general good show
  8. He didnt seem the usual junked up muppet last night. Actually played pretty well. if he stays of the shit he's not bad.
  9. arse i just realised im playin drummonds that night (or day. .) i was wantin to come to this. what time will it start? i'll try and make it along
  10. i like vaios too. just a little expensive sometimes
  11. contact tunnels or drummonds or somethin they might have somethin for ya
  12. hey im looking for a new bass amp. I like the trace elliot stuff (after using it in drummonds etc) i like this head http://www.guitarampkeyboard.com/options.php?id=68710 its 500w. Which impedience of cab would i need? sorry if this sounds stupid. would i need 1 that could cope with the power (eg like an 800w cab. . . http://www.guitarampkeyboard.com/options.php?id=68712 ) or would i need somethin else? god this stuff confuses me. cheers for any help/advice
  13. uk - Are Friends Electric? - Tubeway Army us- Bad Girls - Donna Summer mines was uk -Mistletoe & Wine - Cliff Richard us - Every Rose Has Its Thorn - Poison
  14. i thoughts exactly. lets just hope that people will still come
  15. I said onstage volume was fine also. i know what a DI is.
  16. ive used it for a show in moshulu, and it was fine for that. 650 person venue and all that. . . onstage volume was fine also. so i cant see your problems. since im full blown skint it seemed like a decent amp to buy. but in response to the topic, you may also fancy lookin at ashdown or ampeg. generally more expensive tho
  17. bump tomorrow or tonight technicly
  18. i like music cause of the emotion factor, i enjoy listening to stuff that you tell has had a lot of work put into it. I enjoy chilling out to some stuff, goin fucking nuts to others or even just playin along. I like stuff that can make me picture the meaning behind the lyrics. or even behind the music. Tool are amazing for this
  19. check out www.gak.co.uk i think they have a price range thingy. they also have a 120w behringer amp for like 150. i have that, and its perfect for practice or shows.
  20. yeah paul called me today to confirm everything. Line up is like this: Us (TUH) then Firing Line then you guys (SoM) ah the joys of playing first. . . hehe
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