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Everything posted by WoodyRATM

  1. that would be cool to get them. i want that. whats the wattage of the head etc. also i might be selling some pedals, wah and zoom multi fx.
  2. hahaha ^ the show was good, l4 and black matter were awesome. missed the heights tho.
  3. pretty awesome site. reminded me i need more rage rare posters.
  4. hahaha i have to admit i thought it was a yellow submarine at first to.
  5. im not sure if that eq i said for the amps right. i havent changed it for donkeys, and dont really look at it. when i play live and that i know roughly what sound i want. so i edit the EQ then. if that makes much sense. but the way i have it gives a tone with nice low end but still is pretty warm
  6. im still surprised they aint caught/killed bin laden yet. like the whole world was meant to be searching for him, yet he's never been caught. i mean this guy musta been amazing at hide and seek as a kid.
  7. so i am basicly just aswell getting an EQ pedal just for the intro? dont they give alot of noise? any recomendations on which EQ to buy?
  8. hey alex (or anyone who owns), how much of an overdrive does the sansamp give? like enough to combat actual overdrive units? i might get.
  9. my bass is a warwick corvette std 5 with 2 EQ. i have the onboard eq set to bass on fully, with treble about mid. my amps a behringer 120w (cant remember the actual model of the top of my head) with the EQ like: Bass: 8 low mids: 6 high mids: 5 treble: 5 i think thats it anyway. its weird cause it cuts through everyother time, just this damned intro where its just me and the drummer
  10. i was thinking of chaning my on board eq just for the intro, like put more treble into it. but i like the bass sound. ack
  11. yeah but my sound does cut through, just when the guitars there, its just the intro alone that doesnt really bite your head off . if that makes sense. i have a tone i really love.
  12. hey im lookin for a way to get through the sound. but i dont mean my bass getting heard over the guitars, i mean the drums. we play a song where the drums come in for 2 bars, then i come in for 2 bars with the drummer, then everyone else comes in. The problem is that i cant ever seem to be heard , but as soon as the guitars come in i sound at a perfect level. ive tried using my overdrive but even thats not working. i tried using my wah aswell. helped slightly. . . should i just take the intro up the octave to make it noticable or what? anyone got any idea how i could cut through better (without changing my EQ)? cheers
  13. I'm maybe interested. how old is it?
  14. hahaha congrats sam you owe me a pint on saturday
  15. tickets are also avaliable from us. should be a good night.
  16. theres a whole thread about it. its called "Tuesday"
  17. hey just wanting to say ive played with michelle before and shes a beastin drummer. seriously get her a band
  18. id say zoom (if you want a multifx), or elecrto harmonix aswell. tho saying that my overdrive is ashdown and thats beastin with a morley bass wah.
  19. ouch didnt realise it was that costly. im skint
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