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Everything posted by WoodyRATM

  1. wooo means i can actually come down then after practice
  2. so gear we gotta take: Guitar amp snare, pedal, stands, cybomls guitars us. that everything yeah?
  3. i think if you get wood filler, fill the hole, clean around the hole (so its to the shape of the basses horn etc) then get a drill and bore a new hole. i read that on here somewhere i think. bruce millars would probs due it reletivly cheaply i think. rnb would probs charge a bit tho i think
  4. why? alot of people enjoy hearing a cover live.granted i dont like hearing them 1st, last or with no origanals.
  5. cocktail sticks work wonders too even tho filling the hole then boreing a new one is the right way i think. tho saying that ive got cocktail sticks in my warwick.
  6. yo chi what time are kef sound checks?
  7. meh personally i wouldnt say its that bad. compared with other venues £3 quids pretty cheap. even if it is 3 local bands.
  8. if you wanted id do it for ya. You tried building it with dreamweaver or frontpage or anything?
  9. i was in hospital with that dude from aberdeen on Tuesday. I was talkin to his mate. i didnt read that atricle fully, but did it say that he was pickin said mates daughter up from school and she come out just as the paramedics were seein to him? terrible sight for someone to see. it was scum that would do somethin like that.
  10. Wirelessly posted (K750i: SonyEricssonK750i/R1L Browser/SEMC-Browser/4.2 Profile/MIDP-2.0 Configuration/CLDC-1.1) Yes you may borrow mine!
  11. Wirelessly posted (SonyEricssonK750i/R1L Browser/SEMC-Browser/4.2 Profile/MIDP-2.0 Configuration/CLDC-1.1) So should i take my amp? Or could i borrow yours?
  12. ah right thats good then it went pretty well (albiet was pretty dead) good luck tonight
  13. havent the garcias pulled out? the guitarist broke his finger or somethin.
  14. The overdrives good. minus the fact the VU meter fell out within the 1st month
  15. yep. SoM you's got any idea what the stage times will be? and backline etc. we've never played kef before.
  16. thats you guys on the calendar. you's aint on the tickets so i didnt know that you's were playing. tickets says "Firing line, Unknown Heros + support" when you's confirm?
  17. is this the same line up as the other show in tunnels a few weeks or so ago? but with ascention added? i should make it anyway
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