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Everything posted by paime

  1. http://www.askabiologist.org.uk/ Just stumbled upon this little doozy. My afternoon at work is now sorted.
  2. paime

    Pet Hates!

    Define "enjoy." I like the look of them and find them to be generally interesting. I don't know if i would "enjoy" their company though. You wouldn't get much of a conversation going.
  3. paime

    Pet Hates!

    Im not fat, though. I appreciate my argument is weak but it's all i have given the horrendous hangover im suffering today.
  4. paime

    Pet Hates!

    This crap is everywhere, not just on t-shirts. I saw a fat bird with a ring binder the other day on which there was a sticker that read "keep calm and eat cake." Whore.
  5. I would feel sorry for you but your afternoon start to work makes me extremely jealous. You cunt.
  6. Was at a charity dinner last night and i feel disgusting today. I was drinking jaegermeister neat - not something i've done before but i actually quite liked it. Im a big fan of jaegerbombs (because im a lad and all that #ladz4life) but not having the red bull at least allowed me to get a better sleep. Today has been spent hiding in the corner of my office and making many trips to the bogs for some good ol' fashioned hungover toldies.
  7. You should get a return on your investment whether your company is publicly traded or not. If they file an IPO then the normal scenario is that they get a boost in revenue which should, in an ideal world, provide you with increased dividends. It's the same with Facebook and explains how so many of their employees became millionaires after it floated.
  8. I was once the bad car driver in this scenario. After the pedestrian walked away i promptly stalled. Big lols for them, ultimate shame for me. Lesson learnt. Thank you, Karma.
  9. Watt and Co - www.wattandco.co.uk are a good bunch and have always been fair to me. There are a lot of sharks out there in the leasing world but thes guys seem to avoid all the nonsense.
  10. I feel your pain. I've only given blood once and I almost fainted. The nurse puts your chair right back and mops your brow with a wet cloth. Everyone in the room knows exactly what's happening and you feel like a tit. They also try to stop you leaving for 30 mins afterwards. Humiliated. Sadly it's stopped me going back again. #pansyalso
  11. In an ideal world you've probably got a point but it's a chicken and egg situation. You can't encourage more people to ride bikes because the roads are too dangerous and you can't make the roads safer with the current ratio of cars to bikes. Either that or we just insist everyone rides push bikes like Holland....
  12. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-tyne-18141421
  13. Feel free to join in when you have a driving licence, not before.
  14. I completely agree that anything we can do to protect any road user should be done, whether they're bike riders or car drivers. In my experience, 90% (and im not exaggerating here) of bikers drive with a blatant disregard for their own safety. They ride through the middle of traffic, sometimes when it's moving, they tailgate, they hang off in your blind zone and they overtake at stupid speeds and on blind corners. I've even seen them overtaking when there is oncoming traffic making it 3 abreast. It's a fucking piss take and it really annoys me that the government constantly runs adverts aimed at getting car drivers to look out for bikers but have done nothing that i can see to stop bikers driving like complete and utter tits. /rant
  15. Let me know if you're ever a player short. I find committing to dates horrendously difficult so best to out me on the reserves list.
  16. paime

    Pet Hates!

    Pet hate: sun burn. What a cunting thing it is. I'm still not used to the sensation of a warm sun this year and paid for it dearly today.
  17. If i was standing next to you right now i would slap you square across the face. Spoilers The trivia items below may give away important plot points. Filmed scenes not included in the theatrical release (but restored in the Special Edition): - Directly after the pre-med students peer into Sarah's room, the doctor reminds the orderlies to make sure she gets her medication. The cut scene was of the staff coming in to give her the pills. She refuses, so they smack her in the gut with their batons and force the pills down her throat, then kick her while she's on the floor doubled over in pain. - Another hospital scene was cut that took place after John Connor robs the ATM and heads for the mall. Sarah Connor was to have a dream where Reese appears and warns her that THEIR son is in danger. She has to save him, etc. They kiss and hug, but Reese disappears and walks out. Sarah chases him outside, to find herself in the same spot as the nuclear nightmare scene later in the movie. She sees the large white flash, and then she wakes up. This is the only scene that Michael Biehn was in, and appeared in some promotional trailers. Cameron cut the scene because he thought that audiences who had not seen the first movie would be confused by the appearance of Kyle. - A scene showing the T-1000 at the scene of the crashed truck in the canal, where he steals a police car. - After the T-1000 kills John's foster parents, he ventures outside to get the dog to shut-up. He reaches down and snatches the collar off the dog, thus killing the dog. On the collar is stamped the dog's name "Max". The T-1000 realizes he has been duped by John (actually the Terminator imitating John's voice) by calling the dog "Wolfie." - After killing the dog, the T-1000 goes to John's room to try to find any clues as to where John might be. He stalks around the room waving his arms and "feeling" things on the shelves, on the walls, etc. He eventually stops in front of a poster, realizes there is something behind it, rips it down and finds a box of mementos (pictures, and the like). This must be where the T-1000 figures out about the desert compound that Sarah, John, and the Terminator head to after the hospital. Director James Cameron decided to cut it because the T-1000's sampling abilities were already sufficiently conveyed in earlier scenes, so this scene became redundant (and because it made the T-1000 look too much like it had x-ray vision). This scene was NOT included in the SE. - At the abandoned gas station, a scene involved Sarah and John talking with the Terminator about learning. He tells them that his CPU was switched to read-only before being sent out. Skynet doesn't want them to learn too much while on their own. John asks if it can be reset. You then see the Terminator's face in a "mirror" talking Sarah through the procedure. A puppet was used for the foreground Sarah to work on and Linda Hamilton's twin sister Leslie Hamilton Gearren was in the mirror mimicking Linda's hand movements. After the CPU is removed, the Terminator shuts-down and Sarah places it on a table. She picks up a hammer and tries to smash it to render him inoperative. John stops her and says they need him. He starts to show authority for the first time and asks her how he is supposed to be a great military leader if even his own mother won't listen to him. They reinsert the chip back into the Terminator's head. - A scene at a truck stop before John, Sarah and Terminator arrive at the Salceda farm. John points out to the Terminator that he shouldn't be so serious all the time. He encourages him to smile once in a while. The Terminator tries to perform a smile, but the result is less than convincing, so John encourages him to practice in front of a mirror. - Directly after Terminator tells Sarah about Miles Dyson, there is a scene where we see Dyson in his private residence, where his wife tells him he is much too focused on finishing his microchip. - Some more dialog between John and the Terminator as they assemble weapons in the desert. John tells about his unusual childhood, and ask Terminator if he experiences emotions. - Before Sarah takes aim at Dyson, we see her approaching the house and setting up weapons. - A scene in Cyberdyne, where Dyson destroys the model of his revolutionary microchip. - In the steel mill, the T-1000 experiences some negative effects from being frozen earlier. It has difficulties maintaining his form when it touches other materials, like steel bars and the floor. This leads to another deleted shot, where John sees the two Sarahs and recognizes the fake one because its feet seem fused to the metal floor. - A scene in a Skynet-free future, with Sarah Connor as an older woman giving a monologue about how John became a senator. This scene was NOT included in the SE, because James Cameron felt it just didn't fit the dark, gloomy atmosphere of the rest of the movie.
  18. If you haven't seen Terminator II then you deserve to be exposed to spoilers left, right and centre. Honestly, you people make me sick.
  19. Tonight I am venturing to a bar called NB Sorensen or something equally Norwegian. I like beer but won't drink any more than two pints over here as paying £13 a go doesn't make me a happy drunk.
  20. paime

    Time travel

    Can you imagine the awesomeness of that situation? What information would you divulge to your pubescent self? These are my top 5: 1) Girls are ridiculous, finger-bang as many as you can on top of the St Nicholas centre. 2) Smoking isn't cool, don't start. 3) As long as you pass your exams, be as wild as you like as long as you stay out of jail. 4) Start learning guitar as soon as you can, bitches be lovin' a songsmith 5) Invest all your money in Facebook
  21. Can anyone recommend some things to do/places to eat on an evening in Stavanger? I've been here 6 times since February and i still haven't ventured further from my hotel in the evenings. Has anyone been to Stavanger that knows some cool places to eat/drink. Im on my own so im going to be nobby no mates regardless of what i do!
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