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Everything posted by paime

  1. You don't like Tennents?? Honestly, some people have no class!
  2. I never use this anymore so im down-sizing and going to offer this for sale, my bird will also be dead chuffed to see it removed from our living room. I don't have pictures of it just yet but can easily take some and email them to anyone who's interested. It looks a little something like this: And the specs are this: Series: Hot Rod Series Type: All tube preamp and power amp Output: 40 watts Ohms: 8 ohms Speakers: 1-12 in. Special Design Eminence® 8 ohm, 50 watt Speaker Channels: 3 Selectable Channels (Normal, Drive and More Drive) Controls: Presence, Reverb, Master, Middle, Bass, Treble, Drive Select Switch, Drive, Volume, Bright Switch, Standby Switch Covering: Black Textured Vinyl with Silver Grille Cloth Weight: 45 lbs. (20.41 kg) Dimensions: Height: 18.75 in. (47.62 cm) Width: 23.5 in. (59.69 cm) Depth: 10.5 in. (26.67 cm) Power Handling: N/A Tube Complement: 3 X 12AX7, 2 X 6L6, Solid State Rectifier
  3. Im barely using my Fender Hot Rod Deluxe these days and it's sitting gathering dust so i think the time is right to get rid of it and down-size to a practice amp. The trouble is, which one should I go for? I don't play anything heavier than The Black Crowes and i really like a bluesy/rock sound but also like loverly clean tones with a hint of overdrive. Any suggestions?
  4. This should be in another thread entitled "Pictures that make you cry."
  5. paime

    Pet Hates!

    I think it's more in the way of petting and looking after said semi rather than sticking needs in it or administering a pessary.
  6. paime

    Pet Hates!

    I've never understood this phrase. How exactly does one "nurse a semi?" Surey nursing it will only result in a full blown erection? If anything you should be discouraging such an occurrence in the opticians. EDIT: Actually (even though i've never met you and this is based purely on your postings in this forum) i see you as being the kind of guy to proudly allude to the erection in the hope the poor optician will be lured into your grasp however you'll probably just end up on the sex register if, indeed, you're not already on it.
  7. Im now in Houston for a week - does anyone have any tips for good places to go for a pint? They probably don't serve Tennents anywhere but it would be a boost if they did.
  8. paime

    Pet Hates!

    I play by no man's rules, not even my own.
  9. paime

    Pet Hates!

    Im right with you on this one. The highway code states that you must make room for those overtaking!
  10. paime

    Pet Hates!

    Wasps can fuck right off. I've never been stung but that's purely because i run like the wind whenever they come near. Bumble bees on the other hand are like flying hamsters. Cute little balls of fluff imho.
  11. This should be in the Pet Hates thread but people who come round to your house to drink beer and leave half-drunk tinnies or even tinnies with a bit of beer left in them should be shot: A) It's a waste of beer. I don't care if you "don't like the dregs," man the fuck up and drink it all B) When I clean up the next morning (replace "I" for "the bird") and put said tinnies in a black bag, they leak everywhere. Dicks.
  12. paime

    Pet Hates!

    Quite literally there's an app for that. You type in your hourly rate and start a timer. It then tells you how much your turd cost the company. Can't remember what it's called though. My pet hate in the toilet department is those horrible cubicles that have a half-inch gap all around the door and people could quite easily see in if they were that way inclined. Most shitters in the US of A are like that. Im with Gladstone on the isolation front. My old work had two lockable doors before you got to the chunty. I could make as much farty noises as i pleased in there and nobody could hear. Bliss. EDIT: It's number 8 on this list: http://the-gadgeteer.com/2009/09/07/10-really-crappy-apps-for-the-iphone-literally/
  13. Im all about Kaley Cuoco although she doesn't post enough slutty images of herself imho. Kim Kardashian is about as enigmatic as a brick but she gets her paps oot from time to time.
  14. I shall endeavour to do so tonight. Any other local bands? I think im already following the little kicks
  15. Famous crab? I can't check twitter at work so don't know who that is. My most interesting feed is Piers Morgan but only because i love how much Alan Sugar rips the piss all the time and poor Piers can't cope. It's essentially online bullying of the best kind.
  16. Maybe not a 'quick question' per se but who do you guys follow on twitter? Im getting bored of the inane crap on mine!
  17. It's just the whole perception of bikers that car drivers are the devil that i don't like or agree with. As i said before, even the government run campaigns asking for car drivers to be more vigilant (which is true, they do) but i haven't seen one single campaign which asks bikers to behave themselves.
  18. I won't be signing that petition as i resent car drivers being blamed for the actions of a motorbike rider. Yes the roads need to be safer but as Alkaline says, everyone needs to change their attitude, not just car drivers.
  19. paime

    Pet Hates!

    I use Rgds all the time as well as Tks. Im not trying to be cool, i just do the bare minimum in my professional life and this is a result of my indifference.
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