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Everything posted by paime

  1. I got to the 3rd dimension and no further due to utter confusion. I wish I understood that shit.
  2. I decided to look at this link when i was on a conference call on my laptop. Everyone's crap work-based chat was all of a sudden made awesome by the background music the site plays. At once i was relaxed and informed.
  3. paime


    Is this some new sex act that the young 'uns are doing these days...?
  4. I think this is my favourite out of the ones you've linked to. That shouldn't take anything away from the others though as I like 'em all! My only criticism is the vocal mix and maybe the drums - they don't seem to have the impact they need.
  5. Can a dick catch fire in 2.5 minutes?
  6. Just remembered I was in Drummonds last night. I needed to use their facilities after a seagull shat on me on Belmont street. Drummonds is a bizarre place on a Saturday night, full of all sorts of loonies.
  7. "I'm on the outside, I'm looking in. I can see through you, see to the real you, Cos inside I'm ugly, ugly like you...." Holy fuck that's terrible.
  8. I have an absolute fucker of a hangover today. No special occasion, just a good 6 hour session in the queen Vic followed by all sorts of shenanigans that made sure I wasn't home before 5am. On the up side I managed to order a pizza to the Vic which was delightful. Papa Johns double pepperoni is the shiznit.
  9. Good stuff! Tea bags - it could be worse, you could look like...er....a turd? In fact, I'm sorry, it can't be any worse.
  10. Do you fancy doing some work for me? I have a 1976 MG Midget that's partially complete - i just need to do the electrics and paint it. The wiring loom is in and it kinda works but to be honest i haven't touched it in about 3 years and i wouldn't know where to start. I can pay you in moneys and beers.
  11. I'm watching the England vs Ukraine football match just now. What's the relevance of the France Sweden score? The tv is somehow also keeping me up to date with it.
  12. I was going to post something covered in aceness about me being in Warsaw when the Euros are on however i've just checked the fixtures and there are no games played here until Thursday and that just so happens to be the day im leaving. Balls!!
  13. In the realms of an online forum it contributes more to discuss some topics openly and on the main site. Also, Jake is good for questions on poop and cats.
  14. The Offspring - Americana. Was listening to this in the card the other day and it's truly amazing. "Goodbye my friend you've messed up again. You're going to prison, you're off to the pen!"
  15. Is there any way you can incorporate 'tagging' into the website? Like if I was going to post a question in the quick questions thread which I want Jake to answer for instance, I'd tag him and he would get a notification to look at it? Just a thought.
  16. £10 introductory piano lessons still available?
  17. If its business you're travelling for then its a good idea to have an invite letter. Looks like you've already got your ESTA and you'll be given a blue immigration form on the flight over. They should also give you a white customs form but if they don't, pick one up on the way to the queue. Have your return flight information and address to hand as they'll probably ask for them. Other than that you should be ok.
  18. If I'm filling up with diesel then yes. It makes yer hunds reek summit rotten, kens?
  19. Sadly this isn't even photoshopped.
  20. Auto-electricians are iherently expensive. The best i've ever used is Jim King Auto-tune at Lethenty near Inverurie. Good service and nowhere near as expensive as some town garages.
  21. Great photography! I saw some of your stuff at James Kelly's gallery in Durno a couple of weeks ago - looked fantatic. When i eventually get round to buying a house i wil be decorating it with lovely photos from James' gallery for sure.
  22. Isn't the Marmaris a kebab shop on Rose Street? You took your wife on holiday to a kebab shop? The title of Top Lad goes to you, good sir!
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