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Everything posted by paime

  1. Managed to crack the solo from No Woman No Cry over the weekend whilst under the influence of a hillock of red wine. I almost made myself cry with the soulful nature of my guitar playing, it was rad x 10.
  2. paime


    Puppies rule. My brother just got a new puppy today - a black lab named Suzy. I would post a picture but i have no idea how.
  3. I'll through my hat into the ring for this as well, playing guitar in a suit would be the tits! I could also do backing vox but alas, I can't play the mouthie.
  4. Thanks, just to clarify, autocorrect did that.
  5. Adam Easy Wishes, on a bus at Schiphol Airport. Not so much a stalk as we conversed. Hope your bag turned up in one peace.
  6. I'll check it out. I was in the Dubai Mall last night and watched the water display like every other tourist. I didn't care, it was great. What i want to know about this country is how all the dudes keep their white robe outfits so clean. If that was me it would be covered in soup and mud before 10am every week day and Tennents and ketchup at the weekends.
  7. Im now in Dubai - where should i be going for entertainment? I also have the entire day free on Friday before i fly home in the evening, what's good to do uring the day?
  8. She's got a sex tape. It's not that great. In fact, I wouldn't watch it if I were you - it will only serve to ruin her for you.
  9. paime

    Pet Hates!

    Pet Hate: baby beauty competitions. 90% of the babies look like tiny Sly Stalones and their mothers out them up to be judged by the public. What I'd like to see is an open debate where each child is judged and labelled accordingly, that should stop the nonsense/make for a better read in the Evening Express.
  10. paime


    I feel your pain. I've had to tell the bank to allow access to my funds from anywhere in the world as i've no idea where i'll be week-to-week and i can't be hooped phoning the bank all the time to unblock my account. Luckily i just wax all expenditure on my company credit card and if it gets hacked then it's not my issue! Are you actually looking forward to Africa travels? I don't like Africa one bit. I need my luxury and ability to wander unhindered without AK47s protecting my every step. It's also really fucking hot.
  11. paime


    Ah, i was in the Best Western which is only 5 minutes from the airport. Port Harcourt is a scary place. I had to get two approvals to come here because we're banned from non-essential travel as well. The level of poverty is startling and the infrastructure is pretty much non existent. I would post some pictures of my travels if only i knew how. Dubai should be better though. Im taking a week off work after that to recouperate before i head to Norway, Italy, Switzerland, Poland and Romania. The only good thing about travelling so much is that you save a heap of money. What's bringing you to Ghana?
  12. paime


    I was in Accra yesterday! I've also been in Takoradi and Lagos this week already. Im in Port Harcourt as we speak and it's a total dive. Armed escorts to and from the airport and if we leave the base they have to be with us at all times. When did you get to Accra? What hotel are you staying in? A weekend of gaming and masturbation sounds wonderful. I would do the same but im not sure British Airways would tolerate the latter...
  13. paime


    What do you call a Spannish fireman? Jose-A What do you call his friend? Jose-B
  14. paime


    My weekend is looking like total pap: Friday: Fly back from Nigeria at 11pm Saturday: Land in Heathrow at 5am, fly to Aberdeen at 8.30am. Saturday will be spent trying to catch up on sleep Sunday: Fly to Dubai at 11am, arrive 11.10pm and probably start crying
  15. I think im going to start tackling Hallelujah by Jeff Buckley in the coming weeks - i don't care how cheesy and over-played it has become, i still rather like it.
  16. paime

    Your current read?

    I think i'll have to give it a spin. It's a small miracle how these guys are still alive - apparently Steve Adler has had 28 ODs and 3 suicide attempts....
  17. paime

    Your current read?

    My brother has read it and really liked it - i think i'll steal it from him rather than pay for my own copy. Im a scrooge and happy to admit it. Flea and Anthony Kiedis actually pop up in both Slash and Adler's books - apparently they all used to hang around together when they were kids. What a fucked up group of mates that must've been!
  18. paime

    Your current read?

    Currently working through Steven Adler's autobiography - almost finished it on my flight to Ghana this morning. It's not well-written by any stretch of the imagination but it's quite interesting to see the GnR split from his point of view. It's startling how much drink and drugs he forced down his neck (and into his veins) - i am a dribbling mess after 12 pints never mind a bottle or two of Jack Daniels! I love these sorts of autobiographies, any suggestions for me?
  19. Concrete and broken glass. Either that or an air rifle.
  20. The piano is definitely an instrument I want to master. Again, I'm short on free time just now due to work but I think I'll get some introductory lessons and see how it goes.
  21. Nothing in particular, I've just been trying to pick up certain licks and phrases as I go along. I'm trying to write my own stuff just now and I like the melodic aspects and little phrases that Floyd insert into the background. I've also been tackling my own mash ups but that's taking longer than normal for some reason. A lack of inspiration is probably the culprit.
  22. Thought it might be good to start a thread to discuss which piece of music you're trying to master at the moment - sometimes you can get some inspiration from hearing what others are trying to achieve. I'm running through some Pink Floyd stuff just now but mostly failing miserably. If only I had more time....and ability... What about yous lot?
  23. A quick google search with safe search mode off and I can concur with your statement.
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