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Everything posted by paime

  1. paime

    Your current read?

    Im going to have to compile a list and head to Waterstone's i think. Some good offerings there and they sound right up my street.
  2. I just had to stifle my laugh behind my computer screen after seeing this. Fantastic.
  3. I do have a burd so luckily don't have to search for a ride. Im still in the LADZZ 4 LIFE club though so please don't throw me out I drank Stella last night and everyfink.
  4. This is what i don't get about your point of view (i would call it an argument but we both know that's stretching the definition). The music is good. Tam has already given examples of how the artists linked to Tuff Wax are doing well on a GLOBAL scale, not just in Aberdeen. People in the USA, Norway etc couldn't give a flying fuck what we in Aberdeen think about Tuff Wax - they like the music and want it played in their venues. It's not rocket science and it's not evident of a label being propped up by mates. Tuff Wax is doing well, very well in fact, and we are proud of their acheivements. Anyway, Haterz be makin' them famus etc etc
  5. I've never used online dating because, like Lucky proposes to be, i am fantastically fun to be around and a great looker. Having said that, if i was struggling to get a ride then i may look into online dating. I know a couple of people who have used it to devastating effect in that department.
  6. paime


    I had to google "Hubris" to understand the joke. It took the shine off it for me.
  7. paime

    Your current read?

    Couldn't agree more. I saw that Tom Daly has a book out now. Im clearly no expert on literature but that seems fucking ridiculous. TV shows, hmmm - im big on Discovery at the moment, Auction Kings/Deadliest Catch/Myth Busters etc and i've also just caught up on Series 1 of Mad Men which was really good. Stuff like the Wire is also top notch. That book on mid-nineties LA murders sounds right up my street.
  8. The HRD is a tough act to follow and i'd love to keep it but it seems a bit of a shame to have it sat in the corner doing nothing. If i ever start gigging again or miraculously manage to buy a huge house with no neighbours and my very own rehearsal space then i will definitely be re-purchasing a HRD. The champ 600 looks very nice indeed but im worried about versatility. I have a nice pedal setup which im comfortable with but there's nothing quite like getting the ideal sound out of an amp.
  9. paime

    Your current read?

    I don't read books, partly because i can't find the time to do it and partly becuase i normally let the TV think for me. Having said that i've just read Russel Brand's autobiography and thought it was great. What else would you recommend i read? I don't like the look of all that geeky fantasy-type guff and i doubt i would enjoy reading about ancient royals or such like. Im thinking more along the lines of interesting/witty/light hearted stuff. Fact or fiction, im not fussed.
  10. paime

    Pet Hates!

    Is that what you tell all the kids you groom on here?
  11. paime

    Pet Hates!

    Jake posts alot, Dubya gets annoyed very easily and Teabags hates everyone. It's all fun.
  12. Ace-ic - the weather where i am in Italy just now. It's amazing. Add the Italian women and food into the mix and im a happy camper.
  13. The North Pole. It may seem like a bit of an odd one but im hoping things work out in the coming years and i won't have to walk there/pay a fortune to fly there. EDIT: Space falls into this category as well...kinda..
  14. How is the weather in Aberdeen just now? I've heard the airport has been shut today and flights were cancelled yesterday. What are the chances of my plane from Amsterdam at 9am tomorrow morning being able to land in Aberdeen?
  15. That's a good looking amp. What kind of kits can you get for it? It doesn't look all that versatile wth just a master volume control?
  16. That's what im worried about, the question is, can i avoid it? Im probably looking to spend about £150 with bonus points for anything cheaper than £200. I love the sound of Orange amps but it really needs to be a combo and those things don't come cheap through Orange. EDIT: In fact it probably doesn't need to be a combo, i would be more than happy with a decent speaker set up as long as it was relatively compact.
  17. Now sold pending pick up!
  18. Went to Sherlock's last night - it's a good place actually and not too expensive.
  19. I love how we've managed to successfully create a thread based purely on the stupidity of Russians. Proof that they are indeed, whack yo.
  20. Just youtubed this (for research purposes obviously) and it looks fucking ace. I really hope the Aberdeen female population don't start a team though, I don't think the Torry quines will have the same look...
  21. Just watched a boat race in a swimming pool between news stations. I would upload a picture if I knew how, this must be seen to be believed.
  22. Ace-ic: American TV. Just watched a female soft ball game followed by some college football. God bless americanland.
  23. They all seem to be going for £400 on eBay but i'll ask for £350 ono for Ab Music folks.
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