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Everything posted by KatyS

  1. what? the queen is dead by the smiths is such a brillaint album. i have never really got into his solo stuff but he is still a total legend. where d'ya find about him singing on new brand new album 666?
  2. my photoshop skills = really shit yeah? also - yeah i got my ticket
  3. yeah and don't think you stopped grinning for a good 15 minutes. ok my input is: : ( = this is the second time i had seen them and, though i can see their appeal, i really think they are very poor/shit. The songs have no sunbstance/structure and all sound the same. The samples/electronic beats are nothing new. But yeah - they have the whole "wow - we're doind something 'different' thing" but i was getting pretty bored of hearing the same song with diffenent words for 30 minutes. dedalus = again only the second time i had seen this band. i liked them the first time, and really liked them this time. with being pretty new to the aberdeen "scene" i didn't know the song they played last but it sounded very cool and the emotion/excitment of the band and the crowd made it even better. copy ho ha = they didn't top dedalus but seemed quite interesting/intriguing actually - will try and check them out in the future. a bit dull to listen to for the first time though. anywayzzz - fun night.
  4. yesh! eekkk... so many good gigs in may but i actually want to pass my highers plz.
  5. these vidoe's just make me angry i never got to see these bands what i would give to see fugazi, minor threat or black flag!
  6. glassjaw = numetal? fuck off! agree about newest slipknot album aswell.
  7. forme: it Linkin Park so uncool - but honestly - go back and listen to hybrid theory and tell me it is not awesome. it is the soundtrack of being about 12 for me and a lot of people my age. after hybrid threory it did all go shit though, tbfh.
  8. haha the actor doesn't have OCD you idiot LOL.
  9. i have wanted to see them since the self-titled album came out, which i fucking love, but everytime they tour there is always a problem with the date/travel etc. This time it is snow!
  10. good point. looks like i am missing them again
  11. i didn't know this was show was on until about 8pm last night and had to give it a miss - which is a shame as i would of been interested to see them. Posters for mushulu gigs only ever seem to be in moshulu, and i havn't been in for a while, so i am guessing this is why this gig passed me by. dammit.
  12. i am thinking the reuben day of this festival, leeds and Guilfest this year.
  13. when you said band manners , where you meaning bad manners? also, this gig looks decent - i have been meaning to see aka ska in a while.
  14. ohhhh i cannot wait for this :) nice one kirk, gonna be a good day - i can tell. SB6 were so good last time - i am expecting big things!
  15. is anyone going? if you are this is a plead for someone with a space seat in a car or something? i am dieing to go to this gig but noone i know wants to go and i have no transport. PLEASE?
  16. yay hapyy have been meaning to catch HOTS for ages.
  17. true. (the little box told me i had to lengthen my message as it must be 8 characters long)
  18. i strongly recommened this gig everyone: i saw the beat play about a year ago and they were fucking ace, honest. totally legendary. ALSO - the upstarts support - yay
  19. omg can't beleive i only read this post today gutted.
  20. one other point: HORSE THE BAND's cover of teenage mutant ninja turtles was fucking cool.
  21. my friends came up to visit me in aberdeen and we totally shocked at this gig by how many "scene" people there are. for me - it was like any other gig...
  22. good gig GOOD GIG. hundred reasons were on top form i thought - an improvment on last time i saw them .
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