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Everything posted by KatyS

  1. yea the riots were mad as fuck! i was in yellow camp and there was a huge fire on one of those poles. that was ace! so how many people actually watched million dead? they were ACE! if you watched - i was the girl stood on the metal pole - i had the best view there! and i went to meet the band and frank turner was a like 'o were you the girl stood up- i wondered how you were up there' and chatted away to me and was ace! now i cannot be bothered to make a huge list so i'll do my top 10.... 1. pixies (fuckin ruled i screamed alomng with like every word) 2. million dead 3. nofx (funny as fuck i love those guys) 4. ffaf ( they wera actually awesome) 5. rise against ( not as good as when i saw em on there tour tho) 6. bloc party ( they do rule people - but the singer is a miserable fuck!) 7. alkaline trio (were fun) 8. anti-flag (i just love shouting stuff like - turncoat, killer, lier, theif...) 9. incubus ( a bit disapointed by the sound and the songs thay played) 10 . who have i forgotten? lets put senses fail. meh. there are so many.
  2. i saw the rakes in edinburgh the over week - they were ace! and the editors and franz - thats ace!
  3. www.myspace.com/failsafeuk are playing at drummonds on november the 24th. There local to where i come from and they are cool. like ska-core stuff - its hard to decribe...
  4. o thats shit - i wanted to see 'em at leeds. i like the first album but i can't be bothered to listen to the second if its anything like gangsters and thugs. wafj.
  5. o kewl - the fight were booked to play in my old town nearly a year ago now and they pulled out at the last minute - now i get my chance to see em!
  6. yay i'm gonna see em at leeds!
  7. ok so i had my first day at my new school today and really wanna meet some likeminded people... I am in S5 at the moment so if there is anyone out there from cults please let me know!!!
  8. KatyS


    there is about 3 seconds in that single i like - when he sings. that bit is quite catchy! but i cannot be arsed with pretentous over-rated metal....
  9. i already posted this on the feedback forum but i don't think it will get noticed there so here we go ... sorry its so long! But if your in a band or a promoter its worth your while: ok i have decided what to do( thanks for the feedback by the way - it was useful) i am gonna go ahead with the site but it is gonna be primarily for bands looking for gigs and organisers looking for bands. i made up a quick mock up this afternoon to see how it would work and this is what i am going to do: There will be one page with the bands on, with information about there where/when bands want gigs, as well as info on there genre and all that. Promoters will be able to browse to find bands that they feel will be suitable. All there contact inforamtion will be on there too. This will also be useful for people wanting to find info on a band when deciding when to see 'em. In additon there will be a page for promoters with info on what type of gigs they put on and what type of bands they are looking for; and of course - contac details so bands can get in touch. They will also be reviews of gigs and stuff! So for bands out there who want some free promotion and to get more gigs all i need you to do is fill out the information below and email it to me with a picture. I am going on holiday for a week and when i get back i'l make the real site with whatever bands and promoters i have - then i'll start advertising etc... Band Name Members Genre Band Bio Where and where you want gigs Contact details and website Ok and promotes i'll just need... Promoters Name Bio/Info on Promoters When/Where bands are wanted (if aparticular gig or just in general) Genre of band wanted Contact details Website ok - this could be a really good and useful website ... so drop me a emial - hot_hunny_bunny@hotmail.com
  10. erm there are some other good songs in my opinion - rebellion (lies) for example.. but power out is the best i think. its a good album.
  11. ok i have decided what to do( thanks for the feedback by the way - it was useful) i am gonna go ahead with the site but it is gonna be primarily for bands looking for gigs and organisers looking for bands. i made up a quick mock up this afternoon to see how it would work and this is what i am going to do: There will be one page with the bands on, with information about there where/when bands want gigs, as well as info on there genre and all that. Promoters will be able to browse to find bands that they feel will be suitable. All there contact inforamtion will be on there too. This will also be useful for people wanting to find info on a band when deciding when to see 'em. In additon there will be a page for promoters with info on what type of gigs they put on and what type of bands they are looking for; and of course - contac details so bands can get in touch. They will also be reviews of gigs and stuff! So for bands out there who want some free promotion and to get more gigs all i need you to do is fill out the information below and email it to me with a picture. I am going on holiday for a week and when i get back i'l make the real site with whatever bands and promoters i have - then i'll start advertising etc... Band Name Members Genre Band Bio Where and where you want gigs Contact details and website Ok and promotes i'll just need... Promoters Name Bio/Info on Promoters When/Where bands are wanted (if aparticular gig or just in general) Genre of band wanted Contact details Website ok - this could be a really good and useful website ... so drop me a emial - hot_hunny_bunny@hotmail.com
  12. yes i think i may do it anyone - cos it'll be good to have promoter and bands together and no site does that i don't think.
  13. thanks - didn't know of that site.. well i will probably wait then as there would be pretty much no need...
  14. ok so i have had an idea for a website just wanna now if you guys think its worthwile or any other ideas or comments.... i want to make a website basically to help bands get gigs, organisers find bands, and people to find out about the local bands. I plan to do this by making a directory of local bands- i would need any local band to send me some basic information about themselves ie style of music, members, biography of the band and of course - your contact details so promoters can get in touch. In addition - it would be great if any local premotors could do the same - just there info and conact details - so bands can contact them. Also i plan to add reviews of local gigs, a messege board and all that, amybe mp3 and vidoes .. and anything else i feel like. I won't bother making a gig guide or anything cos this site is very good for that - but this is just to help people when the read a gig to know more about the bands. so any feedback would be greatly apreicated - i wont make the site if it is not wanted or needed- or any ideas or improvments. i am only in the forming ideas stage - but please leave a comment if your a band/promoter who would like to be on the website - remember - its all extra promotion!
  15. aaaa thats a shame about fall out boy... they would of been fun- even though i only know 2 songs.. but still i wanterd to sing-along to 'cock it and pull it' it would of been fun.
  16. omg the one time there is some ska in this town and it is cancelled!!!! what a joke.... so when can i see some ska?
  17. can anyone give me a quick describtion of the bands? ta x
  18. well good! i have seen the beat before and it was so much fun- i would definatly recomend them! so does anyone know where/when they're playing?
  19. well good, love them. i don't even know where the venue is....
  20. thats the best news i've heard all day- i have been waiting to see biffy for ages and stopping simple plan playing is a true bonus..
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