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Everything posted by Scorge

  1. Bradford. Can't really think of that many......
  2. You can get decent recordings from 20 year old ghetto blastors too!
  3. True, the only band on that bill I want to catch to is Isylore (no, I don't know how to pronounce it either), and I'll still be on the Megabus when they're due on.
  4. Agree with the sentiment. The only gigs I tend to go to now are ones I'm playing at.........
  5. I threw a side bet on England, so if they win I have enough cash to go to the Hebridies for a week! My main bet is on Serbia And Montenegro.
  6. And here's the proof: As for Thistle, we'd struggle to gave East Stirling a game in the form since the cup exit.....
  7. No. Where's the harm in writing music for your own satisfaction and no-one else's consumption?
  8. Cheers Kimi, your stellar efforts have put me 120 up this arvo. Button is shite, the way that ITV talk him up is laughable........
  9. The link's broken. Could be interested.......
  10. Single: 808 State - In Yer Face (cracking tune) Album: Now 20 (pretty crap IIRC)
  11. If you're really lucky, Pearl Necklace might be able to play this. Baldy: get the mp3's sent!
  12. Scorge

    Bal Sagoth

    Yeah, notorious for having stupidly long titles! I've got a copy of their first album 'A Black Moon Broods Over Lemuria' somewhere, haven't spun it in ages. Last two albums were shite, and if the new one is on Roadrunner, it'll likely be guff aswell......
  13. My away trip to Raith bit the bullet due to weather. On the plus side, that's now five days unbeaten............
  14. Dissimulate - The Berzerker. Paid 67p for it...........
  15. I managed to walk to work this morning in less time than it took a number two bus to get there, such was the state of King Street.....
  16. Phoned the parents earlier and the A92 is apparently near impassible, bang goes my travel arrangements for the weekend......
  17. I've got money on Raikkonen, just hope his car doesn't keep falling to bits like it did last year. Oh, anyone want to buy a huge stockpile of old F1 Racing magazine from 1996-2000? There's about 50 of them doing nothing in the cupboard, I'll let them go for any sensible offer......
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