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Everything posted by sonhenry

  1. I haven't built one of those, but I did build a ted weber kit (and he has international power trannys) that worked out really well. Have heard good things about the mojo kits...
  2. you'll find it easy if you remember that as a bass player you don't get paid by the note. Most of the re-treads I know never get the idea that you don't need to play all the notes you know to get a groove going with the drummer. But if you dig the idea of being in the engine room, there's no better job.
  3. need a solo? loud and electric? I can't get the rest of the guys on short notice, but in a pinch...
  4. Yeah, easier. Tone is different. Hardtails rule.... 8-)
  5. Yeah, that works, but it's not the same feel because you'll still get some play in the block when you bend strings. If you do it right it'll feel like a hard tail, and won't go as radically out of tune when you break a string. All I did with mine was get a single block of wood that fits between the trem and the body and keeps the bridge plate against the top of the guitar. I've got the springs still in the back, but only so I don't loose them. They're not needed, I just misplace things all the time. Any wood will do, avoid paper because what you want is to transfer as much of the vibrating string energy to the wood as possible. Paper or cardboard isn't good for that.
  6. whenever yer ready, I'd love to bring my guys back!
  7. hey- I'm still looking here, any interest? Send me a PM with yer details....
  8. thanks gang, PM's on the way.....
  9. Yeah, it's that time again, I need some new press photos. Anyone have any suggestions for a good Aberdeen photographer used to working on music images? Cheers!
  10. That was a great night. Ray was rock-solid as always, and Mr. Obrien equally good. Never heard anyone play a bouzouki like that, either! Great show, looking forward to the next one...
  11. Yeah, we've got plenty of offers from guys that will fill in, so we're covered there..... What we need is a full-time band member that can hang with playing mostly blues, some old country, a little funk, some jazz. We rehearse semi-regularly and write lots of original material, gig regularly. Some light road work for the near future through the end of the year. Truth be told, you need to be able to play songs off the top of yer head in front of a live audience and make them sound rehearsed, every bit as much as you'll need to play rehearsed material and make is sound fresh. It's not an every-day gig, and needs someone that can play, and has a work ethic. Being fearless is a real positive trait. PM, email is best.
  12. Not one of those, but I built a Fender tweed deluxe and a 59 bassman knock-off that I wired with a marshall power section, rather than 6L6's. It's a pretty killer amp.
  13. gotta place to give it a spin? Gimme a shout if it's still available before you go to ebay....
  14. Hey Tony- What tunings are you after learning? Have you got a pedal steel?
  15. PM sent with all the details. It's a few gigs a month or so, semi-regular rehearsals.
  16. hmmmn, some extra info for y'all. we call ourselves a blues band but that really doesn't mean much. This is a band that would rather play originals than covers and has been known to pretty much improvise their way through entire sets of music. It's a little on the loud side. What we need is someone that's fearless, has a dynamic range. You don't need to know diddley about the blues. It'd be better if you were old enough to drink legally and not old enough for a pension. A valid driving license and no outstanding warrants a real positive. This is a great gig if you like a challenge....
  17. Looks like we need a drummer, anyone out there? It's time for me to get the band back to work again, everything else is all set to go.....
  18. Yeah, you're going to need an outboard mixer if you want to try and do anything sophisticated. Triangular miking the drums and mixing it down to two tracks will leave you 6 open to play with. Not knowing what recorder you've got, can you take more than 2 mic in's at a time? What you may want to do is google some of the old Beatles 'how to's', because most of the early stuff was done with a 4-track by bouncing stereo mixes along with the next layer. So, if you're creative you can actually get more than 8 tracks of audio into a recording. The bad news is that once you commit to a take, well, there's no undo button. Still, that's a great way to learn and opens up some possibilities.
  19. For about 500 there are places that will get you 1000 if you can sell them. Alternatively, look at some of the places that duplicate short runs, because they come in around 1-2 each, and look the part- printed, shrink wrapped and jewel cased. That way you can have 50 made, sell them to pay for the next batch, whatever, and not be in so deep. Also you can have them bulk printed on a spindle in an envelope to use for promo material. After all, if you've got a good disk you want it to appear everywhere that will get you press. It's not money lost, it's advertising for more, better gigs.
  20. depends on the definition of 'good', 'soloist' and 'musician', I suppose but please send me the details, might be interested if it's an appropriate fit!
  21. HAHAHAHAHAHA! Sorry guys, this brought a smile to my face.....
  22. is there a case too? or just the guitar?
  23. I'd get it looked at, especially if you're gigging with it.
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