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Everything posted by Marsh

  1. Nicotine, Valium, Vicodin, Marijuana, Ectasy and Alcohol
  2. The original version is a cracking album, but the "U.S. mix" version is an abortion. Always: is a fine tune that crops up frequently on my compilations.
  3. "Cap'n kirk - Rumble In The Bronx"!!!! "Jake - Throat Agony"!!!! The best lineup details ever!
  4. Hmmmmmmm. Really made you wish you were in a "cult" band, eh? Being part of a bunch of hanger - ongers mindlessly wandering around a dirty london flat like zombies, preaching at the alter of a man freebasing crack cocaine. All while another man with serious mental health problems is made to look like a complete idiot by "ringmaster" Pete. It was sick and I just really hope no kids were watching it. the whole thing made my stomach turn. Is this what the world of "music" has come to? The Babyshambles "songs" featured were so bad I cannot describe it - Doherty was so rubbished he could not even stand, let alone sing by the end of one of their shows. No wonder the drummer walked offstage. A sad reflection on the "musician" and the "film - maker" at the end of the day. the former is a good - for nothing junkie, bereft of any talent whatsoever. The latter is clearly a mentaly unstable man who needs better support from his friends, family and doctor. Channel Four would have been better off broadcasting a showcase for new bands instead of this tabloid - approved shite.
  5. Hardly. That's ridiculous. there's a really easy comeback comparing latter day Radiohead and latter day Pink Floyd here, but I'm nae really that bothered. If you don't like MCR I suggest you dinnae get all that bothered about it either
  6. I like it a lot, but I know I few big System fans who are disappointed. I suppose some of the lyrics are a bit throwaway: "my cock is much bigger than yours" but the riffs are garguntuan! It seems to be very much Daron's album, with loads of him singing and his jet - propelled riffage. Maybe Hypnotise will be Serj's? It does seem to be really short, but listened back to back with the next one it should seem okay! Hopefully others enjoy it as much as I am!
  7. I'd second a fair few of those, min!
  8. Not really. No need to make silly generalisations, anyway. If we all categorised everyone because of the music they liked we'd get nowhere at all. I think we should all let this one lie one before it gets silly. I like MCR. You don't. Other people do. Other people don't. Wow.
  9. I was gutted when I eventually crawled to the bar for a pint and saw how little people were there. I really was. This deserved to be sold out. They were amazing. The new stuff is amazing and I think if more people had come they would have enjoyed it. Spoke to Giles and Mark afterwards and they were just happy that everyone who made it seemed to really enjoy it. I know I did. My head is still killing me. Mosh - tastic!
  10. 3 Cheers is a great album for me - I enjoy it. I saw them on an MTV "making the video" thing and you other guys are all correct - they do seem like a right bunch of whinging dicks! Jazz, call me "ugly" and a "boring vessel" to my face next time I'm out. Adam will introduce us. Or you can just keep your big gob shut and avoid making stupid generalisations. You stupid prat. I like My Chemical Romance.
  11. Hope he's okay - one of my favourite bass players.
  12. Make sure the mighty "A" are on as LATE as possible just in case my train is delayed coming back from the fitba! I have visions of me legging it from the station to Moshulu in an effort not to miss the ROCK. Please! It would be a BAD IDEA to put them on early! See you all there tomorrow night - It's going to be a corker!
  13. Right folks, there's obviously some shit goin' down here, so let's get it sorted: Adam is fucking amazing at Pro Evo. His brothers are just as good. That is the sad truth. The goal cheat does indeed work, but if you use it you are just a cheat, and cheats never prosper. My findings are that if you play as Inter with the three strikers up front and keep a "diamond" 4 in midfield, with Edgar at the front of the diamond and three at the back you cannae lose against the PS2. Just keep the through balls coming (on the deck against big defenders) and let Martins run on to them. Stankovic is also a brilliant corner taker and crosser, so you have options there also (get to the by - line and make sure you have support in the middle, double - tap O and by a law of averages you will score a couple of headers this way.) I have tried loads and loads of teams, but Inter just seem to keep coming up with the goods. Having said all this, the rulebook goes out of the window in two - player mode. Anything goes......... I have created the Aberdeen Team down to a tee. It took me about 5 hours to complete the "ADT" on the front of the shirt but it was worth it as it looks spot on. I have the entire team with all the players (ready for a BIG update soon, hopefully) and all the players look as close to their real life counterparts as possible. Some are better than others, but you sometimes find yourself a bit limited. For me it enhances my enjoyment tenfold playing as the Dandies. I have found myself going home on a few Saturdays after us losing for real and cranking up the PS2 just so I can thrash Real 5-0 to make myself feel better! I think we need to (in the words of the soon - to - be - axed ITV prime time show) BRING IT ON So everyone can stop bragging about how great they are with such and such team etc. For the record, I have won every cup in the game, completed a Master League, unlocked everything that can be unlocked and play just about every night when I get home from work for an hour or so (before the missus gets home.) I don't even think I'm that great. I must say that it's so much more different playing against human opposition than it is playing the PS2 (even at 6 star level, which is what I play it at.) Your opponenet just won't do any of the "silly" things the comp does (like thumping the ball out when there is no pressure on them, or always shooting at free kicks within a certain range) Anyways, looking forward to the comp. It would be nice to actually meet some of you guys as well. Hopefully sometime this year....................
  14. Skindred. Dub War. Cecil. Voy. Bullyrag. King Prawn. Dog Toffee. Cynical Smile. Heid Chairge. Mushroomheid.
  15. Fucking amazing, Andrew. Really looking forward to this. And really looking forward to seeing you live soon. Hope all is well in Dangerfields land. marsh
  16. Nope. If it was part of the overall package - i.e. a co - headliner or something I'd be interested. But to me it's 35 to see the Pixies. I can safely say it'll be one gig where the headliners will be the best band that plays that day. Unless Husker Du have reformed to play at this event.....................
  17. It is fucking expensive, like. I would say i'd pay anything to see them, but 35 quid all in seems a tad excessive.
  18. Unorthodox fae you, Dave! you never fail to surprise me......... That "dancing" drives me up the bloody wall
  19. Good on ya. I wish I even remotely liked the new stuff, as I'd go and see them play the older stuff, but it frankly offends me what they write and record nowadays. But each to their own, so hope you enjoyed the gig the other day and, hey, they're fellow Scots so I hope they continue to do well! Useles info: My sis used to go out with Rod from Idlewild's ex - flatmate - me and Rob (screamingzombiehell) got backstage the first time they played the Music Hall! They are fine fella's and Colin even had his Mum and Dad backstage with him! But seriously, they were really nice guys and let us drink a fair bit of their rider! Result! Only time I've been backstage at the Music Hall!
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