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Everything posted by Marsh

  1. Hawkins version is an embarrasment. It's truly terrible. And no amount of darts - orientated videoage will cover that up. The Sparks vs Faith No More version on the other hand is a truly amazing cover version. In fact, it's one of my favourites. The riffage is amazing and the tag - team vocals are brilliant. I think they are two very different takes on a superb song. One just happens to be shite, the other ace.
  2. I tried at 9:00 and entered all my details, clicked the "order" button and then the page just hung - as anyone who's ever accidently double booked tickts before will appreciate this is shiteness personified. I waited 5 minutes before closing the window and restarting. By the time I'd got back in all standing tickets had gone. I re - tried again and by that time they had a disclaimer asking users to be patient as they were expecting a lot of traffic. Obviously their server had crashed and they were fast selling out. So I never got tickets and all the standing ones went in less than 5 minutes. On the Ticketweb site anyway. ******* Awaits someone posting "Well I got through no bother first time." *******
  3. I've been trying all day and it doesn't work. Maybe if we try tomorrow - perhaps the dates were incorrect? Gutted as I had high hopes of getting some tickets secured early on.
  4. ..............After E6's cover of "Radio Ga Ga!"
  5. Sorry, should have pronounced it "haaaahd" as in "haaaahd Dave!"
  6. Marsh

    Steve Vai

    I hugely enjoy the Dave Lee roth stuff Steve Vai plays on. Yankee Rose even has an absurb attempt at Vai's guitar "talking" to Dave at the start! Stunt guitarist, aye. No less fun for that. I'm sure it would be exciting to watch live. The lack of tuneage may make it drag on for a bit, but if you're into that sort of thing...........
  7. I cannae remember their new name either! Bugger! Needless to say they are not even half the band they used to be. They released an amazing string of singles through V2 records, but after they left the label their two self - financed offerings were slightly underwhelming (to put it kindly) My sister (who lives in Edinburgh) sees the drummer (Andrew) taking names to join Amnesty International on a regular basis. They just missed the boat for "making it." I think they could have been contenders. Glad someone else remembers them! I was well into them! They were the first band I ever spoke to and felt well hard when I used to speak to them in the Lemon Tree in front of my mates! Still got their first single fully signed - probably worth half a pence in today's money!
  8. And the best kept secret, evidently........
  9. You'll be able to go anywhere - It's a free - for - all at the Academy. I've had all sections printed on my ticket for different gigs, but you enter through the same door and have access to the upper bit (with the bar) and can go right down to the floor to see the "whites" of their eyes. Just don't throw a shoe at Jack like some tosser did when I saw the at the SECC last year............... Enjoy the gig. I'm sure they'll be brillinat. Gutted i'm missing it, but it's my own fault for getting married next year
  10. Does it not have your place of birth on it? I thought they had changed them so they had this information on it? We have been advised to get a new one before going on honeymoon to avoid having to travel to get a new one in a year's time. Maybe I misunderstood. In any case, the point is the guy has lived in Scotland since birth and would carry a "U.K." passport - not a ROI one. Scottish Passport is, in any case, a dreadful travel themed game show from yesteryear, hosted by our old chum Craig McDonald.........
  11. It's not ridiculous. Lennon got boos from his own fans (regardless of how many) because he played for Northern Ireland. That is ridiculous Loads of Celts have played for Scotland - McStay, Collins, McNamara, Nicholas, Douglas off the top of my head. Some great Celtic players have played for Celtic. Not the point, many others have turned their back on their own country to please the fans and to play for ROI and be a "true Celt." I have no right to tell someone what they feel their national identity is? I think the Scottish passport he owns probably takes care of that one. Look, don't try and kid me. Last season I was at Parkhead. I was here when Celtic came to Pittodrie. I know what goes on. I know what songs are sung. I know what flags are brandished. You're telling me the bulk of these guys are genuine Irish? I dinnae think so. Most are guys from Glasgow with dreams of being Irish and who get caught up in a religious war with Rangers. Celtic were even shouting their "specialist" songs at us least season (again). Brainwashed. I don't do bigotry. We (Aberdeen) don't do bigotry. Don't even mention the word. I feel it's an "issue" best left to the Old Firm. Anyways, there are far more important issues than the situation in Glasgow - TOMORROW. Bring on United.....................................................................
  12. Chortle! I honestly think the lad has just been brainwashed into the mindset of a "true Celt" - playing for Ireland and the Hoops cannot be topped. He'll be up there in a special Hall of Fame with Pat Bonner, Anton Rogan, Tony Cascarino, Liam Miller and Mick McCarthy (probably a few others) as players who have played for Celtic and Ireland. Oops, sorry, Republic of Ireland. If you play for Celtic and Northern Ireland you get booed to fuck by your own fans. Poor Neil. He thinks every fan from every team hates him and it's all religious bile. Don't worry Neil, we at Aberdeen boo you because you're a hacking, cheating, moaning faced nyaff!
  13. In that case I stand corrected (said the man in the orthapedic shoes) - I thought it was a grandparent of his that was Irish. I still feel that it's wrong to turn your back on your home country - after all he was born in Scotland and lived here all his life. I'm sorry, but I do feel that he is doing what many (if not all "true") Celtic fans would do and is playing for Ireland to create a "holy grail" of playing for ROI and Celtic. I'm nae that bothered, but last time Celtic played at Pittodrie I only saw Ireland flags in the away section giving me the impression the fans would like to be associated closer with Ireland than Scotland. When I was at Parkhead for the penultimate game of last season it was Ireland all the way - The huge shamrock crest everywhere, a gentleman playing Irish songs before the game, Ireland flags everywhere, a forthcoming testimonial game for McNamara against er, Ireland. The point is any young lad growing up supporting Celtic would love nothing more than the chance to play for Ireland too. McGeady is "fortunate" enough to be in this situation so he used his chance. Others would kill for that chance. Ah, you're talking about Mr. Quashie! Sad as it is to say, if some of the true Scotsmen played half as good as Nige did in Italy we would have salvaged something from that game. He played his heart out. But, true, he's about as Scottish as I am Nigerian and has no right to pull on a Scotland shirt. Just like Matteo, Elliot, Sullivan and Hutchison before him. "I'd rather have a team of Scottish failures than English winners!" And I wouldn't use the "F" word. Seriously, I keep out of all that nonsense. It's all about the fitba for me.
  14. What, for deciding to turn his back on the country he and his parents were born and bred in and to play for the ROI just to prove he's a "true Celt?" I fully blame him. For being a prick. Cleary Scotland are a shite team, like you are implying, but if the manager picked the right team (of which I would say McGeady would be part of had he not decided to go green) Scotland could be a fast, counter attacking team that would be difficult to beat. And then maybe guys like McGeady would want to play for Scotland. But for as long as we have a mangaer that rates a 0 - 0 draw with Belarus as a "good result" (playing a 5 - 4 -1 system,) we will continue to be shite. And lose players like McGeady.
  15. As mind - blowingly fantastic an album King For A Day is I would never say it is better than the genre - bending / defining masterpeice that is "Angel Dust." I think many would agree with this. Album of the year is also my second fave FNM album. In my opinion. It's all relative to what you like. In terms of a band "getting better with every album" I would agree FNM at least strived to make every album different and raise the bar each time with every release. They were never happy to rest on their laurels.
  16. Couldn't disagree more! "The Living End" is way better than Hellbound, agreed. It's also far, far, far superior to "Roll On." I hate the Roll On album and adore the "Living End" one. There's no way it was a step forwards - a step backwards in my book. And Modern Artilley is one of the worst albums I own. I was SO gutted when I first heard it. I have listened to it time and time again, but still think it's a truly dreadful album. there is no way it is better than "The Living End." It just doesn't have the groove, the energy or the free -flowing brilliance that was flowing when the band recorded that album. But all just in my opinion , y'know.
  17. I would say Muse are a good example of this. Showbiz - Origin of Symmetry - Absolution. Each one gets progressively more ambitious, the riffs get bigger, the quieter bits get quieter, the louder bits get louder. I love the other two albums so much, but definitely think with each studio release they have raised the bar and got better. Some people will disagree, but I think they have proven you can improve with each release. fair enough that's only three albums but I am hopeful they can continue in this vein with their new album!
  18. I was first made aware of them when I saw them playing "Trumpton Riots" on Peel's 50th Birthday tribute on BBC2. It was one of the most off - the - cuff things i've ever seen. I'm gonna watch the video tonight I think! HMHB would be pretty good good live I think.
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