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Everything posted by the_beastly_one

  1. The word is practice. No matter how bad you feel towards it, just keep in at it at every opportunity and the rest will come naturally, depending on what you want to learn. Don't be disheartened by the first few months though, like I was, you just have to keep working at it. I'd also recommend at least knowing some basic theory- even with the stigma people seem to attatch to it, it helped me a lot. Good luck with it.
  2. Oh aye, so we're all going to go to Megadeth, get home at like 3AM then sit the exam at 8 30, haha? It isn't happening, I just have to accept that I'm well and truly fucked. Unless we developed some system of transporting me home through telekinesis? Or maybe if I just hid under the pile of coats it would be OK........help!
  3. Fucking hell, I found out today that my first Higher prelim is on the 4th.....Jesus, I'm fucking gutted now. Why couldn't they just have gone one night later?! *dies*
  4. And you are a legend, I love Run Lola Run.
  5. Fuck, I'd probably much rather stick my cock in a barrel full of pirhanas (spelling?) than be out in the snow to be honest. Sorry to spoil the mood.....haha. Snow sucks!
  6. I don't know the name, but my favourite episode is the one when they join the dating agency. Haven't seen it on UKGold for ages?
  7. Wasn't involved with any of the ins and outs of it, but basically they've split into two bands, one remaining as Dezibel and another involving Ron and Daran. I always seen them as the main organisers and the backbone of that band, so I decided to go with their one. We practice at Station House on Sunday afternoons at 2PM if you're interested.
  8. How long ago? I've been pretty recent, like since last summer? Always had problems getting to Station House during the week though, so I've always been a little on-off, and now I'm having a go at some stuff in Ron and Daran's new band. Maybe all 3 of us know eachother then?
  9. I've done some stuff with Dezibel for quite a while (the ones who play outside Marks and Spencers) and I'm currently working on a new one with some former members, but if it's that sort of drumming you're going for, I'd definitely be interested. Although I like what I'm doing just now, I'd really like to expand to other forms of percussion and possibly something a little more frantic. Send me a PM if that's what you're after.
  10. Oh Jesus, This has really set the benchmark much further than its predecessor, you know, it just looks so much sharper. Haven't had a go at the multi player game yet, but hopefully I'll get a chance in the next day or two, Halo 2 owns you all!
  11. Seen the picture on the front page of the Evening Express- pretty damn cool really, brightened up my afternoon.
  12. Go on! Haha, nothing serious for now, meet up, play a few easyish covers or something, I'll pester you on MSN about it.
  13. Aye, I could have a go at guitar if you like. The usual: kev_smeghead@hotmail.com if you'd like more info.
  14. I'd have a go at something if you like, probably nothing serious for now, but could definitely have a go. MSN address is kev_smeghead@hotmail.com if you fancy a chat.
  15. Ah, might have a go if I find someone to go with, but it'll be pretty late- parents and shit. Should be a laugh though.
  16. From the official Megadeth site: "Nick Menza has been replaced in the lineup for the upcoming Megadeth tour. In his place will be Shawn Drover (Eidolon). We look forward to the upcoming tour with Shawn and wish Nick best of luck in his next endeavor." Bastards! Can't he just like, get on with people? Well of course I don't lknow that's why he'd have left, but it looks pretty likely judging by Dave Mustaine's past record of um.....'interpersonal skills', and some of his recent comments in interviews, he's turning into a bigger asshole than ever. Also, what do we think about the new line-up? Can it still be called Megadeth with one original member, or not? Was pretty impressed with the new album, but I'd have still rather seen Chris Poland do the tour at least, rather than having a completely different band to the one who recorded. Yeah, this post is too long by my usual standards, so I'll just shut up and leave it to you lot now.
  17. Oh Jebus! *orgasms*, we all need that album now.......or whenever it comes out, it's all good. Never heard Jerry even do a mediocre piece of music, always top notch stuff, so I look forward to this if it ever sees the light of day.
  18. We walked past at about lunch time and didn't know who it was for, but the queue was massive so we decided not to wait.
  19. Because you suck and I kicked your dog........ Hooahhahahha.
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