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Sue Denim..

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Everything posted by Sue Denim..

  1. Mary had a little lamb, She also had a duck.... (Feel free to add comedy ending, I can't be arsed.)
  2. Dragonforce coming to Aberdeen! It doesn't get much better than this.
  3. It says in the bill that to 'smoke' is defined as having lit tobacco or a substance containing tobacco. This means that herbal fags are still allowed in enclosed spaces. .... and possibly grass too if they change the law!
  4. Make your feelings about a bar known by visiting www.pubs247.com and putting comments down.
  5. I'd like to see Maxwell booted out so that the rest of the housemates can gang up and bully Saskia. I've really got to get over my sad addiction to reality TV.
  6. That's the Anchorage. I haven't been there for years and last I heard it was getting done up. (At least 5 years ago.)
  7. Just for the comedy, I've just phoned the Quarterdeck bar, and yes, they are still serving ale! Must pay it a visit sometime.
  8. Flash, you're losing your touch. You forgot the Quarterdeck bar on Blakies Quay.
  9. Does anyone actually use it? If so, when is the best time to go on and speak shite?
  10. Kinga is out. Damn, no more fat-chick antics to watch.
  11. Nothing wrong with the 524 lounge. It's just full of old men through the day and a darts team in the evening. Beer is shite though and not much room for sitting. As for the harbour, obviously go to the moorings but try them all down to the Neptune Bar. The worst one (In my view and that includes Peep Peeps which is notoriously famous for football casuals and a fat cunt barman)is probably the Fittie Bar because it is just full of pre-metro night outers. Now the Belmont bar.... that's rough.
  12. You're not the only ones into your middle age, I remember it well.
  13. The Palace? Moshulu? Zuu? Barney Rubbles was the place to be.
  14. Gridlock's Richard Whiteley joke is the best I've heard in days. Unfortunately, someone closed the thread. Have you no sense of humour? Richard Whiteley would have loved that gag.
  15. I've had 4 wisdom teeth out. One was at the dentist and was fucking sore, the other 3 I had out in a military hospital and amazingly, before I got the sleeping gas I got given a sepositary! It's my teeth that was the problem.... not my arse! That's army doctors for ya.
  16. In the words of Europe..... Its the Final Countdown...... Dooo doo doo doooooo Dooo do do do doooooo etc.
  17. A Dragonforce comes on the jukebox moment.... http://gallery.aberdeen-music.com/showphoto.php?photo=9914&cat=500&ppuser=1904 I have no shame.
  18. Shamelessly 'copied and pasted' from a forum with a filter on the words 'Crap and Shit'.
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