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Sue Denim..

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Everything posted by Sue Denim..

  1. Wouldn't it have really confused the police if the guy had just staggered into the bar and layed down of the Moorings dancefloor inside the outline of the dead body.
  2. I've tried not to add to this but I feel that I have to. I spent nearly 8 years in the Army and I can tell you it is the most professional army in the world for a reason, we are all volunteers. That's how basic training works. The bottom line is, you wanted to join. You want to serve your country and you want to be the best in your unit. I served with the Allied Rapid Reaction Corps across Europe and I've worked with other members of the armed forces from countries which have mandatory subscription and I can tell you, there is a marked difference in attitude between those who volunteered and those who were forced. A volunteer really is better than 10 forced men. I know, I served with them. I certainly didn't want my life put on the line by someone who doesn't give a shit and just wants to do his time and go home. We need a professional Army, not a rehabilitation centre for bad lads. I wouldn't be happy arming some young shit-bag who has been given the choice of joining the army or going to jail.
  3. It doesn't bode too well for your driving test if you can't even get to the theory test centre!
  4. ...Of course it will.
  5. It says here it was a Military Spyplane.. http://www.thisisaberdeen.co.uk/displayNode.jsp?nodeId=148571&command=displayContent&sourceNode=148301&contentPK=12803914
  6. So how do you plug in a Cymbal then?
  7. You make the assumption that our government will always be unintrusive and trustworthy. What if the BNP or another less trusting government came into power? Do you believe for one second that the biometric data would not be used for racial means? This is exactly how the Nazi party distinguished 2nd and 3rd generation of Jewish ancestry during the 2nd world war.
  8. So what's the wording of the new ad then? My favourite advert of the moment has the be the Travelocity.com advert with Alan Whicker playing flamenco guitar. It just cracks me up for some reason.
  9. It'd be great if someone did an Aberdeen version.
  10. I wish. I'm going on holiday to Spain instead.
  11. What a wonderful website. I love that pub 'The Flying Scud'. Flying Scud - .Strippers & live metal bands pub closed in 94 after police seige involving an armed gang. In the eighties it had a sign outside depicting a ship. They used to have heavy metal night on Friday and Saturday and the strippers only appeared when the pub was close to closingdown for good, when it was being frequented by certain gangs. Marvellous.
  12. I heard that there is nothing but his exposed brain underneath. o_O
  13. Is that the same Macabre that brought out the Geoffry Dahmer album? I hope so, that album is fucking ace.
  14. I don't care how many bombs the Governement sets off... I still don't want their fucking ID cards.
  15. Trafalgar square webcam.. http://www.camvista.com/england/london/trafsq.php3
  16. Wheeeeee. They could have added spikey bubbles and blood but it's OK.
  17. Aren't you the popular one? Happy Birthday. Another year closer to death.
  18. It's better when you put the peanut butter on the bread then melt it under the grill rather than just spreading it cold onto the toast. It can seriously burn the roof of your mouth but it's worth it.
  19. Do you think she'll do one about piles and use the grapes from the fruit bowl?
  20. And if it doesn't have any influence, the starving Africans can always use the white bands to keep their trousers up.
  21. You'll probably find that you can't actually delete all the files. (Such as index.dat ). So if you have been looking up dodgy porn you'll still be found out via such a file.
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