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ThE bAsS MeKaNiK

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Everything posted by ThE bAsS MeKaNiK

  1. that alone makes it worth it. AAAaaaaarrrrrrrr
  2. that is seriously sweet. wish my room looked like that
  3. interesting choice by dreamworks. not sure if i agree... but at least they`re making a proper Transformers film FINALLY
  4. stopped paying attention to metallica after ...and justice. just overproduced bland metal. another journey down Master directions and i`d buy it.
  5. bus journey from hell. you have my deepest sympathy. we are hoping to play south (london included) later this year so we might take you up on your offer of assistance.
  6. What an incredibly dull and tedious life you must be leading if your(<) spending you`re(<) free time correcting the spelling and grammatical content of peoples posts. ps. copy and paste wont help in your exams
  7. check this out. tis pretty cool. zoomquilt
  8. theres a new rehearsal space beside atmosphere(?) on Nelson St, off of mounthooly roundabout.
  9. Nine inch nails - barrowlands - 96(?)self destruct tour Public Enemy - Reading Festival - 92/93ish Mars Volta - Barrowlands - couple weeks ago more but my brains not working right
  10. hmm. drummers seem pretty rare these days........
  11. guitar picks my memory erm........i forgot the rest never lost keys(got the same keyring i bought 18 years ago) or my wallet or my phone maybe im just possessive....
  12. ha fukin ha. mccalls a wanker. good ridance to mouthy rubbish.
  13. ace. this film is gonna be so dark gonna have to watch it with the lights on!! *cue evil laugh*
  14. xbox roxks. especially if you can get online with it. DOAultimate, rallysportchallenge2, starwars:republic commando, halo 1+2 and ghost recon 2. all pretty ace. i love shooters and xbox does it better than ps2 (though pc is the daddy). played a bit of pro evo4 and fifa on xbox. pro evo wins on that count - footie games aint my fave though.......
  15. all the dudes were pretty awesome. that was one of the best gigs ive seen. all of them going mental. dropping in and out of songs with jams and playing for 2 hours. wow. Marcel..... if he was the guy sitting playing keys and occasional precussion he looked like he was gettin into it as much as the rest of the band but, hey, they were all gettin into it would say more but was pretty drunk too which doesnt help the old memory. fave song though was Roulette Dares (The Haunt Of). brilliant!!!
  16. loads of info. cheers. ive read a few good articles on setting EQ levels and so on and read somewhere that feedback eliminators are quite handy for vocalists (in-line types btw) for reducing feedback in the monitor mix. checked someprices - a bit too rich for me anyways guitars need feedback
  17. maybe. but i was pretty chuffed with his ticket
  18. anyone know anything about Feedback Exterminators? anybody used them at all? any good? just wondering....
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