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Everything posted by bryn

  1. the machine is just taking the piss - clever lil bastard!
  2. The Doors - 'the end' Im really not sure how long this is, but it is above average song length. Seen 'Apocalypse Now' at the start this song plays - pow-er-ful!
  3. bryn


    Nope, think about it... Tuning up to F is pointless, because that F is totally achievable in standard tuning, hence theres no point in doing it. You can't hit a low C# in standard tuning
  4. What are funktastic four like? aside from the obvious
  5. What are funktastic four like?
  6. no no, its genuis music, the musicianship, the changes, pattons twisted lyrics Possible the best bungle album, but claifornia is brilliant.
  7. bryn


    I think - his voice is too high too sing in E, so he needs to sing in F. Because he's musically lazy, he doesnt just change key, he tunes up to accomodate (being lazy and all) so he can play easy open chords in F rather than E (where he cant sing) Wat a clever bar steward
  8. Hmmm, to do all that, get lessons from joe satriani (easy option) or practice practice practice, practice..... practice.... yup...
  9. Funktastic four, sounds goodarooney, mp3s??
  10. Fucking brilliant album!! you no like it???
  11. I learn by pissing around for hours. I mean, I pick up bits and pieces along the way, but as for 'practicing', I can never get into a routine with that. Its like goin to the gym, only die hards keep it up. I think my style is original in the sense I've never bothered to learn a full song by anyone. I got a 4track after playing guitar for about 2 years so all I've ever done is create, rather than learn iron maiden solos.
  12. 'a result of decades of non-improvement' - well thats an original way of learning guitar i guess.... You did it on purpose right? to maintain the untouched, raw, emotional vibe you thought would be lost by practicing
  13. you have an original playing style or approach to playing? If so, how did you learn? How do you think its possible to be original these days? 'aww, everythings bin done before....' What modern guitarists have an original style?
  14. bryn


    Ive never used a tuner, I probably play in high G or something but don't know any better I dont see why he'd tune up - pointless
  15. So this slipknot album is worth buying?
  16. havent heard fantomas, though its patton, so it should be good!
  17. Hehe ur all from inverurie cool, ever heard of minky kemnay?
  18. bryn


    Man, bowl cut with mullet - sounds rough! two of the worst ever haircuts combined to make something even more sincere and deadly....
  19. so hes a genius because he's been in jail, and wrote a bunch of shit songs that supposedly inspired an even bigger bunch of most likely even shitter bands? Libertines influental - pah!
  20. The funkiness is calling me... where is this available? did someone say its rare and expensive?
  21. I want to make a jingle, what should it be like? an actually song? or what?
  22. technically yes, but no, not as a genre i believe.
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