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Everything posted by bryn

  1. who is 'morrissey'? ive noticed him being mentioned alot in the boards recently
  2. haha I wana see Tar, my sister had a tar cd few years back - fucking ace!
  3. Aye - she's full of shit, or, the old men who write her music are...?(
  4. If you re-read what i posted it says along the lines Eddie took guitar to 'EVEN higher level', not 'eddie was the first guy to take playing to a new level' I think both Eddie and Hendrix where the two most influencial players in guitar based music, due to both their inspiring playing and popularity (as bands) among the masses. Sure Petrucci is 'better' but he's never gonna sell as many records.
  5. bryn


    There is a band in russia called apraxia. Wasnt getting on at spike pile driver I think theyre cool, just saying, I cant see how 9 songs is too much. The whole review is...interesting, he approaches as though it is very professional. The recording process took one hour, every song was first take with the exception of one song, that took 2, so its a live album. Stuart seems not to grasp the raw 'rock n roll' concept or basic live atmosphere that we wanted to create, saying the vocals are out of tune etc - its a raw recording. However, our music will appeal to fans of riffs, solos, slap bass, energy, not people who are into ten minute instrumentals i.e eplosions in the sky, so i guess its just not his thing, so its perfectly understandable why he'd get bored, fair enough - difference in opinion / taste Whats cock rock?
  6. True, hendrix did start a lot of things so yeah i guess he is the best, I wish I coulda been a lowly 60s guitarist, goto woodstock and see hendrix divebombing all over the place - awesome! eddy took things to an even higher level. He's fast enough without being overthe top, i.e not wanky -he plays solos to take a song forward, so he is tapping speed crazy yet tasteful, which is pretty special.
  7. Primus - 'to defy the laws of tradition' Joe Satriani - 'the snake' RHCP - 'aeroplane' Funkadelic - 'cosmic slop' Metallica - 'orion' COMPLETELY without thinking, there are far better ones than these, well...
  8. Theres some plain old tapping in the apraxia demo / cd / thing
  9. I wouldve said nuno bettencourt but I'm gona say van halen Eddys guitar playing is truly unique, his solos are vicious sounding
  10. Dunno about grades, some Nick Drake stuff is good to learn I learned 'the bare neccesities' ages ago, (yeh the one from jungle book) it was ace, quite tricky in places
  11. Zakk Wylde is full of shit but man.... he can rip
  12. Arctik was interesting, tight and very sad sounding - in a good way. I found it a really good, gripping listen - your voice is undebatably great, though it got a bit tedious towards the end... but then so do we. The keyboard, piano idea was cool / atmospheric, but I couldn't thinking how much cooler it would be if he was to play more in the way of melodys and little solo parts, but maybe thats not your style.
  13. Isnt it more of a conversation where opinions are being voiced rather than the usual drab threads
  14. Brandon Boyd is an ego? he totally makes out not to be. Hes does speak some artsy fartsy shit tho... Another thing bout incubus, I always see them advertising stuff. Honda, La coste - SELL OUT!!!
  15. 'music going forward' is the same as saying 'original' all of the bands on my list are original no? Also, look at the language, 'more' not 'only', but this is irrelevant after the first point.
  16. Oh that fat guy!! yeah...hes fat, you wonder why such cool guitarist can look so.... fat
  17. I bought a 'classic rock' for the first time. It was good because there was no image used - i.e scorpions / other extremely uncool bands I agree with tav bout total guitar, it is aimed at the much younger market, but the other ones just bore me zzz
  18. Haha stephen does that mean you read NME? hahaha honestly man, I mustve read 20 this week - the idea was that it promotes a certain amount of image those were examples to back up the case.... rock sound, NME, kerrang, metal hammer are all guilty of cashing in on image
  19. leave yngwie alone! hes not fat..... that IS who your talking bout right?
  20. I was in the school library alot last week as my INT2 Hospitality class (!!!!) had finished, so I stuck to the huge rack of NMEs. Its a really shit magazine - ever ready to promote this whole NME post hardcore (?) image: ciggarrettes - most likely Malboro greasy-but-loveable hair emoish clothes You know the kind? also, almost every band featured is called 'the....' The datsuns the libertines the darkness the von bondies the strokes the white stripes cant think of any more at present but u get the drift I blame the state of music partly to magazines like Kerrang and NME who seem to push image rather than music and generally speak shit. What magazine do you read??
  21. I hate the Darkness because theyre so patronising. It pisses me off they get all this fame by moving back in time, I'm interested in music moving forward.
  22. The person with the big list, most of those are just obvious ones
  23. Angel of death you say incubus arent good? no way, I'm not the biggest fan but its undebatable that theyre a good band: Brilliant bassist Decent guitarist truly excellent singer How can you deny one of the last good bands, ever....seriously theres bin nothing good since them, except ummm Chimaira...yeah!
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