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Everything posted by bryn

  1. yeh i was in today, no ian simpson, no siree - bought ten easy wishes instead, its....good.....
  2. Streets is shit. full stop. 'kfc or maccy d's' 'never seen so many fit giwls'
  3. I pmed him and got no reply! will try again!!
  4. bryn


    well done by the way
  5. bryn


    i bought it today - not my thing but i can see its good
  6. best maiden album - The First One!! worst maiden song - the Fugitive
  7. Cooleo, will prob be in this saturday, see what I can get!
  8. bryn


    when I think of it i dont see how its too long. Spike piledriver demo has 41 songs. Its a collection of work, if you get bored turn it off no?
  9. bryn


    argghhh! I knew we would get nailed for it bein too long. Some songs (track 5 especially) are genuinely just shit. Cheers for the input, theres def plenty of that. I duno bout the samey sounding thing, a genre is a genre
  10. Thats true. Every modern band has a wimpy attitude/attack to their own music. You watch T.v nodoby seems to give a shit what theyre playing. WHERES THE FUCKING PASSION??? I DONT WANT TO SEE THE RASMUS STANDING AROUND LIKE A BUNCH OF PRICKS. I WANA SEE MIKE PATTON PISSING ON NOSY JOURNALISTS!!!
  11. I don't think any band since Incubus (95?) encourages any sort of emotion from me
  12. They love you !! cya sat, will rock \ kick almighty ass!!!!
  13. doh! maybe just a pat on the back...
  14. guitar - nuno bettencourt (extreme) guitar - myself vocals - chris cornell drums - any random amazing technical metal drummer who can funk like the best of em bass - les claypool (primus) If I thought more Id prob make a better one
  15. haha, I hope i never turn out like that.... he looks like such a moody cunt, cheer up micheal.... five bucks to anyone who finds a picture of micheal angelo looking happy
  16. Nah pulling out is for losers rumour has it there are six, yes SIX bands on the bill.
  17. ok im on 105.8fm and that is def not element 106 its playin 'patty griffin'? i think im doin somehitng wrong
  18. ...play that really gimpy looking guitar with the two heads?!??!
  19. well, they gotta be seen to be believed! saturday 15th may at the moorings www.be_there_or_suffer_my_wrath.com
  20. yeh, come to the moorings on the 15th may!!
  21. bryn


    I've got (i think its called) Awake? listened to it twice - cant get into it at all
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