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Everything posted by bryn

  1. Can't handle the truth huh? sory, the libertines and other NME bands severly piss me off
  2. Yeah, when you realise the guitarist is kinda chubby, any fear just gos completely out the window.
  3. What a loser, The Libertines know jack shit about music
  4. Nah, not the best. He's a good frontman, but less in a traditional sense, more of a frantic, modern, throw yourself of the drum kit sense. Traditional frontman I'm thinking the likes of Hetfield - he dominates
  5. Id get the Ibanez because I can't stand playing guitars without trems since I got the RG550
  6. cos their other stuff is shite? The whole mask thing is genuinely a Mr Bungle rip. Mr Bungle shows are just like slipknot ones yet with less security and better music!
  7. The last track 'man who sold your house' is prob the best
  8. funk and jazz? sounds cool as fuck is u ask me! The guitarists are supposedly awesome, but Ross Robinson wouldn't let them play solos on the first album cos it was too 80s - wat a lamo
  9. I think Axl Rose is def one of the best. Everyone says he's an asshole etc, but its a character he created around himself, the guys not stupid plus he's an excellent performer. Chris Cornell for having an amazing voice (not the audioslave days tho) Marilin (sp!) Manson - control? controversy, power over crowd
  10. bryn


    Would a dreadlock / mullet combination be cool?
  11. bryn


    Hint: he's not being serious...
  12. bryn


    shut up u fucking dreadhead cunt
  13. So, what exactly is the definition of stoner rock? why are stoner rock bands called that? theres nothign particularly stoner about kyuss
  14. bryn


    i will geta mullet soon
  15. Man - this sounds really good!
  16. bryn


    Bearing in mind as a band we havent given stuart any critcism.... I am allowed to argue an opinion no? im thankful he listened i know exactly what your saying
  17. I was at a gig where this drunk guy was walking up to the stage with a make-believe remote control trying to change the channel lol - surprisingly didnt work.
  18. bryn


    I dont have a perm *reaches for hair straighteners no actually honestly I don't... or leathers! but i do play solos...'COCK ROCK!' or just a display of how poeple have come to tolerate the 'less-is-more' attitude for too long?
  19. bryn

    palm mute

    chugga chugga chugga, thats the sound u want
  20. I hate emo because its pretty much the best rock music thats available in this day and age. The image is quite frankly feminine, emphasising the lack of muscle in rock. hehe Its just weak, plain and simple. To think that musicians in the past 'tried' to make good music. Nowadays there is no thought, no passion, just over-polished product and nancy boys getting all the hoes! However I think the tide is turning, I see the music industry as almost errupting into revolution which come about through peoples own boredom with lacklustre music and of course the internet that should hopefully kill off the 'industry' - The idea that it will be a lot harder to be succesful may inspire musicians to use their brains.
  21. bryn


    Sausage is kinda crappy.... just a lotta claypool really
  22. Morbid Angel is pretty cool
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