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Everything posted by Snowball

  1. It was a rather battered fedora that some ned took a fancy to when he was on his way home in the evening. My boyfriend would have argued but apparently this guys face had so many scars that they actually altered the shape of it, and he was acting rather strangely, so, as he put it, better to lose his hat than his wallet or his phone. Personally, I get rather wound up about people like that thinking they can merely grab whatever possesions they fancy...
  2. My constituency (Aberdeen North) has a pretty poor choice, it has to be said. The obligatory Conservative, Labour and Lib Dem, SNP and Socialists, I think. No Greens, Independents, or even Monster Raving Loony. Bah.
  3. They do. But then again, the arseholes that mug you don't seem to be discriminatory... hence why my boyfriend had his hat stolen a couple of days back.
  4. Thanks for the advice. Mine's black too, with the lovely white back that shows up all the scratches. Silly colour for an appliance if you ask me... *grumble*
  5. Erm, what was the solution if you don't mind me asking? Becasue I'm having the same problem,but not as bad. I would like to get it sorted before my player comes back (it broke! :'()
  6. I really really *really* didn't like it. Not my thing at all. But I do realise it was well made and original...
  7. Dave Gorman, Dave Grohl, Dave Lister, and of course all the Daves at my work. Ooh, and Dave?.
  8. I registered on the TPS thing and it seems to have worked... I still get phone calls for the woman who lived here before me and moved out *two years* ago though, aaand calls for her with her maiden name. :grr: I also enjoy telling them that I'm on the second floor, so no, I wouldn't like a conservatory...
  9. I remember being told once in S.E. that it is common for teenagers to pass out in baths or showers if the water is too hot. I've never passed out but I think I've been close to it.
  10. I work there taking tickets and so forth and people do walk out of films quite a bit. Normally they're older and have been disgusted by the language, but sometimes it is people who just don't get it. Or, "hey, it's a' in forrin, I'm nae readin a' that!"
  11. Most of the drivers of the vehicles on the road would argue that they had to be driving, i.e. it's part of their job, they have to be somewhere with no public transport links etc. Smoking is entirely optional. Sure they both emit the same fumes, but I don't really care about breathing in some chemicals if they're coming from a vehicle that's delivering supplies to a hospital or whatever. I do, however, take offense at breathing in fumes from cigarettes. If you're going to compare traffic and cigarettes with regard to fumes, why not compare the methods being taken to prevent both? New fuels are being developed to prevent exhaust fumes. Smoking is being banned from public places to prevent those fumes. A pretty extreme example, but the same person could have very different opinions on both of these, which I find odd.
  12. I found it bloody hard to buy my place. Even when a property had newly appeared on the ASPC's website, when we called to view it had been been sold. They sold at a tremendous rate. When I finally did see one I liked, the sellers' solicitor told us that an offer had already been accepted when the sellers themselves told us that they had had an offer but they weren't even considering it. One angry phone call from the dude selling the flat soon sorted that one out, but I still paid way more than I should have for a wee one bedroomed place. I don't trust estate agents as far as I can throw them.
  13. I don't understand how they can blame Manson's paintings of something that actually happened but not blame the media, who no doubt reported on it and gave every single bloody detail of the case. What's the difference between an artistic depiction of a murder and the tabloids giving their own gruesome account with every horrific detail?
  14. I thought it was great. Better than the first one, although I watched the first one for the first time just before going to see the second, and I didn't pay much attention...
  15. Sponsored by the Anderson County Sex Offenders Listing!! And ! for good measure! Slightly different from our approach to crime and punishment...
  16. Heheh. I beat it with Kaizer Sose. It thought I was someone from the Ghostbusters.
  17. I find that supermarkets don't like students and their unwillingness to work 34 hours a week on top of their work and who want days off for silly unimportant things like gigs or field trips... Sorry, I'm just bitter at these companies that employ lots of students then don't seem to realise that uni is the top priority, not some crappy minimum wage part time job.
  18. eBuyer.co.uk and advancedmp3s.com seemed to be the most reliable and had the lowest prices when I was looking.
  19. It's weird to see that some of these girls have avatars (or whatever LJ calls them) of girls with average, healthy bodies. Sure, they're maybe slightly too thin but you wouldn't worry about them. They can't see that they look nothing like these pictures. I think that's the most upsetting thing.
  20. I thought it was extremely badly done but enjoyable all the same.
  21. If it comes down to it, take your birth certificate... obviously not photographic, but if you have something else which might back it up but wouldn't do on its own, it might work.
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