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Sam the Eagle

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Everything posted by Sam the Eagle

  1. probably the worst performance I have EVER seem on totp. i swear, if poor pink were dead she'd be turning in her grave right about then but unfortunately she's very much alive which means either radical spinning or some sort of denial stroke hiding element must be required
  2. i got major deja vu-age there... i'm sure i've been awake at an inappropriate hour when delly's had a birthday before too... eek. more of the life gettage require happy bulthday.
  3. and with that i shall disappear back to the safety of my red thread, safe in the knowledge that i shall be quiff-tastic from now til eternity
  4. well, hairy feet, judging from our conversation earlier it most certainly wasn't me.
  5. The Red Thread: A New Hope Red boxers Red Belt Red (albeit striped with black - dennis the mennis stylee) tshirt Red Laces Red Hat Huzzah.
  6. Genius film... almost as good as the wiz.
  7. is that vanilla ninja? of estonia, but actually representing those cheeky swiss skamps. up to their celine dion antics again methinks. hmmm... i'm plugging the ruby wax industrial drummers or helena of greece fame. Malta are always good for a euro laugh On Again Off Again for instance, this years Malteaser is a hideously large bird, probably avec poncho but she sure can belt them out. For all you mainstream rock types that like a bit of a laugh, Wig Wam and their darkness-esque tune's pretty slickable in your head. And for those just popping on to see if Javine's breast pops out again, she's on second so you wont have too long to wait... Viva la diva.
  8. i don't imagine it'll go on for that much longer what with the immenent return of kat and then alfie leaving before christmas really. the thing that gets me about soaps is the fact that I never get to see any of them now (apart from neighbours - which i would still kill anyone who stood in my way of watching it) yet i still know everything that is happening, and that's just by walking past magazine covers.
  9. i think it's part of the jib description for any sort of cbbc male presenters. cough andrew hayden-smith cough cough andi peteres cough cough katy hill oh wait she wasn't a man cough
  10. Nah penny, the sea is blue, not yellow!
  11. i'm quite surprised there hasn't been a small old bingo granny writing into the evening express about the "garish and unsightly" paintjob. still, it's only been a few days/ good to see bigger premises though, you could barelyswing a heavily tattooed dwarf in the old one
  12. if you get a copy of the australia neighbours soundtrack release the song is on the cd, and the video - complete with skinhead love story, is on the bonus dvd
  13. i also had issues with wallace and gromit and chicken run. they need to redefine animation and cartoons and decide what is what
  14. i went to a colin farrell concert, yes that's colin farrell, back when he was still trying to be a singer. it was fun, i was in dubai and quite drunk
  15. he he giant bender... will young anyone?
  16. jitterbug, you put the boom boom into my heart?
  17. is that pauline quirke? or mcmanus?
  18. photo by mary fitsherface mccartney as in pauls photographing daughter
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